Ellen DeGeneres Is Not Enjoying Time in Quarantine

Ellen DeGeneres, just like everyone else, is trapped in quarantine right now. Also just like everyone else, she could not be more bored if she tried. Recently, donning a Harry Styles Fine Line album tour shirt, she attempted a 40,000 piece puzzle to tragic results. It's obvious the celebrity television star is not finding the enjoyment in her forced time at home. This wasn't the only attempt at entertainment. 

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Let’s see how this goes.

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Ellen has been trying out new hobbies to fill her time. She attempted to learn magic on Instagram but wasn't having much success. After some other choice ideas, she ended up just cold calling some of her influential celebrity friends, like Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, and even Adam Levine. Adam received an extra special birthday message from the Queen of Daytime while he was hanging out with his family. 

She also called up celebrity couple John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. Even little baby Miles joins in on the call saying hi to Ellen. Ellen promptly responds to the family by saying "I wish I had kids right now, I'm so bored." Later on, Chrissy tweeted a video of the exchange with the caption "Ellen does not know how to do nothing and it’s still pretty early in the isolation game." Only time will tell how Ellen entertains us in the next month!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.