Soothe Your Brain With These Perfectly Satisfying Photos

There is nothing better to relax the brain in a crisis than to look at a collection of oddly satisfying images on the internet. Brew yourself a cup of tea, wrap up in a blanket, put on some soothing music, and indulge in the most perfect pictures on the internet...

AHHHHH That's Nice

There's just something special about the beautiful muted colors in these shoes that match perfectly with the tile. Not to mention, the fact that they make a perfect bulls-eye is outstanding. Great work everybody, now put your shoes back on. 

Produce Perfection

Wow, this one definitely hits a little different for the chefs of the world. What we really want to know is: what grocery store is this? No normal grocery store has four different types of cucumber and three different types of eggplant on the same shelf. This grocery store must have been made in heaven. 

A Perfect Circle

Scientists say that a perfect circle is not achievable in nature. But, what scientists have failed to consider is that cats do not have to abide by the laws of nature. If you look closely, the shape on the cat vaguely looks like North America as well!

The Spice Trade

Believe it or not, those are cones of powdered spices. This is at the largest spice market in India called Khari Baol. Khari Baol is an open-air street market that hosts thousands of different spice merchants throughout the year. Nearly 1/3 of the world's spices are purchased through the Khari Baol market. 

Pretty Involved, But Pretty Smart

This involves having to custom carve every slot out of this wooden shelf dedicated to each book. But, if it is a labor of love, it might be worth it. Do this if it matters to you if not, well, don't! 

The Coin Worm

Not only is this coin worm extremely satisfying to look at, but it is also kind of unsettling. Something about all those coins put together looks like the body of a millipede or something. Do this to your coins if you want, but we think we're going to stick to the old jar method. 

The Star of D-Batteries

For those who don't know, this is a battery version of Chinese Checkers. Seriously, can you imagine the amount of effort it takes to play a game though? Tons of moving pieces around. This definitely is a high risk, high reward type game. 

Road to Nowhere

Although this may seem like a never-ending elevator shaft to hell, this is just a simple cup of coffee. This cappuccino (with hard frothed foam) had a square stirrer in it. When the person took the stirrer out of the cup of coffee, this hole was the result. 

Single Rainbow Through the Chair

Once a day, every day, this is made possible by the light reflecting off the tin roof of a shed through this window. Sometimes, the people that live in this house place their vase right in front of this so it refracts the rainbow all around the room. Wouldn't that be a sight!

"Tiring" Work

Packing trucks with consumer goods is a common practice for village-to-village sales in southeast Asia. This particular truck is loaded up and ready to go to Vietnam. Sometimes the orders are so large that they have to pack the trucks completely to the brim since taking a second truck is dangerous on the mountain roads. 

Bustin' Through

The most satisfying part of this is that the cat punched this hole through the tile on his own. He may not look like much, but he is strong enough to lift a car. Just look at his smug face. That's the face of a creature that can never be imprisoned. 

Endless Fields of Flowers

Doesn't this make you excited for springtime? This myriad of rows of beautiful flowers is so vivid that you'd think that it isn't even real. Well, it is. This is the breeding ground for show flowers in India. A ton of these flowers will be flown to America to be in trade shows. 

No Sitting Allowed

Okay, people, this park bench is officially off-limits. Although it may bring you great joy to sweep all this snow onto the ground, that is officially a federal crime. We will be monitoring this park bench until further notice (springtime).

Simplicity, Highlighted

The work of an artisanal carpenter is satisfying in more ways than one. While the final product is something to be proud of first and foremost, it is the process that keeps craftsmen involved. This particular instance captures the beauty of woodworking, however, nobody but the craftsman gets to see this at the end of the day. 

Spiraling Into a Novel

Can you imagine the countless hours that these Barnes and Noble employees put into this? This might just be the best part of working in a book store. However, a bunch of kids probably knocked it over as soon as they opened. 

The Hottest Rainbow

For those who don't know, this is a Thai birdseye chili. This is one of the hottest commercially available Asian chilis, and this one is particularly diabolical. When this chili is young, the green portion holds most of the heat, but as the chili matures it becomes yellow and red. This is most likely the hottest this chili is going to get, and whoever ate this probably made a big mistake.

