Humble Celebrities That Live Like Normal People

Fortune, fame, and power aren’t always the driving factors for some people that have stood in the limelight. These are some celebrities that you might run into at the grocery store.

Selena Gomez

Somehow, being the center of media attention hasn’t affected Selena Gomez too much. After her breakup with pop-sensation Justin Bieber, Gomez has shown the public that she is down to Earth, and hasn’t let all the press get to her head. You’ll find Gomez ranking junk food on her Twitter, and talking openly about battling lupus.

Mila Kunis

Kunis is known for her spoiled rotten character in “That 70s Show,” but in real life, she is as down to earth as can be. Pictured right, her wedding band is actually only 90$, while her husband’s (Ashton Kutcher) was 100$. What a rare case!

Wendy Williams

Wendy never really strayed from her childhood life. Growing up in New Jersey, Wendy spent her time growing up grocery shopping, cooking, eating, and watching reality shows. Wendy is open about her struggles with her weight and appearance and empathizes with those who have body dysmorphia on a world stage.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock is famous for being a genuinely sweet and caring person, on and off the screen. In films, she has a tendency to play mother figures, and not much is different in her real life. Bullock has two adopted children that she takes everywhere with her, even to film sets. People who work on those sets claim that Bullock’s children are some of the happiest kids they’ve ever met.

Igvar Kamprad

Some people might not know, but Kamprad is one of the wealthiest people on earth, from founding IKEA. Kamprad wears clothes until they are destroyed, drives a 1993 Volvo, and flies in the economy section on planes. He dedicated his life to lowering his impact on the planet and donates the majority of his wealth to wildlife and healthcare charities.


Multi-Grammy award winner, Adele, prefers to live a simple life over the life of a pampered Hollywood star. Adele lives within her means and prefers to spend time in nature as opposed to spending money in clubs or flaunting her personality. She has gone down on record of saying that she gets stage fright every time she stands in front of an audience.

Chris Pratt

Back in 2017, Chris Pratt was scolded by his agency team because he spent too much time chatting and taking selfies with fans. Pratt is open about struggling with his weight and appearance and gives fitness tips to kids to prepare them for a lifetime of maintaining their general health.

Reese Witherspoon

Witherspoon has been given the title of “America’s Sweetheart,” but she doesn’t identify herself that way. She prefers to spend her time alone, away from the public eye, writing and reading and playing with her French bulldog. She is also the kind of celebrity that fans over others, like Dolly Parton.

Kristin Stewart

Stewart tends to wear casual clothing at all times, which one wouldn’t expect from the world’s highest-paid actress of 2010-12. She likes to lay low, and her casual and shy demeanor tends to not make the best paparazzi content. Stewart likes to spend her time alone, in her LA apartment, with her girlfriend and dogs.

Issa Rae

Issa Rae is the first black woman to create and star in her own TV series, which is based on her Youtube channel that got her the media attention that she has now. Rae likes to spend time with her friends, eat junk food, and dance. She doesn’t like to dance at clubs though, she likes to dance in the comfort of her own home, much like most of us.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has been criticized by the press for being a “diva” and a “drama queen on set.” However, Lopez and her co-stars would completely disagree. Sexism in the time of the beginning of Lopez’s career put her in the negative public light, when in fact she is incredibly philanthropic and frugal and she puts her children before her career.

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran is content with the life he lived before he got famous. He still hangs out with all of his old friends back in England, where he grew up. He owns a plot of land close to where he grew up. He plans on raising a family there when the time comes.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is regarded as being one of the nicest men in Hollywood. He is one of the only celebrities with a multi decade’s long career with absolutely no negative rumors or scandals. Hanks lives simply, greets his neighbors every morning, and he is even a moderator on his own subreddit.

Chrissy Teigen

Teigen just likes to cook! She loves to spend time with her family but spends the majority of her free time developing recipes and cooking on her own. Teigen has the kind of smile that only someone with two beautiful kids and an active kitchen could have.

Lady Gaga

Gaga is Hollywood’s most notorious coupon clipper. She takes advantage of her position as a celebrity to go out of her house with no makeup, in drab clothes to hide her identity. Believe it or not, this does really well for her. She is infrequently recognized on the street because she’s just a normal person who just so happens to be a musician.

Charlemagne Tha God

This New York Times bestselling author and notorious radio host does massive amounts of charity work for underprivileged black communities all over America. Charlemagne spends his time volunteering and likes to wear clothing that was given to him by independent black designers.

