Woman Dreams She Swallowed Her Engagement Ring and Wakes Up To a Terrifying Truth

When Jenna had a nightmare that her engagement ring was stolen, she couldn't believe that she couldn't find it the next morning. Where she actually found it will completely shock you...

Meet Jenna and Bobby

29-year-olds Jenna and Bobby Hewell met in college and quickly became engaged after they graduated. Bobby proposed with a beautiful diamond ring, and Jenna has worn it constantly for a year. When she woke up one morning to see that her ring finger was bare, she immediately panicked...

A Vivid Nightmare

Jenna remembered that she'd had an incredibly vivid nightmare. She sat for a moment and tried to remember what it was about while calming herself down about the missing ring. Maybe the dream would reveal something...

A Swallowed Ring

In her nightmare, Jenna remembered that someone had been trying to steal her engagement ring. As a diversion, she's swallowed the ring with a glass of water, like a pill. But could it be possible that she'd actually subconsciously swallowed the ring in her sleep? It seemed unlikely, so she got up and began searching the bedroom...

Coming Up Empty

Jenna and Bobby searched tirelessly through the bedroom, but the ring was nowhere to be found. She thought more about the dream, and when she told Bobby about it, they both thought there was no way she would have swallowed it for real. They started doing some research...

A Scary Realization

The only explanation was that Jenna had swallowed the ring in her sleep. Somehow, someway, the ring was inside her. In a blog post, Jenna wrote: “We laughed pretty hard to about an hour and a half, called my mom, laughed until we were crying, googled ‘do other adults swallow rings’ because kids do it all the time, but apparently it’s less common for adults."

A Trip to Urgent Care

Jenna and Bobby quickly raced to urgent care because she was starting to have stomach pains. The ring was undoubtedly in her intestines, Jenna was sure of it. She was still in shock that this had actually happened, and wondered how she would even begin to explain it to the doctors...

A Revealing Appointment

Jenna's post continued: "The doctor ordered an Xray and seemed pretty shocked when she walked back in with a second doctor and showed me that sure enough, my ring was right there in my stomach," she wrote. However, she wasn't even close to being in the clear. They had to figure out how to safely get it out of her, and Jenna insisted that they don't do anything to damage the expensive ring...

Getting To The Root of the Problem

After talking with the doctor, they suggested Jenna see a sleep specialist before deciding what to do about the stuck ring. There must be a bigger problem under the surface that caused her to swallow her engagement ring subconsciously. She could have choked! She's lucky to be alive...

Removing the Ring

After she and Bobby left the specialist, they scheduled surgery for later that afternoon. Jenna needed an endoscopy procedure, a minorly invasive operation that would easily remove the ring from her intestines. The doctors did laugh a little, but they'd also seen much worse...

A Speedy Recovery

Once the ring was safely removed, doctors held onto it to make sure everything was in order and that none of the stones had fallen off the band and were still lodged inside her. Jenna had a relatively easy time in the recovery room, and she even asked Bobby to bring her some In & Out Burger for lunch. He unfortunately had to decline due to doctor's orders...

Engagement Round 2

A few days after the surgery, Bobby was able to pick up the ring from the hospital. He wanted to give it to her in a funny way considering everything they'd been through that week, so he started planning something special...

All Is Right With The World

Jenna wrote in her blog post: "Bobby finally gave my ring back this morning – I promised not to swallow it again, we're still getting married and all is right in the world." But the way he gave her the ring back will certainly split your sides...

It Wasn't a Dream This Time

When Bobby gave Jenna the ring back, he decided to recreate her dream when she swallowed it the first time. He woke her up in the middle of the night and pretended that someone was trying to steal the ring from him. When she woke up, he acted like the only logical thing to do was swallow it, Jenna burst out laughing as he put it back on her finger...

Time to Save the Date

Now that everything is back to normal, Jenna and Bobby can set a date. They have plans to wed in May of 2020 unless she somehow swallows her wedding dress in her sleep next. You'd be surprised how often things like this occur. Swallowing a ring is a pretty minor offense...

