Hilariously Unfortunate Things That Happened to Ordinary People

Dude, these people should have just stayed in bed that day. Everyone pulls a bad card every once in a while but jeez, the odds are not stacked in these people’s favor.

Oh Really?

Facebook probably isn’t the best place to break this kind of news to loved ones. Especially the loved one that you haven’t asked to marry you yet. That’s a bonehead move pal.

I Scream

Woah, buddy! Slow your roll there, don’t want to make any rash decisions. I’m sure if you show these photos to the ice cream person, they’ll give you a freebie.

Dan Doesn’t Deserve This

Dan is a good dude just trying to share a laugh! Breakups are stressful, and if you can still make your ex-person laugh, it means you might have gotten out of it with a positive outcome. Dan clearly wasn’t dating the right person.

Try Harder, Jamie

Ok, first off, 2009 was a great year for RPG’s, FF XIII was arguably the worst RPG of that era (Chrono Trigger, Fallout 3, Dragon Quest V, Super Mario RPG, etc.), maybe if you got your “girl and world” a copy of Fable 2, you’d still be together.

Oh, You’re Like, Super Unforgettable

How did this person get their eye color wrong three times??? There are only like five options. Do better buddy!

Chip Off the Disappointing Block

It should be illegal to serve chocolate chip cookies that have LESS THAN ONE CHOCOLATE CHIP PER BITE. Unless this is a one-biter, in that case, this is fine. Actually, every cookie is a one-biter if you try hard enough…

That’s Not How This Works

This person should have done some serious research before sinking (what I’m assuming to be) their life savings, into a still less than 5% chance to win the lottery. Maybe next time, consider hiring a financial adviser to help you invest your money in stocks, it’s like playing the lottery but you can sell your ticket back if you don’t win.

Some Quality Information

Depression, loneliness, and isolation all start with cooking whole meals in the microwave. Next Thanksgiving, instead of spending time with friends and family, just use Sonia Allison’s guide to microwaving a frozen turkey for 3 hours until cooked.

Actually, Nobody Cares

Learning how to play the xylophone? More like, writing the first 7 letters of the alphabet on construction paper in crayon and tapping the keys with then extra chopsticks are given to you by the Chinese restaurant that assumed that you were ordering food for five and not just stocking up for the week.

Borat Voice *My Wife*

Love the honesty, feeling hopeful for this guy. If anyone knows where his wife is, please let her know that she made a mistake.

It is Time to Let Go

I like to envision that this is the wife’s response from the guy in the first picture. Sometimes it just be like that buddy, the important part is that you’re still alive.

Shooting His Shot

The sign in the back says “gameplay,” this guy’s shirt says “playing the game.” Y’all out here complaining about not being able to find a partner, its because this guy has swooped everyone up.


So much had to has to have gone wrong to lead up to this picture. The most pressing issue here is those miserable chips, hot sauce can cure any cheese-related issues, but a good chip is key for a quality plate of nachos, next time, splurge just a few more cents, its really not that much more even if you’re at “rock bottom.”

Planning Trends Appropriately

Ok so, there’s a lot to unpack here. Sinking your life savings into fidget spinners sounds like a funny joke someone would make on Twitter, and 6,000 fidget spinners would like, fill a room. Additionally, why would anybody buy these fidget spinners when they can just buy them from the manufacturer???

Actual Rock Bottom

We have some questions about this photo because if this person truly was so broke they couldn’t buy food, this fridge for sure wouldn’t be so clean. Chances are this was taken by some college kid who just moved into a new apartment and had a potato and a Powerade in their backpack.

Searching for Validation

If you have to ask if the joke was funny, there is a 0% chance that it was actually funny and a 100% chance that you sound like a moron. This guy got rightfully owned.

So Petty, but Also a Bummer

It’s hard to empathize with someone who’s aggressive, embarrassed, and obviously self-conscious. It’s difficult, but not impossible.

Lockin’ It Up

Your partner is weak and lame!!! Never give up on your dream, if you can somehow find my contact information through this article, I would be more than willing to lock toes with you, no strings attached.

Epic Burn M8

Serves you right for trying to corner someone into saying yes to attending an important night with you. Learn about boundaries and maybe try again next year.

They Don’t Get Reused

Keep in mind, these thermometers were most likely given to them by their school, which in this case probably has pretty low funding. They should feel bad that they can’t teach students about proper basic medical tools.

Apple B(ra)ottom Jeans

This is a really genius move, from an engineering standpoint. Fiscally? These are $80 Levi Strauss jeans, bras cost like 5 bucks on the low end. Just be confident in your crafting.

That’s My Boy

Ok, this picture is 100% staged for some stock photo or pamphlet warning or something. Dissecting this, nobody would be allowed in a hospital with a bow, and arrow man is holding the arrow under his armpit.

He Did His Best

We all think your grandfather did a great job, this is a huge artistic achievement! It’s important to paint as accurate as you can, also he did a great job with the hands.

