Secrets About Steamy Movie Scenes That Directors Do Not Want To Share

In an interview, Cavill admitted that he had accidentally gotten aroused during a particular scene. He was so embarrassed and felt unprofessional that he could barely come back to set! In hindsight, he said that it was funny but he still profusely apologized to his co-actor for his behavior. Whoops!

Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt in The Passengers

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence were at the height of their careers during the filming of The Passengers. Lawrence admitted in nearly every interview how awkward and anxious she was about her love scene with Pratt, who was married to Anna Farris at the time. How did she get through the nerves and guilt? Drinking. 

Lawrence said that she had to get "really drunk" before filming just to get through the guilt of kissing a married man. After she left the shoot, she said that the drinking only led to more anxiety, especially once she was home and finally alone with her thoughts. "I was like, ‘What have I done? I don’t know.’"

Robert Pattinson in Maps to the Stars

Robert Pattinson doesn't take himself too seriously. He likes to joke and make light of himself, especially his embarrassing moments. While he was filming Map to the Stars, he always tended to get sweaty while filming the steamy scenes. 


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