College Student Unknowingly Enters Competition for Messiest House in England

Brittani Cooper was given the opportunity to show the world what she was best at, being lazy.

Letting Herself Go

Brittany Cooper is a 19-year-old college student at the University of the West of England. She is fresh from living with her parents, at their cushy home in Gloucestershire, so naturally, she doesn’t have the experience and tools one needs to live on their own.

The Trial Period

This is the same for most individuals who get to go to college or those who move out of their homes at a young age. Colleges are incubators for kids to learn how to take care of themselves without the help of their parental figures. In this particular case, Brittany Cooper was already messy, but when she moved into her college house, everything changed…

Learning the Lifestyle

Typically, people learn quickly to tidy up after themselves, especially if they have roommates. Doing laundry, cleaning dishes, and maintaining common spaces is a virtue for those who learn quickly, but for some, cleanliness doesn’t come that easy.

Enabling Behavior

This is even more dangerous when you have roommates that don’t clean up after yourselves. Especially when there are five college students living under one roof, sharing one bathroom and kitchen. Things can go downhill very quickly…

Assessing the Damage

Cooper’s and her roommates were not just messy, they were lazy. Which is understandable if you live and work like a college student, class all day, homework at night, and working a job on the weekends. Huge bags teeming with rotting trash sat on the floor for months, some spilling onto the carpet. Tons of half-eaten meals covered the counters, each of them fossilizing at an accelerated pace.

Oh My Gosh…

The worst place of them all was the kitchen. The counters were littered with empty takeout containers and were sticky with sauces from former meals that were never addressed. If that makes your stomach turn, check out their sinks…

Dude, That’s So Bad

Dishes stuck to the countertop next to the sink are covered in mold, acting as a barrier to block the students from even using their sink that has been flooded for months. The stench of rotten food and garbage filled the ground floor of their house, making it unbearable to be near their kitchen.

Setting a Bad Example

Cooper is ironically pursuing a degree in real estate sales, even though she can’t seem to maintain her own space. Although she shares the space with her roommates, they claim that Cooper is the messiest of the bunch. So, it only seems fitting that Cooper’s father would want to take action…

Dad-vine Intervention

When Cooper’s father visited for parent’s weekend, he was appalled by the state of her house. So much so, that he refused to enter her house when she invited him in. He said that he could smell the house from down the block, and wasn’t interested in finding out what was growing in there.

Taking Things a Step Further

When Mr. Cooper returned home, he went to work on figuring out a solution without disrupting his daughter’s life too much. He knew living in that kind of environment was really dangerous for his daughter’s health, so he did what came naturally to him…

Let the Games Begin

Mr. Cooper discovered a “contest” of sorts that was being put on by a company called “” The contest was intended to find the messiest college houses in England, and the winner would receive £500, hopefully towards hiring a cleaning crew to come and clean their mess.

Doing Some Recon

Mr. Cooper asked his daughter if he could come back the next week to check out the house, where he sneakily took photos of the whole place while Brittani wasn’t paying attention. The place looked awful, even worse than the week before when he refused to come into the house. But, that was what he was hoping for…

Oh the Horror

This house was enough to send any germaphobe running. Mold and rotten food clogged all the sinks, there were half full pizza boxes in the bathroom, the shower was so dirty Mr. Cooper couldn’t believe that anyone could actually clean themselves in that house.

Running for the Hills

Mr. Cooper returned home to his place in Gloucestershire, took a much-needed shower, and went to work on submitting these photos to the competition’s website. Although he couldn’t see the photos from other submissions, he found out that there were almost 1,000 other applicants, but he was confident that his daughter’s house was by far the most unlivable…

The “Thrilling” Results

After two weeks of waiting, Mr. Cooper got a call from Brittani saying that she received a letter with his name on it. He told her to open it, and she went completely silent. After a full minute of silence over the phone, she said “You didn’t,” he said, “Yes, I did.” Brittani then hung up on her dad.

