Unbelievable Moments Captured at Burning Man

Burning Man is one of the most cherished, unique, and genuine celebrations of humanity on the planet. There is no festival or gathering that celebrates art the way Burning Man does. These photos prove it, and you might find yourself looking for tickets at the end...

The History of "Burning Man"

So, Burning Man was started in 1986 by an artist named Larry Harvey. He and his friends made a 9-foot-tall wooden sculpture of a man, dragged it out to the beach in San Francisco, and set it ablaze. The friends made this an annual tradition but increased the size of the man every year. 

As Time Went On

Since then, Burning Man has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon. Burning Man was moved to the desert in Nevada from San Francisco in 1990, so this year is technically the official 30 year anniversary. In 2012, a record 55,000 people attended, and they are expecting more in the upcoming years. 

Larry Harvey

Harvey was a hippie vagabond with a trust fund who lived amongst the artists in San Francisco. The first night of Burning Man was actually an exhibition party he threw that exploded into something much more memorable. He posted the flammable man sculpture on a nudist beach and set it ablaze at sundown to see how many people he would attract. 

The Beginning of an Era

Coincidentally, tons of people wanted to come to figure out what was on fire. The 100 people that gathered that one evening in 1986 tried to recreate the event the next year but it was shut down by the police. They moved the burning to the desert, and the rest is history. 

Getting Larger and Larger

As the years went on, 100 people turned into 1,000. This small event to celebrate the burning of a sculpture and the freedom of artistic expression evolved into a multi-day party. Larry Harvey wanted to keep Burning Man to himself and his closest friends, but he saw a business opportunity and decided to sell tickets to his annual showcase. 

Mistaken, Not Shaken

As Burning Man raised in popularity year to year, the media started to catch onto the antics in the desert. In 1996, Larry Harvey was contacted by the San Francisco Chronicle accusing him of starting a cult in the desert. He denied the claims and instead referred to Burning Man as "Disneyland in Reverse, Woodstock turned inside out, the farthest thing from a cult but also still a cult.."

Bigger and Better Things

As the festival grew, so did the Man. In fact, from 1986 to 1990, the Burning Man sculpture multiplied by five in size. The event was moved to a stagnated space in a place called the Black Rock Desert, nearly 100 miles north of where it originally took place (after the festival moved from San Francisco). 

Burning Man Today

Nowadays, Burning Man attracts tens of thousands of individuals from all over the world. The tickets usually sell out within the day they are posted online. People resell tickets to Burning Man for nearly ten times their worth in the aftermarket. 

The Police and Burning Man

Ever since Burning Man's conception, the police tried to shut it down. Cops are allowed around the Black Rock Desert, but not inside of Black Rock City (the temporary city that pops up the first day of Burning Man). There are several arrests each year, but the number is actively shrinking in modern times. 

Why is That?

The Nevada State Police are not allowed to enter Black Rock City because it is technically a self-governed state for the time the festival exists. The crew behind Burning Man hire security personnel, but standard laws and policing (while they still exist) are rarely enforced. 

Who Goes There?

History aside, why do you think people attend Burning Man? Well, it's the only party on Earth that celebrates arts, culture, and community free of all pre-established boundaries. These individuals are called Burners, and they walk among us every day. 

Is That True?

Yes! The pictures of the seemingly alien creatures that turn up at Burning Man are usually everyday normal people. Lawyers, doctors, artists, teachers, even priests show up at Burning Man for one reason or another. Whether it's the sense of community, the desire to party, or just sheer curiosity, people from all sorts of walks of life end up at Burning Man. 

Is a "Lawless" Land Safe?

Well, yes and no. Safety is ultimately in the hands of the person who puts themself at risk. Burning Man is in the middle of a desert, and attendees are in charge of bringing their own food and water, so your safety depends on how well you thought this trip out. 

Who's Helping?

Although we previously mentioned this, Burning Man attendees are looked after by hired security personnel. There are rarely any cases of misconduct, but keeping a close eye on attendees and removing those who are of questionable intentions keeps those numbers down. You can trust that your life is safe in the hands of your family on the Playa. 

The What?

The Playa! That's what Burners call the Black Rock City. The Playa (which translates to "beach" from Spanish) is a nickname that attendees gave to the vast expanse of sand and sun that is Burning Man. 

What's on "The Playa?"

It's funny you should ask—pretty much anything you can think of is on The Playa! There are a few hired artists that come out every year to make exhibitions, but outside of that, all of the art and events are planned by the attendees. Seriously, absolutely everything is organic. 

That Doesn't Make Sense

It might not click for someone who isn't of that mindset, but the tickets to Burning Man are essentially a space rental where you can set up whatever you want to bring to the community. Additionally, nothing costs any money on The Playa, everything is given away or traded for. 