Tiffany Haddish

Tiffany Haddish struggled for her entire life until she struck it big at the age of 37 (can you believe that? She’s just so youthful!). Haddish donates the majority of her funds to charities that assist children who experience poverty, foster care struggles, and homelessness, just like she once did when she was a kid.

Julia Roberts

As crazy as it sounds Julia Roberts has gone down on record saying that she doesn’t own a single dress, which is unbelievable because of her show-stoppingly beautiful red carpet outfits. Roberts likes to cook, clean, and knit in the comfort of her own home. She also manages a huge garden in her back yard, which takes up the majority of her time in the Summer.

Suze Orman

This personal finance adviser has accrued enough wealth for several lifetimes, yet she still searches for a great bargain. Orman rarely pays for things at full price and has devoted her life to helping people save and invest their money more effectively. On top of that, Orman did not grow up in wealth, so she donates everything she can to help underprivileged people.

Kate Middleton

Middleton doesn’t see the point in being flashy or extravagant. She prefers to wear the same clothes regularly, donates money regularly, and talks to school children about following their dreams, no matter the obstacle. It sounds unbelievable, but Middleton lives as humbly as she can for being the lady of Cambridge.

Dakota Fanning

Fanning has been found in Walmarts all over California. This frugal shopping decision doesn’t just stop there. She goes out of her way to pay for other people’s groceries and is open to freely talking with fans one on one.

Colin Farrell

Farrell donates a ton of money to environmental research and has been driving the same Ford Bronco since the 90s. His commitment to reducing waste in his own life has inspired those around him to do the same.

Jimmy Kimmel

Everyone knows about the Kimmel foundation and all of the philanthropic work that Kimmel has done, but some don’t know that Kimmel likes to hang out at Costco, and he buys other people’s groceries for them.

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart actually practices what she preaches. She loves to shop at bargain stores, she recycles things around her home to make craft projects and new recipes. Stewart does her best not to waste any resources around her home.

Eva Longoria

The first thing Longoria did with her wealth was, buying a new house in a quiet area with sustainable resources surrounding her, and investing in a restaurant. Longoria prefers not to spend her money doing anything extravagant, she likes to have people over in her backyard for year-round BBQs.

Steve Carrell

This one might be embarrassing for some, but when Carrell isn’t on set, he only wears cargo shorts around his house. Most likely, some of you also do that, no cargo short shame here.

Eric Clapton

Clapton dropped out of the lavish rock and roll lifestyle after his son passed away. Now, Clapton is worth over $250 million, but he lives very frugally and reduces his waste. The only celebrity thing he does is collecting art.

Darius Rucker

The former frontman of Hootie and the Blowfish lives comfortably, surrounded by his wife and kids in their simple home in the country. Recently, he has revamped his solo career, and is touring like a broke band would tour, in a cramped van.

Katie Couric

Couric is worth an absolute crapload of money, but she doesn’t live lavishly at all. She likes to grill at her house, and she enjoys quiet weeks without having to look at the news, like most of us.

Renee Zellweger

Zellweger spent her childhood pinching pennies with her parents. Now that she’s a superstar, she has been able to provide her family with better lives than they had before, and she has been caught shopping at thrift stores on the outskirts of LA.

Clint Eastwood

Eastwood has played some of the most apathetic, legendary characters in film history. But, in real life, Eastwood is a total softie. Eastwood drives a 1990 GMC Typhoon, and he has a foundation that helps provide transportation for those who need it.

Warren Buffett

Known as the “Humble Billionaire,” Buffett really just acts like a normal guy. Buffett doesn’t see the point in using wealth as a status symbol, he donates the majority of his money to the Buffett Foundation, a charity that provides healthcare to those in need.

Britney Spears

This might come as a shock, but Spears tries to lay as low as possible. Over the years, she’s grown sick of media attention. She prefers to masquerade as a normal person, she shops at Target and Walmart and frequently helps those who are down on their luck, like she once was.

Matthew McConaughey

For the longest time, McConaughey lived in a trailer by the ocean so he could catch waves in the morning. He loved the simple life of minimizing his possessions, he claims that this centered his head. He now lives in a house with his wife and children.

J.K. Rowling

The author of Harry Potter prefers to live as simply as possible. She finds it easier to live a quiet lifestyle than to flaunt her identity. She is worth over $1 billion, but she donates the majority of her money to select charities.

