How to Move Through Conversation Anxiety With Your Family (and Friends)

Time is passing. So are birthdays, holidays, historical events, and important moments that you used to spend with the ones you love. It's probably not the best idea to engage in any social activity at the moment, and that can separate you from people that matter in your life. Here is how to work around that. 

Not everyone has the luxury of being in a supportive family. Heck, your family doesn't even have to be supportive, even if they just exist, that's better than what a lot of people have. 

However, now more than ever, people are having a difficult time communicating with people that they should really be talking to frequently. 

Changing your mind about how an interaction should go, or even just changing your mind about approaching an interaction at all should be your first course of action. 

It's important to acknowledge exactly what and who you're trying to approach before you do. 

Once you get past this initial (and honestly the most difficult) step, you are more than halfway on your way to re-opening the communication gap that built between you and another person or group of people. 

If your anxiety catches up to you after performing this step, make sure that you take a step back and give yourself what you need to keep moving forward. Take some time off of communication, perform some breathing exercises, stretch, go for a walk, take a nap, meditate, and try to clear your head until you're feeling better about the decision you made. 

When you do reach out to the person(s) that you're looking to contact, make sure to shift the conversation off of yourself. Ask them questions, press them for answers. Be as patient, caring, and kind as you possibly can be. Communicate your needs effectively, and listen to other's needs and act accordingly. 

You are not alone in this fight against anxiety and estrangement. Seeking out professional help is also a great route to take. 

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.