Wind-Powered Ships Could Cut Carbon Freight Emissions by 90%

Roughly 2 percent of all greenhouse emissions worldwide are caused by the frequent shipping of overseas cargo. However, this dramatic emission could soon be stopped thanks to a new wind-powered ship which would still be able to haul cargo, but in a much more eco-friendly way. Around the world, professionals and experts are looking for ways to cut back on their carbon footprint, and shipping is one of the major issues along with aviation.

The solution is the Oceanbird. The ship has tall, wing-like sails that loom over 262 feet (80 meters) high. The ship is powered by the rushing winds of the open ocean, reaching a speed nearly identical to that of ships currently in use. With ongoing monitoring and assessments, the ship will be able to reach up to 10 knots (the nautical measurement of miles per hour), making a 12-day journey more than feasible. 

Companies interested in going green on the ocean blue will have to wait a little longer though. The company creating this ship is still in the testing phase.  The Swedish innovation is said to be available to corporations by possibly a 2024 roll-out after taking orders in 2021. With a 90% reduction in carbon emissions, this piece of modern technology will be well worth the wait for our world. 

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.