Luke McPherson was no stranger to adventure, but he never expected to uncover a terrifying truth about an abandoned wildlife preserve near Victoria, Australia. He thankfully managed to capture his entire experience on video, and the result went trending for its fear-factor...
A Trending YouTuber
31-year-old Luke McPherson, a native of Victoria, Australia, was an avid outdoorsman and videographer. He filmed everything from hiking to rock climbing to four-wheeling to geocaching. He was never without a camera, so it wasn't unusual to find him out and about filming his day to day activities...
A Compelling New Subject
Not usually one to follow rules, Luke decided to trespass through an abandoned wildlife park near his home. He thought documenting the excursion would make for an interesting video, just in case, he came across anything his viewers would want to see. He never thought this trip would nearly be the last he ever took...