"When You See It" Pics That Will Make You Look Twice

At first glance, these photos may seem ordinary, but there's a hidden gem in each of them. Whether it's funny, unexpected, creepy, or outright bizarre, something is hiding in all of these pictures. How long did it take you to find them all?

What Is Going On Here?

Real eyes realize when your roommate is trying to photobomb your otherwise impeccable selfie. No sultry pout is strong enough to distract from whatever is happening in the background. Did you see the person laying on the floor?

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

They say that marriage is meant to last until death does you part, but this guy may want to leave a little sooner than initially thought. He better hope someone objects, or the rest of his life is going to go by very, very slowly.

Nice Buns

What's better than a relaxing day at the beach? Building sandcastles, dipping your toes in the ocean, spending time with family... it all sounds like a dream come true, except for when you run into this guy.

Okay Ladies, Now Let's Get in Formation

You could say this picture is squad goals, but you might want to take a closer look at the background. Photobombing is conditional; you have to strike the right pose.

Everyone Deserves an Education

For some, it may be a ruff life, but if you look directly at the center of this photo, you'll notice one student who will be getting some treats after class. When it comes to learning, it's an "all paws on deck" situation.

Take Another Look

At first, this appears to be a pretty normal photo of a girl at the beach. That is, until you check out her bun. Not everything is as it seems...

All By Myself

It's more than likely that these kids were listening to Céline Dion on the dancefloor. Who better to slow dance with than yourself? At least you know exactly where to put your hands.

Does It Come as a Set?

What a nice blazer! Perhaps one day he'll find the matching pants to go along with it. You never know—maybe he's getting ready for a Skype interview.

Watch Your Back

Sometimes, college roommates can get a little too close. It's not always a problem, but if you start to feel like you're being watched, it might be time to sleep with one eye open.

Simple Solution

It's ladies' night, and you know what that means. No children allowed! Next time you want a break from worrying about where the kids are, try this lifehack on for size.

Extra Limbs

Hey, can't a man have three arrms around here, anymore? Maybe there's a sale on three-armed hoodies. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like his family cares how many limbs Dad sprouted overnight.

Road Rash

He said that his motorcycle accident was caused by a crack in the sidwalk, but there might be a different kind of exposed crack she should be worrying about. If he's not wearing underwear, the least he can do is put on a helmet.

It's Time to Move

Nobody in this family is looking particularly happy to be eating dinner together, which could be because a certain spectral visitor has decided to share the table with them. Either way, somebody give that poor kid some dessert.

Terrible Timing

If only you could imagine the world of gross that everyone in this photo is about to endure... especially those poor kids in front of him. That was certainly a team photo to remember.

Grab Life By The—

Handful, obviously. The game is on the line, and an interception came at the perfect time! Someone should tell her that she's catching the wrong kind of ball.

Selfie Time

She was feeling good and decided to take a selfie, but her dog had different ideas. Time to put the camera down and stop Fido from drinking out of the toilet! What a photobomb.

When Will My Reflection Show...

Uh, miss, it seems as though your mirror is broken. Either that, or you're possessed. Get on the phone with a repairman—or a priest.

Stealth Attack

Hey, she's just trying to get a leg up on the most recent trends. This just proves that you can rock two looks at once if you have enough legs to spare. Who said denim on denim was out of style?

Who Ya Gonna Call?

In this woman's case, SPF is her BFF. She better reapply soon, or she'll have a sunburn that could land her in the hospital. Hey, not all of us can be bronzed beach bums.

Peeping Tom

He wasn't invited, so maybe he should stay away before somebody calls the cops. If you want to be included in girl's night, just ask, dude!

Deep in Thought

Something is afoot in this photo, but we just can't put a toe on it. This little piggie went to the market, and this little piggie is lost in thought... does it smell weird in here to you?

Someone's Watching

Hasn't this girl watched any horror movies? Always check behind the shower curtain for murderers! It's probably just a friend playing a silly prank, but still—better safe than sorry.

Little Kid, Big Hands

You've got to hand it to this kid. Graduating from the third grade is a big deal! Life can be a handful, but it's always nice to have a helping hand from dad.

Acting Corny

She may be a little old for these kind of shenanigans, but when the mood for a corn bath strikes, you indulge the senses. We're sure she blends right in with the other toddlers in the play area.

Look Closer

At first glance, this may just seem like a cool photo in the reflection of someone's sunglasses. But when you take a look to the right, you'll catch something that might give you the heebie-jeebies.

Don't Lose Your Head

The headless horseman stopped by for lunch. Hey, even mythical figures from old-timey folklore need to eat. One order of fries, a tuna melt, and an extra head, if you have it.


These are some pretty sunflowers, but we're not the only ones interested in them. A certain mischevious kitty has decided to nose around and see where that pleasant smell was coming from...

This Looks Satisfying Until...

This picture would be much more pleasant to look at if there wasn't something a bit unsavory going on in the background. Next time you want to pick your wedgie in public, take a look around to make sure no one is about to capture the moment and put it online!

Feeling Flexible

Flexibility is a staple of many sports, but this takes it to a whole new level. It's an optical illusion that makes this girl look like a contortionist. Somebody get a yoga instructor on the phone!


When posing for a photograph, make sure that nobody is lurking in the background. Otherwise, when you look back at the pictures on your camera, you might get quite a scare. Hopefully these kids weren't too startled...