Embarrassment Turns into Profit

After reading further into the letter, Brittani called her father back and said that she would never let him back into her messy house again, but she’s thankful for the 500 bucks. They even sent her an expensive new shade for her window, which she changed out immediately. Still, the house remained disgusting…

How the Tables Turn

Brittanai’s roommates bartered with her to get a piece of the cash, but her defense was “this is mostly my mess, when you guys can be this filthy, maybe we can talk.” So naturally, she pocketed the cash for herself.

Moving Right Along

Although that £500 was ideally intended to help the winners clean their house, Brittani saved the cash for a rainy day and took action herself. Brittani and her roommates attacked the brunt of the mess, but not before taking a ton of pictures and throwing a small “trash party,” celebrating their year of living in filth…

Closing up Shop

Surprisingly, when Brittani and her friends moved out of their house, they got their security deposit back in full. From the time that Brittani won the competition, they were all inspired to clean up after themselves. This just goes to show, sometimes when you want to help someone who doesn’t necessarily want it, you need to get a little creative.

But Wait, There’s More

Brittani and her friends aren’t the only ones who struggle with cleaning up their messes. Some of the very people that society looks up to most also have the same problem, here are some celebrities that have notoriously messy homes…

Miley Cyrus

You think that someone that is so wealthy and successful would be able to pick up after themselves, but you’d be wrong! Miley Cyrus has a reputation for trashing hotel rooms (not from partying, just food trash and packaging materials usually) and for trashing her own home! Someone needs a maid, pronto…

Lindsay Lohan

While Lindsay Lohan battled drug addiction, her lifestyle got away from her. Now that she is in the process of rehabilitation, returning to healthy habits probably takes a backseat to recovery. That being said, spending the time to pick up miscellaneous items around your house can vastly change the outlook of your lifestyle, and can boost confidence and energy.

Jessica Simpson

This mom of two is constantly juggling her home and professional life, so she hires a cleaning service to take care of her home while she’s gone. This proved to be her eventual downfall, her cleaning crews began posting online about how messy and terrifying her room is. They thought that her floor was overrun by huge hairy spiders, but they were really just fake eyelashes that were stuck to the floor.

Meghan Fox

Meghan Fox has plenty of lore written about her living habits. From letting squirrels into her home to terrorize her kitchen, all the way to leaving the bathroom without flushing her “business,” so the next person in line has to find it. Lately, she has been letting her untrained teacup pig use the bathroom on her carpet. GROSS!

Beyonce Knowles

Mother, role model, and queen of the music industry, Beyonce seems to be just too busy to clean up her house. Although it is much tamer than the other individuals on this list, Beyonce is guilty of leaving giant messes, including designer clothing, behind at hotels and inside her own shared private jet. Jay Z has yet to release a statement on this matter.


Nadya Denise Doud-Suleman, also known as Octomom, has a lot on her plate. Having eight children at once is enough to put someone down for a while, but after 10 years, things are getting a little ridiculous. Maybe this celebrity mom is letting the limelight get to her head a little bit, but it could also be the fact that she has eight 10-year-olds running around her house at all times.

Kim Kardashian-West

Dealing with two kids and Kanye must be stressful. This cultural icon is doing her best to stay afloat in her house, and even though she frequently hires a cleaning team, sometimes her cleanliness goes by the wayside.

LeAnn Rimes

This photo was taken right after Rimes returned from her Summer world tour, two days before Christmas. Between unpacking from the tour, and getting ready for Christmas, this left the country singer’s house completely destroyed. Hopefully, she cleaned up everything before she took off again.

Britney Spears

Spears has been accused of many things during her career, but afterward is when she really fell apart. While she was battling mental illness, she let her home life and cleanliness fall by the wayside. Spears called a cleaning crew when she was starting to feel better, and they discovered a ton of food trash and waste under her bed. Within this trash were several half-eaten hamburgers, quite possibly months old.

Jill Duggar

This tv-royalty family seems to collectively struggle with cleanliness. While she is not as messy as her sister, Jill Duggar chooses to keep a fairly messy house, and she addresses it when necessary. Sometimes life gets away from you, and it is perfectly okay to make a little mess from time to time, just try not to get too comfortable in it.

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