If You Can Name All of These Vintage Items, You Might Be Generation X

How well do you remember your childhood? This quiz is perfect for Gen X to show off— anyone under 40 just won't get it!

What was this toy called?


Clackers were a popular toy in the 60s and '70s for younger kids. Naturally, they were eventually banned due to being a safety hazard... Sometimes, they would shatter. Whoops!


You chose:

Clackers were a popular toy in the 60s and '70s for younger kids. Naturally, they were eventually banned due to being a safety hazard... Sometimes, they would shatter. Whoops!

What is this dessert?


This disgusting monstrosity is a Jello salad. It was made with flavored gelatin, fruit, and sometimes vegetables. 


You chose:

This disgusting monstrosity is a Jello salad. It was made with flavored gelatin, fruit, and sometimes vegetables. 

What was this booth used for?


This was a Fotomat booth. Fotomat was a chain of photo development drive-thru kiosks and was usually located in shopping center parking lots.


You chose:

This was a Fotomat booth. Fotomat was a chain of photo development drive-thru kiosks and was usually located in shopping center parking lots.

What are these?


These devices contained film for photography. They were loaded up into the camera that way.


You chose:

These devices contained film for photography. They were loaded up into the camera that way.

What's inside this case?


If you were to lift up this case, you would find an old sewing machine. 


You chose:

If you were to lift up this case, you would find an old sewing machine. 

What would you have used this for?


This is an old-fashioned can opener. This particular type is way out of fashion. Most people have electric can openers! 


You chose:

This is an old-fashioned can opener. This particular type is way out of fashion. Most people have electric can openers! 

What game is this?


Pong was manufactured by Atari in 1972. It was one of the earliest arcade video games in existence. Obviously, it was supposed to resemble a real ping pong table on a 2-D scale.


You chose:

Pong was manufactured by Atari in 1972. It was one of the earliest arcade video games in existence. Obviously, it was supposed to resemble a real ping pong table on a 2-D scale.

What is this?


This weird device was actually a way to open up jars. It would latch on to either side of the lid, which would help the user twist the lid off.


You chose:

This weird device was actually a way to open up jars. It would latch on to either side of the lid, which would help the user twist the lid off.

How does one affect the other?


To stop a record from skipping, you had to affix a penny, nickel, or another type of small-ish coin to the top of the arm of the needle. The extra weight would keep the needle on the record!


You chose:

To stop a record from skipping, you had to affix a penny, nickel, or another type of small-ish coin to the top of the arm of the needle. The extra weight would keep the needle on the record!

What are these capsules supposed to store?


These tiny black containers held film! It was used to protect camera film from exposure to light. Exposing film to light at any stage would ruin it, so you had to be extra cautious!


You chose:

These tiny black containers held film! It was used to protect camera film from exposure to light. Exposing film to light at any stage would ruin it, so you had to be extra cautious!

What were these dividers for?


These wall dividers were for private phone calls. They didn't seem to work too well, though.


You chose:

These wall dividers were for private phone calls. They didn't seem to work too well, though.

What did Neil Armstrong say when he and Buzz Aldrin placed the flag on the moon?


At 4:18 p.m. on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong said: "The Eagle has landed." The Eagle was the name of the Apollo 11 lunar module. History in the making!


You chose:

At 4:18 p.m. on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong said: "The Eagle has landed." The Eagle was the name of the Apollo 11 lunar module. History in the making!

What was this supposed to do to your car?


This is a headlight leveling dial and was used to adjust the brightness of the headlights. It's similar to "high beams" now.


You chose:

This is a headlight leveling dial and was used to adjust the brightness of the headlights. It's similar to "high beams" now.

What was this used for?


This is a retro aluminum ice cube tray! It's definitely different from ice cube trays nowadays...


You chose:

This is a retro aluminum ice cube tray! It's definitely different from ice cube trays nowadays...

Do you know what this is?


Only the real ones know what this is! Cap guns were toy guns that created a puff of smoke and a loud bang when they went off, simulating the sound of a gunshot. It wasn't actually a gunshot, though. Just a fun way to prank your friends.


You chose:

Only the real ones know what this is! Cap guns were toy guns that created a puff of smoke and a loud bang when they went off, simulating the sound of a gunshot. It wasn't actually a gunshot, though. Just a fun way to prank your friends.

Do you know what this is?


This is what card readers used to look like. Nowadays, we have the chip!


You chose:

This is what card readers used to look like. Nowadays, we have the chip!

What's happening to the cassette tape in this photo?


Back in the day, you had to rewind the cassette tape using a pen or pencil. No automatic rewinding here!


You chose:

Back in the day, you had to rewind the cassette tape using a pen or pencil. No automatic rewinding here!

This used to be found in every car... What is it?


Nearly all vehicles included an electric cigarette lighter that was located right on the dashboard so that the driver could light up when they wanted to. Crazy times!


You chose:

Nearly all vehicles included an electric cigarette lighter that was located right on the dashboard so that the driver could light up when they wanted to. Crazy times!

What are these?


Flashcubes were a dangerous way to help light the subject of a photograph. In order to create light, a reaction occurred inside of the cubes, causing them to detonate. The cube then released a bright burst of light.


You chose:

Flashcubes were a dangerous way to help light the subject of a photograph. In order to create light, a reaction occurred inside of the cubes, causing them to detonate. The cube then released a bright burst of light.

What was this handheld game?


Merlin was designed by a former NASA employee. You could play six different games on it, like tic tac toe and blackjack!


You chose:

Merlin was designed by a former NASA employee. You could play six different games on it, like tic tac toe and blackjack!

What was this device used for?


These speakers were how people could hear movies at drive-in theaters from their cars. Usually, you could detach the speaker and bring it into your car so you could hear it better.


