University in Lebanon Houses over 100 Cats on Campus

The American University of Beirut in Lebanon has over 100 campus cats that are taken care of employee’s. You could call this one giant, well taken care of colony! It’s every cat lovers dream.

A small colony was abandoned during the Lebanese Civil war between 1975 and 1990. Since then, the numbers have grown dramatically. So much so that the university has decided to ‘adopt’ all the cats so they have a safe space to roam and be fed.

The university has put the cats’ health as a priority. They feed the cats on a specific regimen and encourage students to not feed them as it could mess up their eating schedules.

They make sure to feed the cats away from the buildings to avoid health code violations. They also make sure that students do not abuse or harm the cats. If they do, students face severely harsh penalties… even expulsion.

Has your dream college changed?

AUB Whisker's Avenue

Also known as whisker's avenue, #AUB is a lucky home for cats!*Sound On*!

Posted by American University of Beirut (AUB) on Thursday, May 17, 2018

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.