Unedited Drone Photos That Will Blow Your Mind

Drone photography is the latest craze in the art world, and it's pretty easy to see why. Whether you're capturing an up-close photo of an African lion or an unbelievable shot of a giant whale, drones allow you to see things from a new perspective. Check out some of the coolest pictures in ways you've never seen before...

Split Down the Middle

You might think that is an ocean, but take a second look! These snow-covered trees are sitting right beside the evergreen ones and it looks unreal. What could possibly cause this kind of anomaly...

Who Let The Sheep Out?

Once sheep make their great escape, get ready for a long day of herding them back in. This drone caught their devious action just in time for a truly hilarious photo. Good luck getting those guys back together!

Little Lion

Lions are usually seen behind the cages of a zoo, not right under your nose! This guy looks like he's about to swat at the drone flying overhead, but not before posing for the camera! Hopefully, he didn't manage to knock it out of the sky...

City Living

A lot of cities have problems with providing green space, but every once in a while you can find a sweet spot like this drone operator did. They even snapped a picture of the tennis court below. Bring your racket if you plan on making a visit to this cool city spot!

Chomp Chomp

This marina has a sense of humor! These boats are all docked in what looks like a monster's mouth! Each boat makes up one of the teeth, and if they have to leave, then the monster loses a tooth. Very clever and cool for drone photographers!

Flower Fields

Most people have never seen a flower production field in real life, but if you ever can, you totally should. There are so many colors and vibrant life in fields like these, and it's something impressive to see both up close and from a high distance. Wow!

Boating License

Drones love taking pictures of boats on the open water, but what about ones just getting to shore? This tiny boat just showed up at the dock when this photo was snapped. The promise of a great ocean-faring adventure awaits!

Country Roads

Country roads are famous for being long and winding due to geography standing in the way. This one seems to be especially curvy with several twists and turns. The nearby forest seems to be the perfect contrast for the dark road though. Quite a pretty picture!

Oh, Hello!

Ever need someone to take a picture of you and a friend? Well, no more! As long as you have a drone camera and an open rooftop, you can get a perfect shot for yourself and anyone else. Talk about both convenient and cool, this is pretty creative!

Total Isolation

Have you ever wished to be totally alone, away from everyone you know and everything you have? Well, clearly someone did, and they built an island in the center of nothing. If you ever need to getaway, this is a dream location. Only from this view can you see how special it is...

Dubai Miracle Garden

The Dubai Miracle Garden is one of the most stunning examples of landscaping around the world. Look at all the colors, designs, patterns, and plants. This was definitely not easy to complete, thankfully someone captured it for posterity with their drone!

Just Keep Swimming

Nothing feels quite as great as swimming in the open ocean with a ton of people...right? Well, whether or not it's fun, it certainly is cool to look at from up in the clouds. These people probably don't even notice the drone overhead, they're too busy soaking up the sun!

Silverdome Drone

The Silverdome Stadium is a must-know for any sports fan, but have you ever seen it from up in the air? This gives a view of the Detroit stadium that has never before been seen. What a sight!

Diamond Mining

This is a place in South Africa that is totally reliant on diamond mining. This mine employs half the town and takes up about half the space! Everything in there must be worth quite a lot of money...

Seaside Living

Who wouldn't want some beachfront property, especially if you're posting up next to this beautiful vision of crystal clear water. No matter which house you get, it's certainly not a terrible sight to see. Which roof is your favorite?

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most amazing landmarks. It stretches for 13,171 miles and has such a rich history. If you never get the chance to visit, at least you can see how impressive it looks from this eagle view. 

Cow Farm

Don't have a cow, but take a good look at these ones! They were making some moves out there in the great open greens. Whether they're coming or going, they have quite an angle overhead. They even caught another drone in it! Got milk?

Spiral Hill

This hill is pretty to look at from any angle. After all, you can't just drive straight up a mountain, you have to go around it! The view down from the top of this hill must be cool to look at, but it's just as impressive to see from way up in the sky. This drone operator had an eye for photography!

Tree Hugger

For those extreme nature lovers, this is a dream come true. A drone caught one tree hugger laying out and enjoying the shade and snapped a picture! They look pretty pleased with the attention, a nice break from the mundane tree talk perhaps? Very cool!

Gator Views

Think you could hang with the alligators? Well, this drone might convince you otherwise. Someone snapped a shot of these beasts relaxing in the swamp, and they don't look too pleased with their company. You can even see the drone in the reflection, neat!

