When His Nanny's Prom Was Canceled, This Young Man Decided to Host One for Her

Rachel Chapman, a 17-year-old in Raleigh, NC, was heartbroken when her senior prom fell victim to the global pandemic. Little did she know, the young man she nannied for had a plan up his sleeve.

Seven-year-old, Curtis Rogers, came to the rescue of his heartbroken nanny and decided to throw her a prom of her own. 

Rachel had been babysitting for Curtis for nearly a year when COVID-19 outbreaks began. She would pick him up from school, take him to his piano lessons, and help with homework, among other things. She had become like family to the Rogers family. 

When coronavirus shut down schools and businesses across the country, Curtis was unable to see Rachel for two months. He knew how sad she was after her senior prom had been canceled and so he planned a socially distant "mini-prom" for her in his backyard.

When the big day arrived Curtis dressed up in a snazzy suit, set up a fancy dinner in the backyard with their favorite foods, and he and Rachel danced 6 feet apart after their meal. 

“I planned it out because Rachel probably just wanted to see me a lot and she also is one of the best people I’ve known,” Curtis told WTVD. “Rachel is one of our favorite people and Rachel’s like the best nanny ever.”

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.