Third Party Hardware

Don’t see the problem in this, you got a magic computer phone that can co-run OSX and Android. People spend hundreds of dollars buying hacked phones, and the 103% charge is a plus.

What?(er) Melon

One scoop each!!! I’d take this back to the store if I were this person.

Frosty Bowl

This is really sad, definitely sadder than unfortunate. But, if we can laugh at this for a second, do you think the whole thing froze or just the top?

Stir the Pot

This is just an irresponsible use of stove temperature!! Next time, just put all the ingredients into a metal bowl and microwave them for half an hour.

Sexy Bus Riders in Your Area

Hopefully, this dude has a sense of humor and moisturizes regularly. He accidentally became a meme/Nivea ad, and that wouldn’t make me happy.

Work it, Own it

I think what really happened here is that the selfie taker forgot to lock the bathroom door, and their homeroom teacher Ms. Daniels came to the bathroom to do the same exact thing.

Eating Your Greens

Little do you know, this lady was actually hired to act out the herbivore dinosaur from the Land Before Time, and she’s absolutely crushing it.

Absolutely Pwned

And they wrote Mark with a C!!! Cark!!! YOUR NEW NAME IS CARK!!!!!

Peanut Butter and Toothpaste

This one is for the adventurous bodybuilder who needs to get their macros in but wants to be fresh and clean afterward with no additional work. That, or this is just jarred icing which is equally as nasty.

Crock Spotting

Get it? Because crocodiles are real and people spot them? Also because this person’s crocks left their feet spotty?

Wardrobe Malfunction

Nothing like giving away your daughter and your dignity on the same day. Two for one!

Hamster Brain

Please do not take your rodents out into populated places with bright lights and loud noises!! This stresses them out and might provoke them to be aggressive.

Google Earth’ed

This guy is an absolute legend, and this is totally unfortunate. The only unfortunate thing about this photo is his choice of shorts, plaid is out buddy.


(Like wee woo, the sound cop cars make) (Please be nice to those big birds)

Nice Guy Just Helping Out

Hey, man don’t worry about that, I’ll open that door for you. No problem dude really, dude. Please let me open the door dude. DUDE. GIMME THE KEYS.

Jane Goodall Wannabee

This isn’t unfortunate at all, this is totally epic!!!

Bill, Meet Billboard

WOAH MAN that there billboard looks like me, holy moly buddy, will you take my picture?

That Guy’s Got a Goose

Either this guy is having goose for dinner, or he just picked up his pet from goose daycare.

Message in a Bottle

Imagine being super excited about finding a message in a bottle on the beach, opening it up, and finding a picture of someone’s butt.

Let Him In

My man has done nothing wrong, and he has money!! Let him shop!!!

Window Pain

Taking this picture was pretty mean, please save this person, this looks really embarrassing and painful.

Unfortunate Working Conditions

So this was a photo that accidentally went off in a disposable camera packaging facility. The only thing that’s unfortunate about this is the ugly hats those ladies have to wear!


if you want to get back at an ex, put a hornet’s nest behind their license plate. That’ll teach them a lesson.

He is At Work


Unfortunate for Who?

This is unfortunate for the company, but a totally awesome flex from the newspaper boy here. This is like that guy who edited a Wikipedia page to get backstage at a concert.

Deer in the Moonlight

This is either an albino deer or an alien demon sent to earth to eat children.

That’s All I Got

The person who took this picture should probably start running because chances are this belongs to a wizard, and they’re definitely in a wild magic zone (Australia).

Getting Photobombed by Another A-Lister

I guess popularity is a big contest in Hollywood, one-upping your competition can mean the difference between getting a paycheck and not getting one.

The Hare Finally Beat the Tortoise

His license plate says “HOPN ARND”

Dorito Malfunction

This Dorito is either so incredibly dense that it cannot be tilted, or its glued to the ground.

Sucks for this Person

You have to pull one, that’s the rule.

Com Truise

If that guy is Tom Cruise, then I am Tom Cruise, my mother is Tom Cruise, and so are you! You are Tom Cruise!

Kahl Drogo

This is actually probably the coolest thing anyone has ever done.

Whoever Can Get It, Keeps It

This bottle was probably placed in the wall while this place was getting remodeled or something. Nothing to see here, carry on.

Let Him Eat Cake

Squirrels rarely make out this well. Although, I did watch a squirrel eat an entire burrito once.

They Paid Good Money For This

Humiliation is an interesting kink, but still probably something that should stay behind closed doors until society changes.

Meeting the Guy From Face Off

Hey, bro do you really own a golden helicopter? Bro that’s so lit dude, can I take a flick?

Your Car-Pool is Here

Imagine the giant car sized diving board this thing launched itself off of.

This Kid is a Rapper Now

Anybody remember Ugly God letting lizards bite his nostrils? Using spider man theory, this kid either has super powers or raps.

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