You chose:

These speakers were how people could hear movies at drive-in theaters from their cars. Usually, you could detach the speaker and bring it into your car so you could hear it better.

What was this kitchen appliance?


This is a real toaster from the early twentieth century. It only looks a little dangerous!


You chose:

This is a real toaster from the early twentieth century. It only looks a little dangerous!

Where would you have found this device?


This is metal foot measurer, called a Brannock Device. It was used to determine your shoe size while at the store. Some of these are still in circulation!


You chose:

This is metal foot measurer, called a Brannock Device. It was used to determine your shoe size while at the store. Some of these are still in circulation!

What is this metal device?


This is a mechanical pencil sharpener! It was invented in 1822. Mounted on a desk or a wall, you would have to use a hand crank to get it going.


You chose:

This is a mechanical pencil sharpener! It was invented in 1822. Mounted on a desk or a wall, you would have to use a hand crank to get it going.

What was this old console called?


The Atari 2600 or Atari VCS was a home video console that was manufactured from 1977 to 1992. Across the system's lifetime, it is estimated that about 30 million units were sold.


You chose:

The Atari 2600 or Atari VCS was a home video console that was manufactured from 1977 to 1992. Across the system's lifetime, it is estimated that about 30 million units were sold.

What is this item?


This is the Auto Chop. It was popular in the 1970s and 80s for chopping up meats, fruits, and vegetables. Basically, it's an old school food processor!


You chose:

This is the Auto Chop. It was popular in the 1970s and 80s for chopping up meats, fruits, and vegetables. Basically, it's an old school food processor!

What was Woolworth's?


Woolworth's began as a five-and-dime store and expanded to a variety store. It was basically an old-school Walmart... They just didn't get their feet off the ground.


You chose:

Woolworth's began as a five-and-dime store and expanded to a variety store. It was basically an old-school Walmart... They just didn't get their feet off the ground.

What was the name of the toy that this belonged to?


The Spirograph was a geometric drawing device that used to be a popular Hasbro toy. It also made it easy to make pretty geometric designs with gel pens!


You chose:

The Spirograph was a geometric drawing device that used to be a popular Hasbro toy. It also made it easy to make pretty geometric designs with gel pens!

What was this machine?


This was originally known as the Stereo 8. It was popular in the U.S. between the 60s and 80s. Folks used this to play their tapes, back when those were a thing.


You chose:

This was originally known as the Stereo 8. It was popular in the U.S. between the 60s and 80s. Folks used this to play their tapes, back when those were a thing.

Which of these was Ovaltine's biggest competitor?


Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine! Unless you're brand loyal to Cocomalt, their biggest competitor. 


You chose:

Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine! Unless you're brand loyal to Cocomalt, their biggest competitor. 

What was shag carpeting made from?


Wall to wall shag carpeting was the peak of interior design in the 60s and 70s. It's mostly associated with hippies! 


You chose:

Wall to wall shag carpeting was the peak of interior design in the 60s and 70s. It's mostly associated with hippies! 

What was this crank commonly used for?


Way before car windows were automatic, you had to use this hand crank. If you were lucky, it was a breeze. If not, you got a decent arm workout.


You chose:

Way before car windows were automatic, you had to use this hand crank. If you were lucky, it was a breeze. If not, you got a decent arm workout.

What was this popular 60s hairstyle called?


The Beehive hairstyle was popular among working women in the 1960s. At this point, it's pretty iconic.


You chose:

The Beehive hairstyle was popular among working women in the 1960s. At this point, it's pretty iconic.

What was this child's toy called?


This was truly the greatest innovation ever... The pet rock. Somehow, someone, somewhere, made millions off of shipping children a rock.


You chose:

This was truly the greatest innovation ever... The pet rock. Somehow, someone, somewhere, made millions off of shipping children a rock.

What was this duo used for?


This is a typewriter eraser. The abrasive end was used just like a regular pencil eraser. The typist then brushed away any debris with the bristle end, making it easy to fix... 


You chose:

This is a typewriter eraser. The abrasive end was used just like a regular pencil eraser. The typist then brushed away any debris with the bristle end, making it easy to fix... 

What was this handy little tool used for?


Twist-off bottle caps weren't invented until the 1960s... so, people had to use bottle openers for everything. The round end removed the caps while the pointy end was used to puncture the can as a vent.


You chose:

Twist-off bottle caps weren't invented until the 1960s... so, people had to use bottle openers for everything. The round end removed the caps while the pointy end was used to puncture the can as a vent.

What was this little hole in the wall for?


Many suburban homes had a small box called a "milk chute." The milkman would then the milk in the protected area and swap the milk with the money waiting inside for him. 


You chose:

Many suburban homes had a small box called a "milk chute." The milkman would then the milk in the protected area and swap the milk with the money waiting inside for him. 

What did this handheld utensil do?


This utensil is used to crush soft food, and it's actually still used pretty widely! This is how you get the best mashed potatoes.


You chose:

This utensil is used to crush soft food, and it's actually still used pretty widely! This is how you get the best mashed potatoes.

What is the name of this food?


This is a bit of a wild one, this pistachio-based salad has instant pudding, canned pineapple, whipped cream, pecans, and marshmallows in it. Sounds gross! For some reason, people called it the Watergate Salad after Nixon's Watergate scandal...


You chose:

This is a bit of a wild one, this pistachio-based salad has instant pudding, canned pineapple, whipped cream, pecans, and marshmallows in it. Sounds gross! For some reason, people called it the Watergate Salad after Nixon's Watergate scandal...

What was this device called?


The View-Mater was a line of stereoscopes and reels that allowed users to flip through the slides and see pictures. They were usually photos of landscapes!


You chose:

The View-Mater was a line of stereoscopes and reels that allowed users to flip through the slides and see pictures. They were usually photos of landscapes!

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