These Identical Twins Met their Perfect Match...Literally

Twins bring double trouble, and no one knows that better than these two. While these sisters always expected their life story to be a little unusual, the duo never expected to have their worlds turned completely upside down. What started as a normal sporting event soon became a full-on game of love...

Briana and Brittany

Briana and Brittany Deane were as close as sisters could be. They acted the same, sounded the same, and even had identical DNA. The twins weren’t even sick of each other. Actually, they loved to spend time together, they even preferred it that way. They knew no guy could break them apart, and frankly, they didn't want one too. They wanted to find love just like everyone else, but their bond was more important. 

Unlucky in Love

The sisters knew that if they ever were going to find love, they would be a package deal. How could they not be? They were always by each other's side. They worked the same job, had the same friends. Dating one was dating two, so they figured being alone together was easier. They decided early on to give up on love. After all, they could still have a little fun without falling in love, right?

Two for One?

Their career was by far the most important thing about them, or so they perceived it to be. The two were successful lawyers at the same firm. A law practice can be time-consuming and stressful, so there wasn't even any time for dating. Every free moment was spent with friends and family, and the free moments were few and far between. What guy would want that kind of relationship?

Missed Connection

The girls still found time on the weekends to relax and enjoy their lives, so when they went to a local sports game, it was only supposed to be for fun. They had popcorn in hand, hats to block out the sun, and nothing on the itinerary except enjoying the day. However, the day was going to be anything but ordinary. Across the field, they saw something that made their mouths drop...

Love at First Sight

Brittany spotted the brothers first. The girls were out and about at a sporting event, ready to have a normal day, but she spotted a pair of attractive twins across the way. Brittney recalls being unable to take her eyes off of them, and once she pointed them out to Briana, they both were love-struck…

Making a Move

The girls were nervous but decided to go over to the guys and say hello. What was the worst that could happen, aside from totally embarrassing themselves? Together, they gathered their courage and waited for the game to come to an end. Once it did, the twins made their way across the field to make their introductions, hand in hand. What if there was nothing there for them, they'd never know unless they tried…

Slaying Love

The men in question? The Slayer brothers, Jeremy and Josh. They also saw the ladies from across the field, and had the same plan to approach them! They didn’t have to, thankfully, because the girls made the first move. After a casual introduction, they exchanged numbers and social media handles. “It was nice to meet you both,” said their texts “We look forward to seeing you at the event next year.” year?!

Why Wait?

As it turns out, the boys wouldn’t be back in town for a while. They had only come to the city for the big game, and wouldn’t be back until the next one. They decided to continue to talk while each other were away. The girls responded to the boys’ texts saying “Why would we wait?” Only a few weeks later, the guys traveled back to Virginia to meet again…

Date Night

Eventually, they met up for a first date, a double date of course. No one was nervous about the big event, instead, they were totally excited. The big drive down to Virginia proved to be more than worth it, and everyone had the time of their lives. But there was the big question that came with twins matching up with twins...who liked who? What if their favorite liked the other one more? What do you do when your competition looks just like you?

Perfect Fit

Well, turns out, they didn’t need to worry about that at all. As soon as they met up, it was clear who hit it off with who. Brittany and Josh had an instantaneous connection while Briana really had some sparks fly with Jeremy. From there, they knew that they were all on the verge of something truly special, but would it work? That was a risk they were all more than willing to take...


It was everything they had always hoped for, identical twins who get to marry identical twins. Their dream, as ridiculous of a wish it was, had finally come true. They were living out the most unrealistic goal they could have come up with...but then they had an interesting thought. Were they the only ones who thought that way? Was there a larger community of twins who wanted to befriend, or even date, other twins?

Twin Days

Short answer: yes. There are actually tons of twin meet-ups and conventions around the world. The first twin convention was held in 1976 in Twinsburg, Ohio. It’s a bicentennial meet-up where identical twins can meet up with other identical twins (or fraternal, but where’s the fun in that?) The first one had 38 pairs, but today over 77,000 meet. But that’s not what Jeremy and Josh wanted…

Love on the Brain

The men had only ever dated people who were not twins, but knew, should they ever get married, it would only be to other identical twins. Just like the girls, they had no idea how they would ever accomplish this, but they had faith in the destiny of the world. They vowed that the only way they’d ever get married would be if they met the right set of twins. And then, they found them…

The Next Level

It was a few months of dating until the couples realized this was more than just casual dating. They were deeply, madly, truly in love with each other. They started tossing around the idea of taking things to the next level. They knew the timing was quick, but they also knew what they felt in their hearts and didn’t want to wait any longer. Why waste time? But the proposal needed to be special…

Down on One Knee

The guys wanted to make sure everything was perfect for their big moment. After all, these girls were the loves of their lives. They fell in love as a group, so it only made sense to propose in the same way. The guys brought them all to the Twin Lakes State Park and told the girls that they were going to be in a commercial. Of course, they had a few tricks up their sleeves…

Past Love

The guys actually had brought the girls there on their first date together. It was a little piece of a romantic past that would carry them into their romantic future. They told them that there was no commercial, and this was the real deal. As they each got down on one knee, the women shrieked in unison (with excitement, of course!). They couldn’t believe it was all happening so fast…

Thinking Ahead

They really put thought into everything they did for the proposal, even going as far as to propose on February 2nd, so that the date would reflect their twin status. It was 2/2! The women were so excited that the loves of their lives were so involved in the twin lifestyle as they were, and so cute too! It was an instant yes from both of them, and the wedding planning began…

Wedding Planning Begins

In a whirlwind of a romance, the couples didn’t want to wait long to get married. They knew what they had was so special and so real, so why hesitate? Only six months after the perfect proposal took place, the white wedding was underway. The “I do” was so much better since they were all together in one big double wedding! It was more than just a hectic event...