Symmetrical Camellia 

This is a naturally occurring symmetrical bloom from the Camellia japonica flower. This plant really only does well in tropical areas because of its intolerance to cold, dry weather. Don't get these plants unless you literally live in a sauna. We're looking at you, big city hipsters. 

The Tree of Souls

Doesn't this look like the tree from Avatar? You too can have a Tree of Souls in your front yard if you have a 200-year-old oak and 10,000 string lights. Oh, and you're going to need to have an endless amount of free time to yourself. 

'Feast' Your Eyes

When there's nothing better to do than sit inside and play Minecraft, sometimes that creativity can seep out into your real life. If you do this on purpose, we're really impressed but we think you have too much time on your hands. If you see these shapes in your avocado with no alterations, you should probably stop playing video games for a few hours. 

The Sun in the Palm of Your Hand

The coolest thing about this one is that just about anyone can do it! If you spend a little time in front of your camera getting your hand in the exact right position, the lens flare will look symmetrical. Your fingers essentially act like a lens refracting light onto your camera's lens. You're actually seeing a beam of light directed by your fingers right into the center of your shutter. 

Organization at its Finest: Librarian Edition

Just so everybody knows, you can't take anything off of this shelf. Can you imagine the time that went into making this? The different angles and degrees that this perfect shelf is made on are truly baffling. 

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Nature is beautiful. Here you can see these two rocks have been split in two. No man made this, these rocks eroded apart naturally. Although they're dangerous to climb up on, people still use the crack in the middle to climb to the top. 

Melon Frame

Alright, guys, we know you did this one on purpose. Please finish taking your photos, we have an entire party of people outside waiting for their sliced watermelon. This is the last time we let the design interns plan the officewide backyard barbecue.  

Pastry Art at its Finest

This is the most perfect, mouthwateringly delectable treat that has ever existed. It's almost a shame to think that someone ate this donut. This belongs in a museum, not on some rich city slicker's Instagram feed. 

The Mandala of Fruit

Fruit salads are beautiful and vibrant, but when you put them on a palate like this, they become a whole new thing. The time and effort that went into this fruit salad is practically unparalleled. When was the last time you saw someone on the Food Network make something this involved?

Everything in its Place

Intense mint? More like intense attention to detail. If you've ever tried to find a needle in a haystack, that's about how easy it is to organize Tic Tacs. 

The Sharpest Pencil in the World

Experts say that it only takes four turns to sharpen a pencil adequately. However, if you're looking for a razor-sharp pencil tip, you might want to push the limits a little bit. Plus, you can use your pencil shavings to keep bugs out of your houseplants! Bet you didn't know that, did you?

A Breech in Color

This is another satisfying situation that you can emulate on your own if you have enough time. Especially now, during the coronavirus quarantine, people have way too much time on their hands. Give this a shot! There are guides to make this easier on Youtube. 

Portal to the Other Side

If the wind blows in the perfect direction and the air is just humid enough, icicles can form on surfaces like fences. This beautiful picture captures the space between man-made nature and earth-made nature. Sometimes, industrialized humanity and nature can live in harmony. 

Fantastic Fudge

This beautiful confection has been perfectly sliced by a pre-measured cutting grid. If you've never seen one before (you probably haven't worked in a candy shop), they are custom made grids with blades made specifically to cut stuff made in specific sheet pans. Watch some videos on youtube, this is like ASMR but better. 

The Broccoli Dimension

This isn't some computer-generated fractal pattern, this is made in nature, by nature. Romanesco broccoli is a volatile and expensive form of broccoli that grows like this. The broccoli acts as a stem for nodes to grow off of, and much like how broccoli grows, the peaks are the florets. 

A Standing Vortex

This is a cool fountain that's situated dangerously close to the drop-off terminal at the Phoenix, Arizona airport. Although this fountain is beautiful to look at (from afar), it has notoriously caused a ton of car accidents. People leaving the drop-off location get distracted by the fountain and end up bumping fellow drivers while passing by. 


This is an extreme rarity given nature's ability to make things supremely different. No two trees are alike. but when you combine a ton of them perfectly, you can make one massive single tree. This tree is the one tree to rule them all, a multi-tree if you will.

The Perfect Position

Be honest. If you had this painting hanging on your wall, wouldn't you do the same thing? We know that we'd try to emulate this as best we could. We might even toss this up in the office someday soon. 