Traffic Stop

This photo shows what can only be described as a living nightmare. This highway in China merges 47 lanes of traffic for some unknown and totally terrible act of city planning. Make sure you miss rush hour!

Selfie Stick

Some people have the strangest ideas ever. If you're someone who has access to both a jumbo-sized wind turbine and a drone, why wouldn’t you take this high up selfie?! It’s definitely one of the more impressive feats of duck face photography...

Storm Chaser

Now, this is what photographers call a shot for the ages! This appears to be some sort of hybrid of a hurricane, some thunder, a bit of lightning, and a full situation going on. This is when it's worth it to risk your drone in the rain...

Sinkhole Snapshot

Sinkholes are honestly terrifying to look at and probably even worse to be near. These feats of nature can open up at any moment, in any location. This one is a perfect example of a nightmarish sinkhole: It completely swallowed an entire building instantly!

Wedding Pics

If your wedding photographer has a drone, expect the coolest shots ever, as this couple managed! It's even better to capture some green in such a gray city, showing off that love is the ultimate spice of life!

Hong Kong

Based on this image, it's easy to see why people think Hong Kong is barely a city… more like it’s own country. The colorful, tall buildings make it a crazy landscape for any fan of photography or any travel buff. What a cool spot!

Every Kayak

This is a kayak festival in China… It doesn’t seem to be very fun from this view, but it’s cool looking! Notice all the directions, colors, and even people inside the boats! How does any of that work?

New Seaworld?

Hurricane Katrina destroyed so many parts of the southern USA… the storm did some especially major damage to this one undisclosed water park. It’s still somehow standing but remains totally unsafe to go inside (or underwater...)

Kill Ship Graveyard

This photograph is of a ship graveyard in Staten Island, NY. These boats were used in the period during WWII. Obviously, they are out of commission. They used to be used for metal scraps, but these days the area has been superbly flooded.

Hurricane Harvey Damage

Hurricane Harvey really ruined a lot of homes and lives when it first hit. This area was nowhere near water, and soon enough it was fully flooded underneath it. Mother nature really can be a vicious force sometimes...

Italian Church 

The fog covering this beautiful church was just too unbelievable for one drone operator to pass up… whoever they are, they nailed the shot! Who wouldn't like to take a visit to this church that is apparently up in heaven!

Hi There!

Did anyone ask for a new best friend? This blue whale wanted to say a quick hello to the unseen boaters pictured here. He even let them stoke his face while they waited for a picture… How unreal is that?

Dare to Climb?

This person is spending their day free climbing up the side of this incredible cliff. Does it look difficult? Extremely. Does it also look very cool and envy-inducing? Also yes!

Hey, Lady Liberty!

The architecture of Lady Liberty is already insane enough as it currently stands, but looking at the woman herself from above is so wild! Did you know she was standing on a star? God bless the USA!

San Andreas Fault

There exists a gigantic crack in the Earth that several people believe will one day California float away from the rest of the US. After seeing this picture, you likely believe it too. Hold on tight, you western coasters!

Excited to Pounce

This lion could easily grab this drone out of the sky and destroy it if it really wanted to. Hopefully the tech made it out of this zoo alive, but even if not, the people still got to enjoy this incredible image of being up close to a lion!

Is That A...

This photo could have gone very south. These girls wanted a cool pic on their colorful paddleboards, but alas, they got a photo with a shark instead! Paddleboards are extra dangerous because they can look like cute fish next to a shark… watch out!

Weird Bird

When you gotta run, you gotta run! This dog was enjoying a nice relaxing day at the lake when she noticed that she was being followed by a weird electronic bird! THat's something you gotta chase down...

Highway Accident

Seeing an accident is scary from below, but fascinating up above. When someone caught this terrible pile up on a road, they decided to get a better shot picture of it. That’s pretty spooky to see in person!

Peeping Toms

The stingrays are enjoying their days at the shore just like these ladies are trying to! And what an exciting sight for sore eyes! Gotta take in the rays with the rays, ya know?

Weird Crash Landing

It’s kind of incredible that this pilot managed to land at this exact spot… Is that what he was hoping to do? Was it simpler than just landing in the nearby ocean? Makes a cool photo, that much is sure...

Uh...Hi There...

Can you imagine just flying your cool new drone around, looking for new pictures, having a grand ol' time, and you see this on someone's back porch? What do you do then? The general public are so weird!

Having a Time

This is the last thing anyone would expect to see running around in a field… but how often do people spend searching random fields? Maybe more people should bring their technology out into nature? You could find some real wackos wandering around in a field!