How Does That Work?

In order to maintain its authenticity, the power behind Burning Man doesn't allow companies to sell their goods on The Playa. All goods are to be gifted or traded for no matter what. That includes food, costumes, water, alcoholic beverages, and anything else you can think of. 

So Does That Mean You Don't Have to Bring Anything?

Although this is frowned upon, you technically can get away without bringing anything to The Playa. This goes against the wishes of the crowd, and if everyone came with nothing, nobody would survive. It's proper Burning Man etiquette to show up with at least something to contribute. 

Burning on a Budget 

Burning Man is inherently expensive given its "festival" nature. However, as long as you can cover ticket prices and transportation, once you're there you can pretty much cover everything else. Burning Man is especially unique because some individuals can drop $20-50,000 on one Burn and others can spend less than $500 in totality. 

Ticket Prices and Availability

We mentioned this earlier, but it's important to reinforce that it is particularly difficult to find a ticket for Burning Man. Presale tickets are generally significantly more expensive than regular sale tickets (try $1,400 compared to $400). But, the availability of tickets has skyrocketed in recent years with fair resale culture permeating the market. Everyone knows someone that can get them a ticket to Burning Man, it's just a matter of committing to it. 

Diversity is Key

Burning Man attracts people from all walks of life and backgrounds. However, in a 2014 study, it was determined that 87% of Burners were white. Although the authorities behind Burning Man do not speak to this (they just advertise and sell the tickets, they have no control over who purchases them at the end of the day), they stress the importance of inclusion and diversity in their community. 

Understanding the Weirdness

Burning Man is not for everyone. If you have enough money, you can live lavishly on The Playa (lucky you), but that isn't really the philosophy behind the festival. Burning Man is about stripping down your outside persona and sharing a sense of community with strangers. 

Leaving Nothing Behind

Burning Man is as much a celebration of the Earth as it is of humanity. There is a strict "Leave No Trace" guideline that all Burners must abide by. Those who are caught leaving litter, or ignoring trash that has been thrown on the ground are subject to public ridicule. 

The Beauty Behind the Concept

Even though it doesn't coincide with the rhythm of the average modern lifestyle, people treat Burning Man like a vacation. It's not a vacation in the relaxing sense, it's an escape from society. For some, Burning Man is a religious experience that brings them clarity and direction for the upcoming year. 

Fitness Freaks Are Welcome Too 

Burning Man is a haven for people who love to work out. Since 2006, Burners have been coordinating an annual Burning Man marathon, as well as rock climbing, pole dancing, roller skating, and, of course, lots of yoga. There is no shortage of physical activities to try out if that's your kind of thing. 

The Burner Experience

Many repeat Burners develop identities for themselves at Burning Man. Some people have friends that they only see at Burning Man annually, sometimes neither of them even know their real names. As previously mentioned, Burning Man is a place to be whoever you want to be, or whatever you want to be, as long as it doesn't harm others. 

Maintaining Yourself

Burning Man does not have the "traditional" amenities that you've become accustomed to. Instead of showers, there are human car washes. Instead of restrooms, there are portapotties and handmade plumbing systems to get accustomed to. If you're expecting to stay clean every day, you probably shouldn't be going out to the middle of the desert anyways. 

First Timers Don't Fret

People who are attending Burning Man for the first time should look over the website and try to get in contact with veteran Burners in chat rooms. Reddit is a great resource to speak to and learn from others who have been before. However, nothing beats a true virgin experience at Burning Man.

Welcome to Burning Man

The first decree of many virgin Burners is to develop your Burner name. This is the moniker that a lot of Burners are either gifted or make up themselves. This is the name you are supposed to use for the entire week since you drop your real-world personality at the door. 

Keep Your Feet Covered

Black Rock City was built on top of an evaporated saltwater lake, so the sand is actually quite alkaline. If you walk around barefoot (like some attendants insist on doing), you can get chemical burns from the dormant salt in the sand. Burning Man authorities advise individuals to wear closed-toe shoes at all times. 

Rollin' Around

People take bikes from place to place mostly, but others who have the time and cash to spend tend to get a little more creative with their transportation. Motorized bicycles and scooters are allowed, as long as they adhere to the pre-established Burning Man rules. Skateboards, motorized single wheel devices, and wind-powered vehicles are allowed as well, within reason. 

Methods of Transportation

Experienced Burners share a common trait of being able to transport themselves across The Playa effectively. As the festival grows larger and larger, the Black Rock City limits extend as well. People have adapted by bringing bikes to The Playa in order to get from place to place, which has proven to be the best way to get around. 

