Wedding Situations You Thought Only Existed in Your Nightmares

Weddings can make people go crazy... Even if it's not their own! From crazy guest demands to bridezillas coaching what a guest should look like, all of the craziness gets put on the internet. People in the wedding world love to shame each other, and we love to watch it happen.

How Many People Is That?

Under the RSVP, instead of requesting a plus 1, they’re requesting a plus 16 adults and 4 kids… Um, how about we just uninvite you and call it a day? People are so entitled! Also, those song requests are trash.

She's Not My Cousin Anymore

Don’t ever let your family try and convince you to be around toxic members because “they’re family!” What her family should have done was booted the cousin out of the family tree. No cheaters allowed!

Be Careful With What You Post On The Internet

This woman had a dress code for her wedding that required Louboutin shoes so that you can “see them when we’re all dancing” and expensive clothing. Someone posted it on Reddit, and she went viral. This was her reaction… Maybe think about what you’re asking for! 

That’s Not The Bride…

That’s not just a random wedding guest, either. That is the groom’s own mother. Apparently, she’s struggling a bit with the fact that this isn’t her wedding day… Momzilla!

When Everything Is Terrible

She ended up getting an honorable mention on her ex’s wedding website as the girlfriend he cheated on. What a great way to be remembered! Also, no, she didn’t get an invite to the wedding. 

Way To Show Up The Bride

It’s universally known that you shouldn’t wear a white dress to a wedding. The poor bride (the middle) has such a frumpy dress compared to that wedding guest. Who wants to be remembered as the wedding guest who wore a white dress?!

Screw Her For Getting Pregnant!

I feel like the birth of a child is a bit more important than a wedding that might end up in a divorce… And probably will since this woman lacks empathy. 

Matching With Mom!

At least her daughter doesn’t seem to mind the fact that they’re wearing the same exact outfit. Hey, it is hard to give your daughter away. She must have taken it hard…

Doing The Most

Another mother faux pas. She should know better not to wear white! You can’t even argue that it’s cream or off-white… It’s still in the white dress family. Some people really hate not having the attention on them.

There’s That “Family” Excuse Again

No means no! To this bride, “no” must mean “start bullying me into saying yes.” This is definitely a wedding that this woman won’t be missing out on. The worst part is that the bride only wanted her to fill in because she needed to fill a “spot.” That’s not what a wedding is about!

Wedding Photography Gone Horribly Wrong

Honestly, the two photo’s by themselves would have been nice. The double exposure was simply a poor choice. Hopefully, the bride and groom can pick from other photos to print out. 

When Your Husband Is Still Living in His College Days

Even in college, this sign is pretty embarrassing to have… How did he convince his bride to hold up that other one? This is some cringe-worthy material!

Very Relaxed Backyard Wedding’s

There’s nothing wrong with a low-budget backyard wedding. They’re usually more relaxed and can be way more fun for a chill couple. Apparently, someone decided that this lax wedding was an excuse to dress up as Thanos. I’m not sure how to connect the dots there.

Relax, Mom

Not only did the groom’s mother wear something extremely similar to a wedding dress, but that death grip on his arm is also one for the books. This isn’t your day, tune the crazy mom vibes down a bit.

No Wearing White? Sure, Okay...

I genuinely don’t know who the bride is and who the guest is. Something tells me that it’s the woman on the right… What does someone do in this situation? Grin and bear it? 

She’s Not a Bridesmaid

The guest on the right has the appropriate dress. The woman on the left looks like she’s a bridesmaid, which is not the case. If you’re planning on wearing a gown to a wedding with a trail, you should rethink your priorities. 

It’s My Day, Too!

This is a photo of the exact moment where the mother of the groom cut into their first dance. Yes, she did have her dance after theirs but decided that they were taking too long. Absolutely insane. 

Watch Your Jealousy

Some people have argued that she just has that “face” but her body language is saying otherwise! You really have to keep an eye on your faces at a wedding… Photographers are everywhere!

