Oddly Hilarious Tombstones That Will Make You Feel Weird for Laughing

A cemetery doesn't seem like the best place for a joke, but these dead folks beg to differ! Many of these individuals wanted their loved ones to be able to look down on their tombstone in remembrance in a happy light instead of a sad one. It's better to leave them laughing than crying.

Grim Reminder

This person left their loved ones with a grim reminder... We're all going to end up where they are at some point! They must have had a pretty dark sense of humor.

Let's Talk!

Making your gravestone an Ouija board is a total boss move. This person is literally asking for someone to try and communicate with them on their actual grave. I'm sure plenty of people have taken them up on that.

Told You So!

This is one of the most gruesome "I told you so" moments ever. The backstory behind this is probably not as grim as the headstone makes it out to be, but dang! What a petty way to go. 

Kim Was Waiting By the Phone

Kim really knew how to pick out a headstone! That photo of her with the 80s-style phone is iconic. In a weird way, this is comforting. Kim was ready!

Relax, Leslie

For some background, Leslie Nielsen is a Canadian actor who appeared in funny parody movies like Airplane! and The Naked Gun. Those who worked with him knew that he loved a good fart joke and would consistently make such jokes on set. Naturally, he couldn't let this one slide. 

Taking the Brand to the Grave

Merv Griffin was one of the most well-known personalities in the 60s and 70s. One of his most common catchphrases was, "We'll be right back after this message." In death, he wanted to let people know that he will most certainly not be back. 

They're Not Wrong

Something tells me that this person was pretty petty while they were alive... Going out with a sarcastic tombstone is the work of a petty individual! After all, they are now part of a group who knows what happens after we die. Might as well flaunt it. 

Let the Woman Sleep

Joan must have been pretty excited for her days of endless slumber. Maybe she didn't get a lot of sleep while she was alive, so she wanted to make sure that people would let her sleep in death. 

Can I Get a Light?

It's always nice to see that someone had a sense of humor about their own death. Some people are able to plan out their deaths and burials, so they sometimes choose to have a little fun with it. It really is dark down there! 

That'll Get You

The cursed chain text message got another victim... You think they're fake? Just check out the fate of this guy!

I Died and All I Got Was This Stupid Gravestone

It's totally understandable to want a fancy headstone, but a pyramid might be a bit much. You can't always get what you want! This gravestone is just enough. 

Don't Come Knockin'

There's only one way into this grave and no way out. Enter at your own risk! This gravestone looks like it would be a perfect fit for a haunted house. 

Janet Was Cheeky

A lot of people don't want their friends and family to be sad when they go to visit a grave. Janet, for one, knew exactly how to cheer people up. This is pretty genius!

The Comfiest Chair in the Cemetary

It's unclear why this chair meant so much to this person, but it's still pretty amusing to see a livingroom chair in the middle of the cemetary. Go ahead, pop a squat. Don't forget to ask the spirits first!

Rough Death

It doesn't seem like this person was ready to die. Even though this person was obviously a bit bittersweet to be going, they definitely get some chuckles from the living whenever they see it! It's a pretty funny phrase for a headstone, after all. 

Open Plot Available

Well, this is one way to advertise a grave plot. Although, the word "rent" is a bit weird... Do dead people still have to deal with leases?


Don't touch his things, he just has to go through a quick reincarnation process and he'll be back in a jiffy. Let's hope that he sticks to his promise...

Here Lies a Hero

Handling a family of six with one bathroom is a huge feat. "Still there was love," sounds like a bit of a stretch, but it does seem like this person held it together during those formative teenage years. They deserve a hero's gravestone! 

Disgruntled Drivers

Living in an area with limited parking can be extremely aggravating. The Ivison's wanted everyone in town to know that they got some of the most desirable parking spots in Georgetown! 

They're Not Wrong

Life isn't always going to be unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes, it's going to suck! Eventually, you're going to die. This guy was probably a realist. 

That Backfired

This family was lucky enough to get a nice cemetery plot next to a huge tree. A few centuries later, the tree has totally overtaken the gravestone. It just makes it look cooler!

