Nobody Noticed When These Wardrobe Fails Landed On the Big Screen

An accurate wardrobe selection can make or break a film, but what happens when a mishap goes unnoticed? These are some of the craziest costumes fails that made it all the way to the big screen, and there are some surprising ones...

The Ten Commandments (1956)

Nefertiti is absolutely stunning in her teal silk dress in the flick The Ten Commandments, but costume designers made an accidental mistake with this outfit. Taking place between the 16th and 13th centuries, the only way to dye silk would have been with natural tints. While it certainly is a striking color, a teal dress would not have been possible quite yet. 

La La Land (2016)

Mia and Sebastian from La La Land get into a bit of trouble during this road rage scene. During the incident, the leading man is seen wearing a brown shirt. Later on, he returns to his house to talk to his sister. In this scene,  the shirt is blue. Next scene, Sebastian goes back to a brown shirt while playing the piano. The director noticed the continuity error a little too late...


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