She’s Not Even In The Wedding Party

You know a bride is crazy when they’re trying to control the look of a guest. Apparently, blue hair and tattoos is going to ruin her wedding day. This is the type of person you put in the trash.

Nightmare Videographer

Be careful who you hire! Also, this is definitely a suable offense. The company didn’t produce anything so they have no right to keep the money. This is someone’s one day and they couldn’t even do that right!

Keep Your Phones Away

Wedding guests can get pretty entitled. The photographer is there with a job to do, so stop getting in their way! Plus, this person as their phone so out in the aisle that there was no way that the photographer could get around it. Gross.

Okay, Cool it

This was definitely the bride’s doing. No MC would ever go through the couple’s gifts and do this on their own… Some people really get married just to get money and gifts. This couple definitely fits the criteria!

Yeah, No

A photographer with eight years of experience is easily up in the thousands for weddings. Also, no breaks? So the photographer needs to be on their feet constantly shooting? It sounds a bit much. This is a good list of things not to say to a photographer, though. 

This Isn’t a Good Joke

It’s cool when the couple is down to Earth, but this is a little much. This dinosaur costume “joke” is going to fade into oblivion soon and is going to make the wedding photos look extremely weird in the coming years.

Destination Weddings Are Never Fun

No one wants to go to a destination wedding. That is basically a “vacation” that someone is being forced to take to attend said wedding. So, yeah, only nine people responded because it’s hard to get time off to go to Thailand

Wedding Potluck?

Sorry, but there is no such thing as a wedding potluck. The couple assumed that people would bring them a gift and dinner? No, thanks.

“Made” Under a Grand

A wedding isn’t a money-making scheme for a honeymoon. Not sure how this is something that people have to be told… Hope their honeymoon is cheap and boring!

No, Exposure Doesn’t Pay The Bills

Also, 30k Instagram followers aren’t that much in the grand scheme of things. How many of those people are actually going to pay the videographer after they see the video? Probably none of them. 

Farmer’s Being Farmer’s

This isn’t a wedding, but it’s still extremely relevant. Can you imagine what their horrific wedding will be like? Also, does this mean that the cow is technically engaged to him since it’s on her udder? Lots of questions…

This couple had their wedding near one of the hot spots of the California fires. They wanted to “bring awareness” but people saw right through that. They weren’t suffering since they flew in from another state… They just wanted the clout. Gross.

Way To Use a Tragedy For a Wedding Shot

Tacky and Tasteless

If anyone has ever seen this show, you’d know how bizarre and disrespectful this is. Also, it’s a very weird thing to have as a “fun” theme in your wedding. You couldn’t have picked Game of Thrones? Really?

This Would Have Been Lovely…

… If she didn’t substitute her own head for a Minion’s. Please, leave the weird and bizarre Disney references for the afterparty.

Some Of These Are… Ridiculous

So, no one is supposed to talk to the bride the entire night? What if she tries to talk to someone? What do you do? Also, policing the guests’ hair is beyond bad.

Love When People Ignore The Invites

When it says no kids, they mean no kids. So, yeah, it doesn’t matter if she sits on your lap because that’s still an extra mouth to feed that the venue can’t accommodate! People are crazy. 

That’s Worth a Punch

Apparently, he thought that it would be funny. There’s nothing funny about "poo"! Especially on your wedding day!

That’s Not the Bride

She looks like a bride, but she’s not! She’s just wearing a very wedding-y dress that makes her look like the bride. That’s embarrassing. 

Horrible DJ Story

DJ’s are a difficult breed to work with. Usually, they just want to play their own stuff, no matter what the party wants. This guy even introduced the two grooms as “Mr. and Mrs.” Yikes!

Taking Bridezilla To The Next Level

This is like that scene in Mean Girls where Regina George finds out that Cady was giving her nutrition bars that fatten you up. Brides are crazy… She didn’t do just one, she did all of her bridesmaids. How crazy can you be?

Army Couple? Nope!