Hole To The Abyss

This is super neat to see! This is a shot of something called the Kraken Hole. Locals dubbed it that since it very well looks like a Kraken could be lurking underneath in a portal to the underworld. 

Everyone Wave!

This figure in this photo is actually dated to be around 3,000 years old. No one is sure why it’s there, or even who put it there, but most assume it's some kind of an ancient art piece. Can you imagine having that waving man in your own backyard?

Ocean Vibes

One lucky drone operator ended up catching a killer whale eating a shark in the deep ocean blue… This is the type of stuff you’d never catch again, no matter how long you looked for it. What a meal for this whale, yikes!

Perfect Shot

This is actually a man-made pool that breaks into the ocean, though it looks like something from the great beyond. The current is broken up so it looks like a lounging area, but you still get the super cool look of the ocean waves breaking over the borders.

Ready To Explode

This drone had to be super high up in the clouds so it wouldn’t catch on fire with this volcano underneath! Luckily, the photographer was still able to capture this incredible shot of an active volcano! That's pretty hot...

Nice Sharks

Let’s hope these sharks are pretty kind when push comes to shove! It seems that this scuba diver was able to find his way into this little school of spooky sharks. That’s pretty cool to see up close!

Closer Up

When flying in a plane, do you ever look outside and think, “Wow, we’re so low to the ground…” That’s probably because you’re correct! Obviously, a plane has to get close to the ground in order to land on it, but once in a while, it’s super close to things that aren’t the airport. That's exciting!

Fire Destruction

This is a chilling shot of the devestating aftermath of the Tubbs fire in Santa Rosa from back in 2017. The entire neighborhood was turned into rubble overnight, and the destruction was immeasurable. Too terrible...

Extreme Hiking

Some people are pretty off their rocker when it comes to climbing, let’s face facts. Who would bother hiking up to the tippy-top of a mountain with such a small peak?! It’s scary! Seems like this hiker knew exactly what he was doing since he had two drones capturing him.

Whale Sharks 

Whale, whale, whale, what do we have here? Whale sharks! Those swimmers are brave to get in the water with these giant beasts… They’re known to be pretty relaxed (for the most part) but that still doesn’t make the whole thing less terrifying. 

Are You Having Fun?

Hammock’s are supposed to be nice, calming, not scary, right? Who in their right mind thought this was going to be a fun and thrilling activity? It makes for a cool drone shot, that's for sure, but why risk it all?

I Believe I Can Fly

Did you know that stingrays can kind of fly? Not like, above the earth or anything, but still more than you can! They’re known for leaping out of the water like this picture shows. They look very, very serious, as they should!

Building Bulldozed

Don't mind this, just another every day sinkhole doing it’s every day terrifying thing… Look at it! Let’s just hope we all never have to deal with the earth evaporating around us...

Party Time

These sharks are really enjoying the timeless act of co-feeding. They’re living their best life, having a nice dinner, doing what we all wish we could be doing these days. 

Blue Whales Are Real

Blue whales are the earth's most insane gift. It’s wild to look at. This is a picture of a blue whale inhaling a flock of fish, all in one swoop of it's giant body.

Shipping the Ship

In order to move a spaceship somewhere, they can’t just fly it out and around or drive it across the country… They have to haul it onto a massive ship and actually sail it to its preferred location. It’s pretty unreal to see!

Details, Details

This is a stunning birds-eye view of a moving WWII memorial. The planes featured in the memorial are actual retired planes from World War II, historical significance truly is stunning.

Fishing Art

The people on this boat are working hard at catching some fish! That artistic blue masterpiece floating in the ocean blue is actually just a colorful fishing net, but those clear waters make it even prettier. Art in nature is incredible.

Shark Vacation

These sharks decided to pay a visit to a beautiful shoreline for some much-needed vacation day. The only possible way you could even get close to these stunning sharks is with a drone. Thank god someone got the shot!

Hammerhead Shark

This sea creature had no concept that a hidden drone pilot was spying on their fins! It was just taking a lonesome trek through the ocean, quite ominously, when it was spotted. What a vision to see...

Get Creative!

It's pretty difficult to somehow stand out from other drone photographers. You really have to make an effort to make a mark! This photographer did so perfectly by using clear water and a sleeping model to make this super impressive texturized picture.

Place for Planes

Where do planes go when they disappear? Allegedly, this is a restricted area reserved for military-grade aircrafts. Some drone operators took a risk to get this shot… and it was well worth it. The image is quite cool!