Name and Shame

Sorry, Scotty, but it looks like you earned your grave the hard way! It's kind of sad that he didn't get a nicer burial, but that's what happens in the 17th Century.

He's Not Even Dead Yet

George Jr. is ready to go. In fact, he's been anticipating it for some time now. He has his burial plot ready to go with a shiny new headstone that states the obvious. We all know it's going to happen, but George is one of the few who can really admit it!

His Best Quote

Every celebrity is doomed to be buried with their best catchphrase engraved over their head. Rodney Dangerfield was best known for his self deprecating humor and catch one-liners.

Deal Gone Wrong

Leaving this kind of note makes you think what this person was like when they were alive... This is such an ominous message to leave behind! What did he do?!

Likely Story

That kind of sounds like he might have killed one or two men that didn't need a killing... He was just trying to cover up his tracks!

Times Up!

At first, it seems like maybe Barbara was a passionate parking officer. Then, the joke dawns on you. Her time is up, but hopefully, she doesn't get a ticket!

Her Feet Were Really Killing Her

Naturally, this gravestone raises a lot of questions. What in her feet killed her? Was she running? Did she have some sort of tumor? The world may never know, but this ominous gravestone will remain there until the end of time. 

The Mall Will Miss You

Honestly, most people would probably rather be anywhere than in a grave. Isabelle would rather be at the mall getting her laps in!

Famous Last Words

There are two ways that this phrase can be described. It could be a cute little quote from a frequently sleepy grandma, or it could have literally been her last words. Who's to say? Let's hope it's not as ominous as it sounds...

Playing Pool for All Eternity

This couple must have really liked pool! Now, they get to play it together for all of eternity... This headstone is definitely one of the more creative ones, that's for sure. 

Some People Really Love their Cars

This isn't an actual car, but a replica of the deceased's everyday driver. His family couldn't deny this part of his will... He really did love that car. That's one expensive headstone. 

Walter Had Quite a Life

Uncle Walter wanted everyone to know that he lived life the way he wanted to... With lots of whiskey and many wives. From the sound of it, Uncle Walter was the black sheep of the family. 

Is This Copyrighted?

This person chose to have their headstone be the ever-popular lyrics to "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam. It's definitely an interesting choice for a final goodbye, but maybe they were just a really big fan of Steam?

Wake Up!

This very strong mustache man has been tasked with watching over somebody's grave until the end of time. No other gravestone can compare to this one. Everyone else is boring! 

A Graphic Designers Grave

This person was a well-known graphic designer who knew that he didn't want to be another grave in the cemetery. So, he went ahead and designed his own headstone! 

Classic 16-Year-Old

It's tragic to see that a 16-year-old passed away, but that doesn't mean you can't chuckle at his gravestone! The fact that he had a sense of humor about his death makes this whole photo much less depressing. 

Lovers Even In Death

This is how you know they were truly in love. This couple didn't leave sappy quotes on their headstones. Instead, they chose this. They both lived very long lives, they knew that calling each other stupid was the true meaning of love. 

A Little Too Much Thought

It's funny how some people opt to have a normal gravestone while others choose to have full-on art installations. This person is obviously making a joke on the fact that they're in the ground, and they chose to have someone etch this character's face on the stone as well. 

There Are No Words

Literally, there are no words. Whoever commissioned this gravestone left absolutely no story behind it. Who are these men? Why is one beheaded? Is it possible that the man lying down is the dead person and the head he's holding is his mortal enemy? 

Knock Knock Jokes Forever

Did Dad consent to this knock-knock joke? David Dares was probably a prankster and that's why they chose to have this joke on there... But, was it worth it? Would this joke make David proud? Probably not. 

Dang Is Right

Obviously, their last name is Dang. But, it's still amusing since the word "dang" is usually used in exasperation, like when you visit someone's grave. "Dang, he was a good guy." A lot of people thought it was amusing enough to post all over Reddit! Hopefully, the next deceased Dang member will figure out some funny joke to put up there...

Computer Geek

Judging by the size of this person's grave, they were rich. Judging by the old-school computer, they were also smart. Still, we're still going to tell them a computer geek for having an 80s looking computer. Can't someone help them out and update the computer at least?!