Perfection is Natural

Most daisies have white petals, but in some rare cases, they can look like this. Doesn't this flower look like its made of goldfish tails? Maybe even foxtails, who knows, this one is really cool though. 

At the Ends of the Earth

No, this is not proof that the Earth is flat. However, this is the end of the cloudline. This square cloud is extremely rare, it's a modern marvel that this was even captured on camera. 

Oreo in the Snow

We don't know about you guys, but this brick disk makes us kind of hungry. We bet we're not the first people to say that either. Ain't nothing wrong with wanting to bite into a fire pit. 

A Wall of Ice

No, this isn't that weird place where the ocean meats a river in Australia. This is in Antarctica. You can see how impressively massive these glaciers are because this photographer is a good 500 yards away from it, and they're still in its shadow. 

Absolutely Delightful

Meters are usually shut down during the winter in towns like this, and this is a beautiful result of that. If you live in a town that has a wet breeze and gets cold enough to snow in the winter, you can find one of these too. Get your closest friends together on the coldest night of the year and search for some parking meters to grab ice off of. 

Man Meets Nature

This is much more common than one would think. In fact, this is happening under the surface on pretty much every single tiled sidewalk you've seen. With the exception of industrial cityscapes, roots tend to grow in the way they're directed. If a tree is planted next to a sidewalk, that's the way it'll grow. 

Flowers Up the Side

So, you may think that this was the work of dozens of skilled landscapers, but you'd be horribly wrong. This was actually a naturally occurring phenomenon until it began getting cultivated annually. The landscapers for this house merely maintain the status quo, none of them propagate the growth of this multi-colored ivy. 

The Perfect Pancake

To anyone who has ever made a "perfect pancake" in their lives, this one might just beat that out. It's easy and fun to make pancakes at home, but when you get as good as this person at shaping them, you might want to take your hobby to the next level. Pete's Perfect Pancakes, that's got a nice ring to it. 

Pathway to the Edge

The person that took this picture definitely knew that this was coming. The camera was placed so perfectly, and the person had to wait for the exact perfect time of day to capture this magnificent frame. Good on you photographer person, you definitely have way too much time on your hands. 

The Perfect Snowball

No, this snowball was not thrown. This perfect orb of semi-frozen ice is being kept in a freezer to be thrown next winter. Sometimes something this perfect should be appreciated, not thrown at an unsuspecting friend. 

Endless Truckin'

Take a peek and pass it on, all of these trucks are the same on the inside. This is actually a picture of a truck manufacturing facility. Every truck is parked the exact same way by a robot, not a person, so it makes sense that they are all well placed. 

Square Waves

This very seldom happens in nature, but it is not completely impossible to have square wave patterns. This happens when volcanic patterns underneath the waves start interrupting the surface. By proxy, flat bodies of water can exhibit a gridded pattern that corresponds with the wavelength of the vibrations coming from underground. 

You Are Insanely Talented

Whoever took the time to write this out, thank you. This is honestly the best handwriting anyone over here at Upbeat News has seen and we commend you for your time and dedication. Please, contact us directly if you want to write out some business cards. 

Nerd Heaven

IF you've ever wondered what it's like to have way too much time on your hands, this is exactly that. This nerd haven has been meticulously planned out to highlight the nerdiest of nerdy things. For instance, focus on the painstakingly organized Star Wars and DC comics shelves. 

Fruit from the Vine

These are called Campari tomatoes. They're from the Campari region of Italy, and they grow like this because they ripen from the top of the vine to the bottom. Since the top tomato gets the most water in the growing process, the bottom ones stay unripe until the ones above it get plucked. These are ideal for people who have gardens because they can pluck their top tomatoes without having to worry about the other ones on the vine rotting from getting overripe. 

Nature is Beautiful

Isn't nature special? There is nothing quite like freshly fallen snow collected on the branches of trees during the late day. It's unbelievable that nature does this on its own without the help of humankind. Life is beautiful!

Blocked in on Both Sides

Can you imagine being on this cruise ship headed through this Italian canal? We can't. Those people on the boat must have been freaking out when it turned into the canal, and they were probably annoyed when the walls blocked their sunlight too. 