Vincent Kartheiser

The now-famous Mad Men actor formerly lived in a one-bedroom apartment alone until he struck it big. He renovated the apartment completely from the inside, including a bed that dropped from the ceiling, and chose to sell it when he wanted to no longer live in New York.

Jose Mujica

The former premier of Uruguay wanted to live simply, much like always had. He donates 90% of his salary ton charities in the area, he also now lives on a farm and sells flowers for a living.

Ellen Page

Page lives in a two-bedroom house in Hollywood hills. She completely renovated the house by herself, and now it is worth nearly half a million dollars more than what she purchased it for. Talk about making use of your spare time!

Brandon Boyd

The lead singer of Incubus lives in this humble abode in Santa Monica. Although the house itself cost a pretty penny, his renovations were all done with the help of his friends, and all of the furniture is secondhand.

Keanu Reeves

Reeves was known for giving around 80% of his earnings from the Matrix to the costume and special effects team. Reeves is quite possibly the most philanthropic and wholesome celebrity in the world.

Mick Jagger

This Rolling Stone lives incredibly frugally. He was always known for fixing things when they broke, as opposed to throwing them away and buying new things.

Ashley Greene

This Twilight star stays as modest as she can. She was raised on the principle that you should never take jobs just for the money and that you should only live on what you have.

Jennifer Lawrence

Lawrence is one of the highest-paid female stars in Hollywood. However, she lives almost as she did in the Hunger Games. She likes to spend her time out in nature, away from cities. She also donates the majority of her cash regularly.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Parker lives the opposite life of what was portrayed in Sex and the City. She was raised on welfare and food stamps, so she spends the majority of her earnings on helping those who need it.

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Gellar is a mother first, vampire slayer second. She was raised by a single mom, who encouraged her to spend as little as possible and refused to allow her to become pretentious.

Dave Grohl

Nirvana and Foo Fighters superstar Dave Grohl has a knack for investing. Grohl has insisted that his children learn about investing at a young age, which will massively lower their stresses about funds later on in life.

Shia LaBeouf

This guy gets it. LaBeouf has spent his entire life not allowing material possessions rule the world around him. He grew up in a family of artists, and when he struck big as a child, they made sure that he would never end up a materialistic, pretentious adult.

Halle Berry

Berry is an expert saver and says that she would have been a financial advisor in another life. With the tumultuous nature of Hollywood nowadays, I’m not surprised that she’s saved so much dough.

Shailene Woodley

The face of the Divergent series, Woodly is definitely well-off. She donates the majority of her cash, wears secondhand clothing, and does environmental restoration work in her spare time.

Kristen Bell

Bell isn’t the most well-known celebrity in the world, but she might just be the most down to earth. She is a self-proclaimed hillbilly, who lives on a ranch with her husband Dax Shepard.

Tobey Maguire

The unintentional meme of Spiderman has gartered Maguire a ton of attention in recent history. Even as irresponsible with money as he was in Spiderman 3, Maguire keeps every penny of his tied up in investments.

Leonardo DiCaprio

DiCaprio might just be the best male actor of our generation, and in turn, he has made quite a lot of money. DiCaprio invests in young actors, contributes to his community immensely, and donates to environmental foundations frequently.

Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg is one of the most wealthy people on earth, but he has never acted like it. He donates a large amount of his money, and lives in a small home and just likes spending time with his friends, enjoying some fine smoked meats.

Mariska Hargitay

The former Law and Order superstar struggled with money in the past, and now that she has a ton of it, she decided she wants to be as wise with it as possible. She lives within her means and saves the cash that she has, forsakes something happens with her career.

Hilary Swank

This prolific actress grew up in a trailer park in Washington. She lived in her car for two years after she moved to California, and now she goes out of her way to help those in need.

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood never let her fame sway her whatsoever. Underwood confesses to wearing the same outfit three times in a week and going on dates to Subway, even after her rise to fame on American Idol.

Paul McCartney

This former Beatle is just as active as he is frugal. McCartney donates the majority of his savings to activist organizations, and he never ever has splurged on anything “stupid” or “selfish” in his adult life.

Tyra Banks

The Harvard grad, supermodel, and business mogul has always kept her wealth in check. The only thing she allows herself to splurge on is the occasional trip to the Cheesecake Factory.

Zooey Deschanel

This philanthropic movie star chooses to put the needs of others over herself. She has started several charities and throws benefit concerts where all the proceeds go to specific charities around America.

Jay Leno

Ignoring the enormous car collection Leno has, he has donated an incredible amount of his wealth to charitable causes. Including his own, the JDM Foundation.

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