Young Father Learns Surprising Truth About His New Family

Alfie Patten was a happy teen in Eastbourne, Britain when he discovered he was going to be a father. While it wasn’t part of the plan, he was going to do whatever he needed to do to make sure his daughter was given a good life. Soon after she was born, though, he learned something surprising…

Alfie Patten

Alfie was a teen with lots of friends and a great life. He lived with his family in Eastbourne, Britain and was dating his first girlfriend, Chantelle Stedman. Things in his life were great, however, a surprising revelation by Chantelle would make him grow up a little quicker than he had planned…

An Announcement

Chantelle sat Alfie down one day and took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but what she told him was far from anything that he ever thought possible...

Childhood Lost

Alife was twelve at the time that he and Chantelle slept together. He was certainly young for such a big step, but he didn't know any better at the time, but Chantelle got pregnant, and they were going to have to figure this out...

Recognized Everywhere

“The attention I drew was incredible. Wherever I went, people recognized me. I could not leave the house for weeks. I had to leave school.” Alfie said of the frenzy following him. It only got worse when the media caught wind of what had happened...

A Tabloid Dream

The tabloids immediately caught wind of the boy’s new fatherhood. Every news outlet in town wanted a look into his life. It was all too much for the young man…

Fickle Finances

But everyone was saying the same things about the situation–Alfie Patten was far too young to take care of a baby. The finances alone made him a poor parent (in more ways than one). His response to their worries didn’t help concerns…

Lost and Confused

When asked if he had the financial means to care for a baby, Alfie replied: “What is financial?” The media had a field day with this quote…

Unfit Parents

Reports attacked the young boy for not having a job and having no idea what it took to raise a child, but he was 13! Chantelle didn’t have things easy either…

Labor Intensive

Chantelle Stedman went through 5-hour labor to give birth to her baby girl, Maisie Roxanne. Alfie couldn’t believe his new life. He and Chantelle had no idea what to do...

Meeting Maisie

“When I held Maisie for the first time, it was amazing.” Alfie said of meeting his daughter “I was too young to understand the consequences of being a dad, but I wanted to keep her, and I loved her right away.” His little girl was a miracle…

Weighing In

Little Maisie was a miracle birth, as she weighed only 3.5 pounds. Doctors couldn’t believe she was alive, but Alfie’s own mother couldn’t believe something either…

Nicola's Take

Alfie’s mother, Nicola, started to get suspicious. Her son was eager to take on the role of a father, and Chantelle was a little too eager to let him. Nicola was not so excited about the opportunity…

Not Adding Up

She sat her son down and asked him, point-blank, how it all happened. He stared back at her, seemingly a little confused. She wasn’t making any sense…

Dazed and Confused

“When I tried to talk to him about exactly how it should happen,” she told a news source “he seemed lost.” She decided to investigate the claims…

Paternity Test

Nicola requested that her son Alfie conduct a paternity test. She didn’t believe he was Maisie’s true father, and he complied. The results were unpredictable…

The Results

The test showed, quite definitively, that Alfie was not the father. Maisie was not his daughter. Alfie was heartbroken…


Absolutely Crushed

Alfie couldn’t believe the lies. “I was crying for days and not going out of my room” he cried. But that wasn’t even the worst part…

Kept Apart

Chantelle was just as confused as Alfie was, but since he was not the father, he had no reason to be in Maisie’s life. As a result, she cut off all contact with him…


“To make things worse,” says Alfie “I've never seen Maisie ever since Chantelle and her family were aware that I was not the dad.” But who was the true father?

Boys Speak Out

A few local boys took the paternity results harder than others. They were sure if Alfie was the father, they were in the clear, but Chantelle didn’t let the other boys off easy…

Local Celebrity

Chantelle had become a local celebrity for taking boys' virginities. The teens often went to her hoping to have their first sexual experience, so a number of them could have been the father…

Tyler's Escapade

Tyler Baker was thirteen when he slept with Chantelle. Like Alfie, it was only one time, but that one time might have been enough to be Maisie’s father…

Alfie's Confusion

Nicola was relieved, but this opened an interesting issue. “Alfie truly believed he was a dad. I asked him repeatedly if he was sure about this. Was he certain he had lost his virginity and could be the father of a child?” the answer? No…

Father of the Father

Nicola revealed Dennis, Alfie’s father, had pushed the boy into the media spotlight. “Lots of people thought he wasn't the father, in my family anyway, but Dennis took over and I didn't do anything to stop it. I didn't know how to,” said Nicola.

Mad Mom

“I was fuming.” said Nicola, “People said we lived on some scummy estate. I've got nothing against council estates. I grew up on one.” People were dragging the family through the mud in the media…


A Family Bullied

People attacked the parents for their upbringing of Chantelle and Alfie, which Nicola didn’t understand fully. “Alfie wasn't a tearaway from a broken home. We were a nice family,” she said. People decided to look into their parenting…


A Closer Look

Reports came forward that the kids, Alfie and Chantelle, were often seen in sexual positions in local Eastbourne gardens. It only got worse from there…

Staying the Night 

Another report shared that Alfie often stayed the night at Chantelle’s house, sharing a room and even keeping clothes at her place. Dennis’s father seemed to be at the center of the story…

Business Interest

When one news outlet reached out to Dennis’s mother about her great-granddaughter, she said she was reluctant to "interfere with my son’s business interests,” referring to Alfie. There was a national outcry…

Britain Rates

Britain has the highest rate of underage pregnancy in Western Europe despite sex education starting at age 5 in most schools. Hopefully, Alfie stays out of those statistics for now…

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  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.