Despite that the cake is horrendous (it could have been grandma’s, you never know!) the weirdest part of this is the camo. The couple is not in the Army, which is the only way that would have been acceptable. They’re just… Camo-lovin’ people, I guess.

Surprise Wedding With a Twist

The one being surprised… Is the bride! That seems like an absolutely horrible idea. Hopefully, the bride is okay with this…

Take it Down a Notch

Besides the obvious thing that’s wrong here, the funniest part is the guy to the right of the groom with the tiny pistol. No one could give him a rifle? Nobody?

Sushi Cake

It looks pretty, but that’s about it. The last thing I want after dinner (that I probably stuffed myself at) is a sushi cake. Who decided this was okay?

More Bridesmaid Sabotage

The bride obviously has good taste. Her dress is beautiful. Folks on Reddit are convinced that she sabotaged her bridesmaids by giving them this horrendous dress to wear… It’s not flattering on any of them!

Smooth Move

He should have tied it to his wrist using a string or something. I’m positive they never saw that ring again… I hope he got insurance on it.

Hunting Themed Wedding

At least there’s a visible and cohesive theme. It’s just a bit on the violent side? And the one groomsman is pointing his gun at the others… Body.

Cursed Wedding

I understand that this is a beach wedding, but this is a bit much, don’t you think? Also, I just noticed the fake hand on her shoulder. The emoji’s are quite spot on.

When the Mother-In-Law Takes it Too Far

This wedding was from a while ago, so there are no hard feelings. The bride even said she found it kind of funny! Mom is lucky, because most brides would rip her head off.

Sure, Because Weight Means Everything

This is the type of bride who is too interested in the actual wedding. It’s only one day of your life, don’t ruin lifelong relationships for being catty and mean!

The Venue Did Everything Right

Sometimes, there’s no pleasing the bridezilla. They did so much for this couple and received no money and a 1-star review in return! She’s pretty awful.

That’s Not How It Works

The photographer is doing his job and should be paid accordingly. Just because a couple gets divorced doesn’t make the work obsolete. People are really stupid…

Tickets For The Wedding

Alas, another person who thinks that a wedding is a money-making scheme. Don’t sell wedding seats to your friends and family, please. That’s so awful.

Brother Ditches The Wedding

Apparently, hiring a babysitter who can also take care of the dogs is just too much to handle for this guy so he’s going to be missing his sister’s wedding. That’s a pretty weak excuse! It sounds a bit lazy…

Weight Check! Too Heavy

Honestly, that dock did not look very sturdy in the first place. I don’t know why they would think that a gigantic wedding party would be able to fit on there. I wouldn’t have even tried to risk it!

Wedding Day Bruises

It really looked like he had it at first… Hopefully, neither of them were sporting any cuts and bruises at the reception.

Watch The Veil!

When the Prada veil gets stuck under your Rolls Royce… What a bizarre flex. Also, props to the photographer trying to get a shot of it.

Oh, Fun

Who doesn’t love the “groom hates his bride” story? The worst part is that this is in the “wedding decorations” aisle… I hope no one buys it. I’m assuming there’s a reason why it’s on sale for $3!

Taking The Spotlight Away!

Never propose to someone on someone else’s special day, even if you get permission. If they say yes, it’s probably just because they’re too scared to say no. Just look at the bride’s face!

They All Wore The Same Dress By Accident

Okay, this one is hilarious. All of these women, who don’t know each other, wore the same dress to the wedding. Of course, they had to get a picture! They all look stunning, too.

Is She Okay?

There’s definitely something going on with the maid of honor. Maybe the stress of the wedding got to her? There’s definitely more to this story… 

Chill With The Birdseed

Someone just straight up threw a huge handful of birdseed at the couple. That looks painful, doesn’t it? Someone should have regulated the birdseed!

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The More You Know

  • A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time.
  • One in four Americans thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  • About 700 grapes go into one bottle of wine.
  • The youngest parents in the world were aged 8 and 9.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.