Resurrection Mary: The Ghost of the Sock-Hop

Chet's Melody Lounge is a normal roadside bar in rural Illinois. They have a pool table, a jukebox, drink specials every day, clean ashtrays, and a large clientele of bikers that are both friendly to outsiders and protective of the establishment. 

However, they do have one strange tradition that dates back to the early 1930s that has stuck around since the bar first opened after prohibition. 

A man who worked as a bookie in the Union Stockyards of the south side of Chicago. This man's name was Vince, and he was a very timid fellow. In fact, he had been sucking down rum and cokes and unfiltered cigarettes at a feverish rate to try and quell his anxiety about asking the pretty girl who was drinking a bloody mary at the end of the bar for a dance. 

Vince swallowed hard and walked up to the beautiful woman. He asked her for a dance, to which she wordlessly accepted. Vince was smitten, and as the band played progressively faster tunes, he tried to pull the woman away to have a word with her. 

The woman's name was Mary. She didn't have a job, nor did she have much to say about her family. Vince was a little taken aback by this, but he was far from deterred. 

As the night grew longer, their words became shorter, and the duo started to get tired. Vince offered Mary a ride home and reached out to touch her hand. 

Suddenly, Mary completely vanished in the middle of a room full of witnesses. 

To this day, the bartenders drop a bloody mary at the end of the bar for Resurrection Mary, the woman that was never truly there. 

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