Construction Worker Digs Up Mind-Blowing Key to the Prehistoric Era

More Tools

As the search underground continued, the researchers found tools, artifacts, weaponry, daily items, and more odd objects just below the surface. This might have lent to the theory that this land was stolen, but these were all objects that the Heiltsuk people did not traditionally use. So if the Canadians weren't living here, and the Heiltsuk people weren't living here, then who inhabited this land all those years ago?

Heiltsuk Hunting

The Heiltsuk people originally sustained their livelihoods by hunting, fishing, and smoking salmon. The people also found it beneficial to use miniscule, precise tools to catch and prepare the food they hunted. However, the uncovered objects and weaponry found in the ground were pretty sizable. The archeologists guessed that these were used to hunt large sea animals, typically mammals. These might have included seals, sea lions, and walruses...


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.