We Love These Underrated Movies, and You Should Too

Bellflower (2011) 

Bellflower is a hallucinogenic, slightly draggy movie that will shock and confuse you, all while keeping the intensity as high as possible. The writing in this movie is extremely complex, although it would appeal to a younger and cinematically less adventurous audience because of its recognizable imagery and themes. However, if you're interested in hallucinogenic, dystopian movies like Gummo and Annihilation, Bellflower should be on your watchlist. 

Detatchment (2011)

Adrien Brody delivers a completely different performance than the one he delivered in The Darjeeling Limited. He portrays a depressed and lonely teacher who has some serious talent, but he finds himself getting into school districts that do not care about the future of their students, despite that being the whole point of school to begin with. Adrien Brody is a drifter who plans to take off from one particular situation when it stops working out in his favor, but the students that surround him convince him otherwise. This is an emotional journey that's absolutely worth your time. 


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