As Long As You're Not Walking

Walking around The Playa presents its unique dangers. The Black Rock Desert is notoriously windy, so trudging through the dust and wind on foot several miles can be exhausting. Add that on top of the intense heat and cold from day to nighttime and you've got a recipe for dehydration and delirium. 

The Initiation Ritual 

Those who attend Burning Man for the first time are asked to exit their vehicles upon arrival. They are asked to roll around in the sand and exclaim "I'm not a virgin anymore!" three times before receiving a group hug from veteran Burners. It is then customary for the veteran Burners to bring the first-timers to their favorite spaces to meet their Burning Man buddies. 

Pop Culture and Burning Man

The media has portrayed Burning Man in a very interesting light in the years it has been active. Generally, the image of Burning Man has been co-opted to represent a wild getaway where the craziest of the crazies congregate. Mostly Burning Man is represented as a group of wild hippies getting trashed in the desert, but that's far from what it's supposed to be. 

Not Just About the Good Times

For a lot of people, Burning Man is a spiritual experience. Some people don't want to be part of the party. The catharsis that this gathering brings people isn't always positive, and the community has accounted for that.

The Grieving Man

Every year, Burners set up a memorial for one of the more influential contributors from Burning Man's past. David Best was a world-renowned artist and major contributor to Burning Man, there is a transient temple erected in his honor in Black Rock City. Burners are encouraged to write a letter expressing their grief and leave it at the temple. 

Tying The Knot in the Desert

Individuals don't just go to Burning Man to grieve and party, there are typically several weddings that get conducted there every year. All you need is $60 a person, an email prior, and two valid IDs, and you will be wed on The Playa. Show up at the Pershing County Clerk's office afterward to pick up your wedding certificate, and you're as good as married. 

Is There Music?

Burning Man isn't a music festival, but musicians come from far and wide to offer their talents to the crowd. Some huge acts have attended as well. In 2012, P. Ditty performed for free along with Major Lazer. 

But Wait, There's More

Burning Man is a never-ending source of entertainment. All attendees are encouraged to take on as many activities as they possibly can, but there's no way to greet them all. Since the number of attendees increases annually, and everyone has something to give, for the most part, there is an infinite number of things to do and people to meet. 

The Oneness of Burning Man

Despite every attendee's unique skillset and intentions, Burning Man is generally united by one universal interest: partying. Although this is an all-ages festival, Burning Man is a haven for drinking and drug use. While drug use is still considered illegal within Black Rock City, those laws are rarely enforced. 

Volunteers Will Help You Out

Since there are so many attendees, the people behind Burning Man need more help than just hiring security personnel. Roughly 2,000 volunteers are chosen every year to keep people safe and engaged on The Playa. Whether it's distributing water, passing out sunglasses, or just giving Burners directions, they are always there to make sure you have a good time. 

Not Just For Common Folk

This festival has attracted more attention from celebrities as time has gone on. However, traditional celebrities tend to stray away when there is no money involved. Instead, celebrities who are famous for their fascination with the arts and innovation tend to show up at The Playa. 

Wait, Really?

People like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and many more have been spotted on The Playa. Zuckerberg got outed while serving barbecue and grilled cheese sandwiches to Burners in 2017. Evidently, Elon Musk has attended several Burning Man festivals, but he usually wears a disguise. 

The Best Way to Go About It

Burning Man started with people staying in tents, but now Burners have created a whole new arsenal for themselves. RV's and campers offer a more cushy experience for Burners with some extra cash in their pockets. However, it's pretty highly frowned upon to "glamp" while attending the festival. 

It Doesn't Stop There

Some of the more "high profile" Burning Man attendees have taken their comfortable desert experience to the next level. People have hired bodyguards to stand watch over their campers, hired personal chefs, have air conditioning and TVs, and exclude the "common folk" from joining. This portion of Burning Man is called "Billionaire's Row."

Cash Can Take You There

Billionaire's Row is an exclusive segment of The Playa where extremely wealthy individuals can segment themselves off from the normal Burners. Although this goes against everything Burning Man has stood for ethically, money talks. People spend up to $50,000 just to reserve a parking spot in Billionaire's Row. 

Who Shows Up?

Major sports stars, tech execs, and Wall Street tightwads escape to Burning Man to get away from their lives. However, they tend to congregate and celebrate as the other Burners do daily, except they have celebrity chefs cooking their group meals and high profile bartenders making their drinks. If you're pesky enough, you might get to sneak a peek into Billionaire's Row, but you definitely won't be invited in. 

Power to the People

Despite the elite ruining the spirit of this beloved festival, Burners have created their own version of Billionaire's Row that is open to all types of people. If you want a fine dining meal, you can sign up with something to contribute, and if you're chosen, you get to eat for free. Huge celebrity chefs and restaurant owners have commanded this side of the economic fence because that is the spirit of Burning Man. Who would want to eat lobster and caviar in the middle of the desert anyway?