Party Crasher

It's party time, and someone is mad they weren't invited. Lock all the doors and windows... this guy isn't here to play pin the tail on the donkey.

New Toupee

This picture is one big "nope." Everyone in the background agrees. If this girl doesn't realize that there's a certain creepy-crawly nesting in her hair, she's in for a big surprise...

Night Out on the Town

Cropping exists for a reason, and the girl in the bottom left corner is going to want her friends to utilize that feature as soon as she sees this picture. Talk about a wild night... fortunately, it looks like she probably won't remember it.

Indecent Exposure

In pictures like this, placement is key. Pick your jaws up off the floor—the only one who got exposed here is poor Lulu the Miniature Pinscher. After this, she'll have learned the hard way to read the fine print in her modeling contracts.

The Surgery Was a Success!

Karen was having a hard time putting her foot down with the kids, so doctors gave her an extra one to make sure no one was getting out of line or misbehaving. Now, Karen always knows when trouble is afoot.

The Bee's Knees

Either we're seeing things, or there are two baby heads trapped inside this woman's knees. Selena Gomez knows a thing or two about this—perhaps she'd be best to consult.

Leave Him Alone

Clearly, this guy has no intention of getting buddy-buddy with anyone at the bar. His socks say everything you have to know about him. Take a hint and let him enjoy his beer in peace.

He's Watching

If you're stuck behind this AT&T truck, it's best not to make direction eye contact with the haunted doll that lives on top of it. What? Who said that? Nothing to see here, just business as usual...

Check Behind the Bed

No boys allowed! Well, except for the ones you hide under your mattress. The scariest part of this picture is the number of cords plugged into that outlet. An electrical fire isn't worth the charge.

It's Not a Nude Beach

Birthday suits at the beach are only acceptable in certain circumstances, and this was not one of them. No flash photographer needed here—one showed up for free.

Creeper Creeping

This is how people die in scary movies... but thankfully, this guy appears to be her dad. If not, these two ladies are in for one unpleasant surprise. They better run—and run fast.

Coming to a Theater Near You...

The Woman in the Window is more than just a bestselling book and movie, it turns out. Maybe she just really wanted to be part of the picture. Whatever it takes, right?

Bye Bye Birdie

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a UFO! Oh, wait. It's really just a bird. That's kind of disappointing...

Welcome Home

He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake... and no, we're not talking about Santa. This is a real "Here's Johnny!" moment.

You'll Have to Squint

Camouflage level 9000. When you really want to learn how to blend in, take some advice from this black cat. He's hanging out in front of the television. Quick question—what's going on with that coffee table? Is there sand inside of it?

Evil Twin

If the twins from The Shining knew how to play the Piano Dresser, it would give a whole new meaning to, "Come play with us." Next time, hire a graphic designer who knows how Photoshop works.

Horsing Around

Hopefully the landlords of this building don't care about horseplay. Otherwise, the tenant on the second floor might have a little bit of explaining to do.

Unfortunate Reflection

Ah, graduation... a time to reflect. No, literally. Next time, make sure you're wearing more than Y-front if you plan to take a photo up close and personal with a reflective surface.

Can You See Him?

Sleepy guy is cat-mouflaged in his little log bed. He may be difficult to spot at first, but take a good look at all that wood. One of those logs has ears and a face.

Ghostly Photobomb

Check out these handsome lads all done-up in their tuxedos! This photo would be much nicer if it wasn't for a certain apparition peeking out from below. Poltergeists don't care if you're dressed in your Sunday best.

Protect and Serve

Even if it was not intentional, those little additions aren't hard to miss with a quick onceover. Someone's intern is getting fired after this stunt at NBC...

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's dad needs to put some pants on? No matter how handsome your son looked for the winter formal, it's time to throw on a pair of slacks. Consider it a favor to us all.

Baring It All

It looks like these people are at a public park, which makes the situation happening in the background all the more confusing. Wouldn't you notice the naked parade passing by while the kids snapped a nice family photo with grandma?

Resting Place

Talk about a dangerous place to nap. Things could go south pretty quickly for this little kitty if someone doesn't get him out of there. Sorry, it may be comfortable, but there are cozier places for a cat nap.

Out of Place

Are you sure you're at the right show? Variety in taste is important, but this is an interesting choice of a t-shirt for this particular gig. Wear it loud and proud.

Taking a Tumble

Happy Halloween to everyone, but especially the girl who's about to have a really, really bad night. Hopefully someone caught her before she hit the ground.

Roles Reversed

Something isn't right here... but parenting styles differ, and to each their own. After all, some children have fur, and some don't. Doesn't mean you have to treat them any differently!

Watch Your Hands

This nice family photo exposed a whole new side of one of these dads. There's nothing wrong with some PDA, but perhaps save it for a situation with less mirrors.

A Regular Steve Jobs

Oh, what's that, you say? You're getting all your information off the computer? Very interesting, considering it's upside-down and backwards. We caught you, Nicolas Comte.

Sneaky Sneaky

Comic Con is no joke! Just ask these four friends who traveled from all the way across the country to attend together. Yes, there are four...

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The More You Know

  • The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.
  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
  • A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo."
  • The Crown Jewels contain the two biggest cut diamonds on Earth.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.