PICA Syndrome

PICA Syndrome is an eating disorder in which people can't help but eat things that are inedible. There are several examples of people who eat bizarre things. One young woman binges on sofa cushion foam and the nervous habit began during a stressful time in her life. She admittedly spends 45 minutes a day eating foam.


This woman had to have a 10-pound ball of her own hair surgically removed from her stomach after she had spent the last five years pulling it out of her head and eating it. The disorder is called trichophagia, and at its peak, she was consistently vomiting and suffering from severe stomach pains. She lost forty pounds before she went to a doctor to have the hair removed. 

Man Eats 12 Pounds of Coins

A French man spent 10 years of his life eating coins, which resulted in a 12-pound lump in his stomach that sagged below his waist. His family said whenever he would visit someone else's house, he would steal coins to snack on for later. The X-ray that was released of his stomach went viral after he had surgery to remove the coins because they never broke down in his body. 

Addiction to Baby Powder

Donna, a 50-year-old woman from New York, has had an odd craving for baby powder for twenty years. She eats handfuls of baby powder in between meals and claims it brings her comfort. Most people who suffer from PICA claim that eating things like this brings them a sense of ease. 

Addiction to Soap

Tempestt, a 19-year-old college student, claims that every morning she sneaks into her dorm's laundry room and licks the laundry powder from the washing machines. This habit is dangerous because, over time, she has ingested pounds of toxic chemicals. When she was younger, she would sniff laundry detergent to calm herself down when she was stressed, but it escalated to fully eating cleaning products.

Addicted to Cigarette Ashes

Bianca estimates that she eats shards of pottery and cigarette ashes for up to 150 hours a month. However, she herself doesn't smoke, but her sister does, so she always has access to the tobacco residue. She even goes as far as stealing her sister's ashtray and hiding it so she can indulge in the leftover cigarettes. 

Woman is Addicted to Eating Toilet Paper

Lanieka became addicted to eating toilet paper when she was little. Her mother wouldn't let her get a drink of water, so she ran toilet paper under the faucet and then ate it, and since then, she's been unable to stop. She says she enjoys the texture and the way it blocks her airways before she swallows it. 

Comedian is Addicted to Eating Glass

A comedian from Ohio enjoys eating glass because of the texture and the sound it makes as he chews. The nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling that you definitely got while reading is the exact opposite of how he feels. However, he doesn't eat glass at home. He only does it at parties in front of people because he loves the attention and weird reaction he gets from people.

Pregnant Woman Addicted to Eating Chalk

Many pregnant women develop PICA symptoms, and Kirsten did, but her cravings never subsided after she gave birth. As a schoolteacher, she would use her free periods to lick the chalkdust that had accumulated from the blackboard. She even took it so far as to eat full sticks of chalk. PICA is an extreme eating disorder, but there are others that are more common...

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is one of the most common types of eating disorders. It occurs when someone feels an emotional detachment from eating, has a fear of gaining weight, or a severe dislike for their body image. They refrain from eating and are generally severely underweight.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa typically develops in adolescence, and the primary symptoms include binging large amounts of food at once and then purging them soon after. During a binge, people feel like they physically cannot stop eating until they are painfully full, and then they purge because of the fear that they will gain weight from all the calories they took in. 

Binge Eating Disorder

This is the most common form of eating disorders in America. People with binge eating disorder tend to overeat because they feel like they can't stop, similar to bulimia. But, they do not partake in purging behaviors. They do not fear gaining weight or do anything to burn off the calories. The lack of control is the main symptom of this illness.

Rumination Disorder

Rumination disorder occurs when a person re-chews partially digested food. This typically occurs in infants or toddlers, but can develop in adulthood as well. If it is not resolved, it can lead to malnutrition, and can eventually be fatal. 

Avoidant Intake Disorder

Though AIRFD typically occurs in people younger than seven years old, it can also persist into adulthood. The main symptom is the avoidance of eating foods that have the most nutritional benefit. People who suffer from this are generally underweight, and in children, it can often be mistaken for "picky eating."

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The More You Know

  • You make approximately a teaspoon of tears per hour.
  • Armadillos swallow air to become buoyant when they swim.
  • There are more than 24 time zones around the world.
  • A relative of the T. rex stood just 3-feet tall.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.