Ice Cream for the People

One of the greatest advancements in Burning Man history has been the inclusion of Ice Cream pedalers. Since everything has to be made on The Playa (this is the "essence" of Burning Man), people have started to bring giant cylinders of liquid nitrogen to hand out free soft serve and sorbet to the people who want it. 

The Mobile Creamery

Yep, you're looking at a mobile ice cream distributor. This truck is called the "Icecycle Creamery" and it's the most popular ice cream service on the festival grounds. Some of their select flavors are Black Rock Rum Raisin, Strawberry Margarita, and their specialty: Burning Breakfast, which is a mix of bourbon, caramel, and bacon. 

Burning Man Adjacent

The folks behind this festival have acknowledged that not everyone can attend Burning Man when they live in a different country. However, there are Burning Man sanctioned events that occur in New Zealand, Australia, and China every year. Although they are not directly coordinated by the minds that put on Burning Man, they're the next best thing for someone who wants to get in on the fun. 

There Are Deserts Everywhere

The spirit of Burning Man exists in a multitude of places, but one constant is that it has to be celebrated in a desert. Most other countries adhere to this idea, but there is one American Burning Man adjacent event that does not. There is a "regional" Burning Man festival that is set in Maine on a remote mountain clearing. There is no sand, but it does mimic the feeling of being sandwiched between the mountains in Nevada. 

The Ten Rules of Burning Man

There are ten cardinal rules of Burning Man. They are a collection of principles and values that attendees must adhere to if they want to be welcomed back. These rules help maintain the health and wellbeing of all Burning Man goers, as well as the sanctity and ritual of the event. 

Rule #1: Radical Inclusion

Radical inclusion means that anyone, regardless of their background, can attend Burning Man. In short, this means no racism, sexism, queerphobia, xenophobia, or any prerequisite prejudice whatsoever. At Burning Man, everyone is created equal. 

Rule #2: You Must Gift

No currency is allowed to be exchanged, the only thing money can buy you is ice and coffee. If someone wants or needs something, you are not obligated to give it to them, but it is the right thing to do. Especially since you will be receiving numerous gifts on your own from complete strangers who just want to contribute to the community. 

Rule #3: Radical Self Reliance

There are no tour guides at Burning Man. You must rely on yourself and your own principles to guide you around The Playa to see what you want to see. Additionally, people will help out, but you are expected to bring your own stuff. That means you should have shelter, food, and water for yourself when coming in.  

 Rule #4: Radical Self Expression

Burning Man is the only time that some people get to live out their ideal personas If you want to walk and talk like a robot, Burning Man is the place to do it. If you want to walk around naked or in a suit of armor, this is the place to get it done. You MUST express yourself at Burning Man, or you won't have a good time. 

Rule #5: Absolutely No Monetization 

There will never (repeat NEVER) be a Burning Man that is sponsored by a corporation. There will never be a Starbucks tent, a Dasani refilling station, and there will never be cans of Red Bull given out by overzealous brand ambassadors. We like it that way, and we like how it will stay that way. 

Rule #6: Communal Effort

Creative cooperation and collaboration are essential for Burning Man attendees. Like we said earlier, if you are not expressing yourself, there is no reason to be there. In addition to that, it is part of this credo that Burning Man attendees will look out for one another in their time of need. 

Rule #7: Civic Responsability

Even though Burning Man is a world away from the world, you still have to abide by state laws and regulations. Everyone is to be an upstanding citizen, and those who are not will be arrested. This is to hold the sanctity of Burning Man together and avoids getting it shut down by the nosy government. 

Rule#8: Leave No Trace

Burning Man is a festival that puts emphasis on respect. Respecting the Earth is one of the most stressed philosophies to uphold. You will leave absolutely no trace of your time on The Playa behind, or you will not be returning. 

Rule #9: Radical Participation

Everyone is encouraged to both participate and encourage participation in yours and other Burner's events. Whether it is a live painting session, a wine tasting, or just breathing together in a circle, it is imperative that you get out of your comfort zone and try something you wouldn't have tried otherwise. Not only will this make you a better, stronger, and more educated person, you'll also be making someone's day. 

Rule #10: Stressing Immediacy

Living in the moment is an absolute must if you are to go to Burning Man. This is actually a rule, you must be present and free your mind. Living in "the now" is what Burning Man is all about. In order to have a good experience, you must experience it with your entire being. This is also a great philosophy to carry onto real life afterward. 

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The More You Know

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  • In 1945, Dwight D. Eisenhower predicted that people would try to dispel the holocaust as a falsehood, and ordered all possible photographs taken of the Nazi crimes to hinder any such attempts.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.