It Was Their First Date—and He Made Her the Getaway Driver

They say you should be careful about people you meet on dating apps, but one woman from Massachusetts had no idea what she was in for. Her search for love ended with a gun pointed directly at her face and a potential trip to the slammer...

Independent Mom

Shelby Sampson was a single mother living in Bristol County, Massachusetts. Since the birth of her daughter, Jessica, Shelby had spent the past eight years totally dedicated to raising her child. With Jessica's father out of the picture, Shelby hardly had time for anything else—including romance.

Looking for Love

The holidays were drawing nearer, which was always a difficult time for Shelby. As much as she loved spending the holidays with Jessica, she often found herself growing lonely around Christmas. Thanksgiving had come and gone, and Jessica wasn't looking forward to another holiday season on her own. She thought about downloading a dating app to distract herself...

Giving It a Try

It had been a long time since Shelby had entered the dating game. Things ended so poorly with Jessica's father that Shelby had sworn off men entirely for the better part of a decade. She thought that it might be time to try and get back out there. It was a Monday morning and Jessica was still at school, which meant that Shelby had the day to herself to explore her options.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker...

The choices were endless. Shelby swiped through a number of men before she matched with Christopher, a 33-year-old who lived in Rhode Island. He was sweet, charming, and funny—and he wanted to see her as soon as possible.

He Wouldn't Take "No" for an Answer

At first, Shelby resisted. She had only just started speaking to him and she had no idea what kind of person he was. She expressed her hesitancy, but Christopher was persistent. He told her how badly he wanted to meet her...

One Hour

"Pick me up in an hour," he said. Shelby wondered why he wouldn't meet her in the middle—he lived thirty minutes away—but she figured that now was the time to be spontaneous. "Okay," she texted back. There were butterflies in her stomach...

On the Road

Shelby was nervous to meet him. Why was he so adamant about seeing her right then and there? And, more importantly, why did he want her to travel so far out of the way? She tried not to focus on her worries, letting herself believe that this was going to be a perfect first date...

Strange Behavior

When Shelby arrived at his house, she texted him that she was waiting outside in a Nissan Maxima. She saw Christopher come out the front door... and two people waving him goodbye. Christopher never told her that he still lived with his parents. Unfortunately, things were about to get even weirder...

One for the Road

Christopher looked different than he did in his photos, but Shelby had expected that. He introduced himself and hopped in her passenger seat. As they drove back toward her hometown of North Attleborough, Christopher took a bottle of wine out of his bag popped the cork. Shelby was flabbergasted.

Drink Up

Shelby asked Christopher if he would stop drinking alcohol in the front seat of her car at 2:30 p.m., but he waved her off. "Nobody's going to see me," he said, taking another swig. Shelby didn't know what to do. They drove in silence for a few minutes before Christopher made a request...

Making a Pitstop

Before they reached Shelby's house, Christopher asked if Shelby would stop at the Bristol County Savings Bank. She didn't know why they needed money, since they were just supposed to hang out at her house, and she was starting to feel uneasy. Still, she acquiesced...

Accidental Accomplice

Shelby parked while Christopher corked his wine, stashed it in the bag, and ran inside. It occurred to her that he was wearing all black. Five minutes passed, and then ten. Suddenly, she saw him emerge from the bank looking panicked...

On the Run

Christopher was sprinting toward her car. Shelby felt her heart pounding; she knew something was seriously wrong. That's when she noticed the gun in his hand.

Go, Go, Go!

Christopher had put on a pair of sunglasses and was drenched in sweat. Paralyzed with fear, Shelby could only stare at him as he sprinted toward her car, gun in hand. She thought about her daughter. He flung open the door, and screamed, "F***ing go!"

Getaway Driver

Shelby couldn't believe this was happening. How had a first date turned into a prison sentence? Christopher cursed at her and told her to step on it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him pulling dozens of wads of cash out of his bag.

Police on Their Tail

As they sped down the street, Shelby wove in and out of cars, scared for her life. That's when they noticed the flashing lights and sirens growing closer and closer. Shelby was scared that if she tried to pull over, Chris would kill her right there...

Warning Her

"Do not pull over," Christopher said threateningly. His hands were sweating so much that Shelby saw him fumble with the gun. What if it slipped out of his hands and accidentally went off? It was all too much...

Now or Never

Shelby couldn't bear the thought of her daughter growing up without a mother, but she didn't want to go down like this—on a first date gone awry. As the sirens grew louder and police requested she pull over on the loudspeaker, Shelby veered onto the shoulder.

Hands Up

Shelby leaped out of the front seat and sprinted toward the police with her hands up. Meanwhile, the police approached the vehicle, which was idling on the road. Christopher had closed all the doors and locked them, hiding inside.


Christopher ducked down to hide from the police. When the officers attempted to extricate him from the car, he "violently struggled and spat on them," authorities said. "The gun isn't even loaded," he yelled before the police cuffed him. But the nightmare wasn't over for Shelby...

Was She An Accomplice?

Shelby tried to explain to police that she had been made a nonconsensual accomplice, but the police weren't buying it. They thought she had been in on the scheme, too! Shelby started sobbing hysterically as they put her under arrest.

A Misunderstanding

Police were convinced that Shelby had been in on the scheme and charged her with being an accessory after the fact. Shelby was put under arrest and held on $250,000 bail. She continued to insist that she hadn't agreed to be Christopher's getaway driver and that he was essentially a stranger to her...

Easing Up

Finally, the prosecutors put together the evidence and listened to what Shelby was saying. The charges against Shelby were ultimately dropped. For Christopher, however, things were about to get much worse...

The Robbery

When Christopher entered the bank, he had informed a teller that he was "really hurting" and needed cash, fast. Then he flashed an antique gun that belonged to his stepfather—the same one he later used to threaten Shelby into becoming his getaway driver.

Criminal Record

Castillo's criminal record was extensive. He had prior convictions for domestic violence and larceny, which meant that he wasn't about to get off with a warning. In February of 2020, he was finally sentenced for his crime...


After the debacle finally drew to a close, Shelby had no idea how long it would take for life to return to normal. She was traumatized from the incident, and her daughter could tell. Shelby was desperate to leave the incident behind her, but it wasn't so easy...

Long Road Ahead

For weeks, all Shelby could do was lie in a dark room. She didn't even want to get out of bed, but every time she closed her eyes, all she could see what Christopher and his gun pointed at her face. Shelby couldn't help but isolate herself. She had a hard time handling guilt she felt for going on the date in the first place.

Kind Gestures

As time went on, Shelby's daughter helped motivate her to find herself again. Jessica made her mother cards and even came home with a sheet of cookies from school that another student's mother baked to cheer Shelby up. Shelby began to realize that her community was rallying around her...

Feeling the Love

It took Shelby years, but she was finally able to leave the past behind her. She worked hard to bring stability back to her life. Christopher was sentenced to three years for armed robbery and two years for assaulting three police officers.

Moving On

"I am pleased the defendant was held accountable for this violent robbery and for spitting at the police officers," said Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn III. "This type of lawless behavior is simply not acceptable." At least Shelby knew she had something to talk about on her next first date...

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The More You Know

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  • The longest tennis rally lasted over 12 hours.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.