Doing Their Best

These two sailors were caught checking out this whale by a drone flying overhead at the same time. Allegedly, they were trying to see if it needed assistance or if it was caught in a net, but unfortunately, it had already been killed by the time they got here.

Time To Go

Hopefully, the drone operator actually instructed these people to get out of the water. This could be a real life or death situation. However, it might be actually worth it for the shot...

Family Feast

It’s difficult to see, but this is a family of whales! It is incredibly rare to see whales feasting, which is what makes it so interesting! Those seagulls are doing their best just to see what's going on, and see if they can get something on the side.

Robot Shark

This drone photographer believed that this was an actual shark being towed by a ship, but it’s really... a robot shark! It’s not obvious what in the world they were using it for, but it's kind of cool that it exists. Maybe a Jaws reboot?


Everyone smile and wave at this adorable duck picture! This guy did not see the camera, but the camera certainly saw him. What a nice location for such a wild photo!

Lurking Underneath…

This image shows a woman enjoying some swimming...as well as the creature right below her! Hopefully it's not a shark or some other dangerous critter. Either way, the water looks pretty dang blue!

Big Scoop!

Looks like this hawk thought that it could scoop up this drone for some delicious dinner. He made a good effort, but not good enough. The drone made it out alive with this great picture!

Squad Deep

While exploring the wide-open ocean blue, this drone caught a whole whale family moving along with the current. This is a squad that rolls deep in the deep, cool!

Perfect Pattern

This was taken right after a whale breached and went back into the water. It's so perfect and artisitic, you might think it was planned. But nope, just a drone in the right place at the right time. 

Nature's Line

Even though every other tree has lost its leaves, the evergreens are still going strong! That kind of contrast makes for a super cool drone shot. What a winter wonderland...

Following the Ship

This whale thought that it would just hang out behind the ship and relax. Luckily, a drone was in the right spot at the right time. The picture was worth a thousand words...

Painting a Rainbow

Why taste the rainbow when you can make one yourself. The craziest part is that this whale has no idea what he was making in the air! He made a rainbow with his own power, cool!

Top Secret Bird Meeting

You thought you knew where all the birds hung out… but turns out that you were wrong. According to this drone shot, these birds hang out in a cool spot above the wires. Not too bad of a gig!

Drone City

This is a long exposure shot of a drone circling a mountain peak. It makes it look like nature is wearing a halo. What a beautiful piece of work with this technique. 

Nice Whale Sharks

See, these creature are nothing if not friendly! Although most people still wouldn’t step foot in that water, they have nothing to fear! Those people are super impressive nonetheless.

City Ruins

This is a location in Homs, Syria. It was turned to rubble back in 2011. It’s difficult to get a clear view of the mayhem from the ground, but this drone was there to give everyone a view of the real devastation…

Gross Drone

Good thing this girl had a broom at the ready, right? Some weirdo was sneaking a peek at her while she was relaxing in a bikini on her apartment roof… Some guys are just super creepy.

Resting Place

There is a lot going on in this photo that makes it so aesthetically pleasing, but it's also super sad. That's a dead whale that's washed up on shore. Still, the colors are pretty!

Screaming Bunny

This was part of a weird art installation, and yep, it sure is weird. Someone plopped a giant stuffed rabbit in the fields of Europe somewhere… Not totally sure what the theme was supposed to be, but wasn't it pretty neat?

Hiding Out

This is probably the part of the church where the priests and nuns go to get away from everyone. Sins, rosaries, references to God, it can all be a bit much. Everyone needs to get away for a while!

Destroyed Town

This is another image of yet another destroyed city. Built back in the 1100s, it was destroyed during 2017. There was a drone to see the damage from up above and capture an image. 

Clown Season

Remember when clowns were randomly running rampant all over the United States for seemingly no reason? Yeah, that was strange. Apparently, this drone was risking it all for a shot of a corn field with this creepy guy deep in it…

Volcano Chaser

Volcano chasers are some of the craziest adreneline junkies out there right now. This is an actual active volcano he's standing beside.  Get out of there dude, save yourself!

Have You Seen This?

This is the beautiful "Christ the Redeemer" statue standing in Rio Den Janeiro. It’s unreal to see this statue from this high birds eye view! It’s huge and incredible. Quite a sight to see. 

Hangin’ With Drones

Drones like to hang out together, didn't you know? It's good to get together with old friends every now and then, just like this guy is doing. And with such an incredible view, why not?

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The More You Know

  • In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
  • There is a museum of bad art.
  • The longest wedding veil was longer than 63 football fields.
  • About 700 grapes go into one bottle of wine.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.