Every Lazy Person's Dream

Being dead is definitely a great thing for a lazy person. They don't have to work, move, or take care of anything. The best part? No one will be calling them lazy, because laying dead in a grave is exactly what they're supposed to be doing!

What a Last Name

John Yeast was not afraid to poke fun at himself. That is quite the joke to have on your tombstone! It's okay, John, not everyone can make bread rise, anyway,

His Parents Must Have Thought They Were Funny

Noah Scape. No escape. Obviously, Mr. Scape needed to make a funny death pun. After all, his life was pretty much leading up to it. There's no escape of death!

One Final Message

Len was a popular taxi cab driver in his small town. When he passed away, his family knew that he should be immortalized in the best way possible. So, they put a little cab on his headstone with his final message to his friends. Keep taking those tablets!

You'll Never Get Me Alive!

Every motorcycle guy wants to be buried with his Harley... That's just a fact. Jed Hall was buried with his bike and the triumph of never being caught by the police! We don't know what he was on the run for, but that just makes for a great mystery...

Gee, Sorry

Wow, Esther, way to make someone feel bad about being alive! All good things come to an end, though. Who knows, maybe she is reading that from beyond the grave...

Why, Billy, Why

Billy Wilder was a famous American writer in Hollywood. In his classic sense of humor, he decided to befuddle anyone who came across his headstone. He used a popular phrase him one of the films he worked on!

I Hear That

This person definitely lived their life to the fullest. So many health nuts tell us not to eat sweets like chocolate... This person didn't listen to them and still lived a happy life filled with chocolate!

Still Having Fun, Too

Constance already knew that she had a good life even before it ended. It's nice to know that she set herself for a fun rest of her life!


Another unfortunate last name on a tombstone... How can you not chuckle? It's almost like the folks buried in this plot are demanding a nice cold one. I'll bet pranksters leave a beer for them every now and again...

Arthur, You Sly Dog

Something tells me that Arthur purposefully phrased their headstones like this. I mean, with a last name like "Spanks" how could you not? The opportunity was there and Arthur took it! 

Doing God's Work

Who else is doing to make this? Do it for Kay! She wouldn't expose her secret fudge recipe for people not to make it. 

The Facts of Life

I didn't ask to be born and I didn't ask to die. No one ever talks about the fact that we didn't consent to anything in life because we didn't consent to being alive. This person felt pretty strongly about this fact and made it a huge quote on their headstone. 

A Good Attitude

Lola was indifferent about her death. Oh well, whatever. Everybody lives and everybody dies! Those are some pretty good words to live by, honestly. 

Get Those Bucks in Heaven

Steven's family wanted the world to know that he really, really liked big bucks. That etching of him on the back of the stone says more than enough! Overall, this is a really nice headstone in remembrance of buck lovin' Steven. 

Relax, Grandpa

Okay, someone probably shouldn't have let Grandpa write his own last words in the will... He went a little overboard on his headstone. Let's hope that no one actually followed through with those last wishes...

He Finally Did It

All of his life, Joel wanted to score that hole in one. After decades, he finally got it... When he died. After all, you only really get one chance to put the body in the grave correctly. Technically, he's right! 

A Grim Afterlife for Atheists

Atheists don't believe in any sort of religion, so that means that they don't believe in an afterlife. This atheist wanted to make it known that they were, in fact, all dressed up six feet under the ground for no real reason. Dark, but real!

Susan Is Ready

Susan got her burial plot all ready to go for when she kicks it. She's very sure that she'll end up being the crazy cat lady at the end of her life, so she immortalized it on her headstone. 

Samuel Went Off

Something tells me that Samuel's family didn't make this up on their own... Samuel wanted to be immortalized as the old man who killed a bunch of enemy soldiers and lived to tell the tail. I wonder if he's in a cemetary or a legit park. 

Computer Humor

R. Andersen must have been a bit of a computer nerd. Technically, he's right. He basically lagged out of existence!


Fred didn't know what hit him - literally. His friends decided to immortalize his demise with a fun riddle on his headstone. Let's just hope he would have been okay with that choice! 

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The More You Know

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  • Martin Luther King Jr. had a C in public speaking.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.