A Magical love

Well, they knew that their circumstances were unusual, some might even say magical. They decided that the two couples would have a joint fairytale themed wedding. They even decided to host the big day in Twinsburg, Ohio, where the twin convention was held every year! Incredibly they had twin ministers at the ceremony too! They were determined to have the most twin-centered wedding possible...

Love of a Lifetime

These twins did everything together, and then some. They wore the same wedding dress, got married on the same day, at the same time, and had the same big reception. They even had the same honeymoon! This group just could not be separated, not even by marriage. What about where they live, would they be separated by distance? That was a hurdle they hadn't considered...

Twins on TV

Not these twins! They voted that after the wedding and honeymoon, they’d all move in together. The action didn’t stop there. The television channel TLC was there to capture all the twin action. A producer was interested in documenting the four twins’ lives. They all unanimously agreed. What could go wrong with a little behind the scenes action to show how genuine they were?

Pregnancy Plans

Nowadays, they're looking for their future home and planning to get pregnant at the same time. Since twins married twins, the kids will all have the same genetics but technically will still be cousins! Even crazier, the foursome has decided to co-parent the children all together. Can you imagine a closer family? Well, there is one case of such a story…

Darlene and Diane

Darlene and Diane Nettemeier went to the 1998 Twins Fest in Twinsburg, Ohio, expecting to meet some cool people who shared similar matching-DNA experiences. They really weren’t expecting to meet one man, Mark Sanders, in this sea of seeing double. But once he caught their eye, they knew there must be another. Right? This was the twin festival after all, so why was he alone?

One to Two

The ladies went over to say hello, hoping that he wasn’t just someone working at the event. They couldn’t imagine fighting over a guy, and wouldn’t let one separate the two of them. Luckily, before they made it all the way over to him, the crowd revealed a look alike. Thank goodness, there was one for each of them. But would there be sparks between the group?

Instant Attraction

The guys were ecstatic to meet the “neat blondes” as Mark called them. But who paired with who? Well for Mark, the answer was obvious. “When I went downstairs I was instantly attracted to the one on the right,” he said, “Diane was standing on the right and Darlene was standing on the left and I was instantly attracted to Diane.” And Diane felt the same way...

Long Distance Love

This worked out perfectly, since Craig was more attracted to Darlene. The four talked for the whole convention until it was finally time to leave. Mark and his brother, Craig Sanders, were from Texas while Darlene and Diane were from Missouri. They exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch long distance until they could meet again, but that might be months and months…

Double Dating

The next time they got together, the sparks were more than still there. They had doubled.The foursome went on a double date to a St. Louis baseball game and had a great time. The group decided they couldn’t wait anymore. Long distance was becoming too much to handle, so they got engaged on that very same day. It was a dream come true for these sisters and brothers…

Sister, Sister

Just like Briana and Brittany, the girls wanted to have a double wedding with the same wedding dress. As Diane put it, “We had a double wedding and Darlene and I decided that we wanted to wear the same dress and then our dad walked us both down the aisle at the same time.”  This was incredibly important, since the girls came from such a tight knit family...

Next Door Neighbors

After the wedding, the couples bought houses that were right next to each other. The only thing keeping them apart was a fence. Without hesitation, they agreed to remove the fence so that their kids could all play together. The only problem was that they didn’t have any kids, at least not yet. And this is where the story goes from wild to unbelievable...

Three Sets of Twins

In 2001, Diane and Craig were so happy to announce that they were pregnant. The real kicker was that the couple would be having twins! They had beat the odds of a million to one. Two twins would be having twins. They were happy to tell their good news to their favorite people, their neighbors, and their family. Very convenient that those are all the same people!

Cool Cousins

Mark and Darlene were also blessed with three children of their own, although none of them are twins. Criag says that although their life is a bit unusual, they see themselves as “Just two normal families who happen to be close to one another.” They’re definitely close, and their five children love playing together every day. Cards, sports, puzzles, they got along perfectly, like cousins and siblings...

Twin Troubles

Mark was the only one of the group who thought it might be weird to marry identical twins but knows that love is more important than society’s expectations. “There aren't that many of [identical twin marriages] that we are aware of in the United States, and when you throw in the third set of identical twins, that makes it even more unusual,” he says. Mark said he knows he's incredibly lucky for his strange life...

Family Matters

Their children are named Colby and Brady (the twins), Landry, Reagan, and Holden. As Craig put it, “I don't know if it's fate, or whatever. It seems like a lot of things that happened was meant to be. It's how anyone meets the person they fall in love with.” Sure, just with a little double trouble. They can't wait to spend the rest of their life as one huge, happy, and doubled family! 

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The More You Know

  • Bill Gates plans to donate 95% of his $81.1 billion dollar wealth to charity. That's about $77 billion dollars!
  • The population of the United States increases by one person every 12 seconds.
  • Vietnam is one of the most pro-US countries in the world, with 76% having a favorable view. This is higher than Japan, the United Kingdom, and France.
  • The Canary Islands are named after dogs, not birds.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.