Spot for a Snack

Oh, you haven't seen the Snickers X Honda Civic collab yet? Each Honda Civic comes with a perfectly placed candy bar holder designed to perfectly hold a Snickers bar. Unfortunately, the candy is not included with the vehicle purchase. 

Just Like a Porcupine

Have you ever eaten at an Izakaya restaurant? You know, one of those restaurants where everything is cooked over Japanese charcoal on skewers and charred to perfection? Yeah, this is a snapshot of one of the skewer-holders in an Izakaya in Tokyo. 

Drop everything you're doing, distance all distractions, and focus on the soothing sights in this list. We guarantee that all of these photos will give you goosebumps, or your money back...

Down the Hatch

This is both satisfying and a bit disorienting. There's just something about water going directly down an endless tunnel that can make someone feel uneasy. Where does the water go? Will it ever stop falling?

Watch Your Step!

This puts a whole new meaning to "walking on a rainbow." This cool mural was inside an art building at the University of Chicago. This was a sculpture thesis that a senior made to determine whether people were happier in an industrial setting or an artistic setting. These stairs overwhelmingly took the prize over regular tile stairs. 

Geometric Cabbage

Mother Earth works in mysterious ways. Specifically, she grows some super cool vegetables. This geometrically shaped cabbage is exactly what all cabbages should look like, in theory. Cabbages grow in layers, so if it's grown in a completely augmented environment (someone turns them every growth cycle) you can have geometric cabbages all around the board. 

The Perfect Stone

There has never been a better skipping stone in the history of time. This is the only situation in which we'd advocate for the destruction of artistic property. Sure, skip this stone across a lake. That might be the most satisfying thing a person can do in their life. 

The Ideal Squeeze

Nothing says "let's do our makeup" quite like getting the perfect foundation squeeze. This is almost too good to apply to the skin. We vote that you save this perfect swirl and just squirt yourself another helping. 

Game, Set, Match

Connect 4 is really what connects most families in America. However, most sets are so sloppily made that even the ones that have these connectable style pieces are hard to come by. This right here is a modern marvel, this stack is a statistical anomaly. 

The Perfect Fit

Can you imagine your house being this convenient? Most people don't have that luxury. If only they made square Roombas that can fit in every corner, that's something that we'd invest in.

A Light Dusting

Snow truly does purify the Earth. It's a special day when you wake up and look out your window to see a completely changed world. It's like some higher power took an eraser to the street and completely eradicated it. 

Size Matters

So, this glass here is actually a relic from the past that is extremely rare. Coca Cola released these glasses in the 1990s, right when Coke can size changed from being 8 oz to 12 oz. They are stupidly hard to find, and the people who do find them can sell them for a ton of money. 

The Perfect Bun

Wow, just wow. We bet that this person didn't even eat the bun. Check E-Bay to see if someone is selling a slightly used perfect hamburger bun. We're looking to invest in anything that's under $1,000.

Extra Cheese Please

Dang, that's one good looking burger. Do you know when someone else orders something expensive and you watch the waiter carry it over to their table in jealousy? We didn't know that feeling was transferrable over the internet until right now. 

Wrapping it Up

This kind of coincidence only comes to those who are extremely attentive to details. However, this effort probably didn't matter in the long run. Who looks at the packaging on presents anyway? Most people are too excited about the gift to appreciate other's hard work. 

Pancake Volcano

When the going gets tough, make some pancakes. However, if you really want to impress yourself (or the people around you) make a pancake volcano! This is easy, just measure out a 1/4 cup less each time you pour a pancake. Viola! Just saved you a google search. 

Brutalism on the Beach

We didn't think that architecture students spent much time on the beach, but here we are. This beautiful brutalist specimen was painstakingly made by someone who clearly knew what they were doing. Nobody loves brutalism more than first and second-year architecture students. Checkmate. 

The Perfect Swirl

There is nothing we love more than a good cone of soft-serve ice cream on a hot day. If your soft-serve looks like this, give us a call. We'd like to come to inspect your ice cream machine for "journalistic integrity."

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The More You Know

  • Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd dusted off their Ghostbusters costumes to visit a terminally ill child who was a fan of the film and wanted to meet them.
  • Fleas can jump up to 100 times their body length.
  • A full jumbo jet tank has enough fuel to drive a car around the world four times.
  • A baby can cost new parents 750 hours of sleep in their first year.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.