Cabin Crew Reveals What Really Happens When Flying

For many of us, planes seem like the ultimate death machine. How can 90,000 pounds of metal stay in the air for hours on end? Well, these cabin crews have answered every anxious flier's most common questions...

Can airplane tires burst?

If you've ever seen airplane tires and wondered how those tiny little things could possibly remain intact upon landing, fear not! A typical plane tire can withstand a 38-ton load. They are usually inflated to around 200 PSI—about six times the force of your car's tires.

Are there secret rooms?

Passengers may not get to see much of the plane, since we generally spend the majority of our flight buckled into the seat. Some planes do have "secret" rooms, but they're not as glamorous as you might think. These rooms are for crew members who need to get some shut-eye after a long day of traveling.

What are those tiny holes on the windows?

Don't worry, these aren't bullet holes. These small holes are known as "bleed holes," and their purpose is to regulate the cabin's air pressure. Each window has three layers, including a small gap between the middle and outer layers. The bleed hole helps to rebalance the pressure between the cabin and the gap.

Why do planes leave white lines in the sky?

The white lines that planes emit when traveling across the sky are called condensation trails, or contrails. Contrails occur when the plane's hot vapor meets the cool air in the atmosphere—similar to how we can see our breath in winter.

Why do planes fly at 35,000 feet?

Altitudes typically range from 30,000 feet to 40,000 feet. The reason most planes fly at 35,000 feet is for the sake of fuel efficiency; the higher planes fly, the less fuel they burn. The aircraft needs less fuel when the air is thinner.

What does the pilot actually do up there?

Sure, there are plenty of levers and buttons in the cockpit, but what is the pilot actually doing in there? These days, autopilot does play an important role insofar as physically navigating the plane, but the pilot must still follow a strict protocol to keep passengers safe. Even if they don't have their hands on the control column at all times, your pilot's job is to make sure that your flight goes smoothly!

Can a pilot-in-training operate a flight?

The answer is "yes," but don't be alarmed. A pilot-in-training may be able to operate the plane, but they are never left unsupervised. Hands-on experience in the field is necessary for pilots to learn the ropes, and that only happens after they have completed exams and simulations.

How do you become a pilot?

Some pilots build their experience in the military, others in civilian flight school. All pilots must complete a certain number of flight hours, pass exams, and earn several certificates to earn a commercial pilot license. Not all airlines require pilots to have a degree.

How likely is my plane to crash?

Plane crashes were much more likely to occur back in the '60s, '70s, and '80s than they are today due to bombings and technical malfunctions. The chances of a plane crash are extraordinarily low—about 1 in 11 million. Compare that to the risk of being killed in a car accident, which is 1 in 5,000.

Is it safe to fly in the middle of a storm?

Pilots usually try to avoid flying during inclement weather, just like you might decline to drive your car in a blizzard. However, flying during a storm isn't impossible—storms are almost always centralized over a small area. In the case of extreme weather, air traffic controllers will always direct the aircraft above or around severe storms.

What if the landing gear fails?

49% of fatal accidents occur when the plane is landing as opposed to any other time. In the event that something goes wrong and the plane is unable to land properly, the pilot will perform a risky maneuver called a "belly landing" or "gear-up landing", which is when the aircraft uses its underside, or belly, as its primary landing device.

Is turbulence actually dangerous?

No matter how brave you are, turbulence is most certainly a frightening thing to experience. Fortunately, this phenomenon is extremely common and almost never an indication of danger. Turbulence is simply rough air; no matter how much the plane shakes, the minor change in altitude is rarely more than 20 feet.

Can pilots fly every type of plane?

In many ways, flying a plane is similar to driving a car—once you get your license, you can operate most vehicles, with the exception of trucks and busses. Pilots can fly a variety of aircraft because the basic controls are the same for most planes.

How do you turn on a plane?

The process of starting a plane was once an intricate one. Thankfully, modern technology has managed to smooth out the process. These days, planes can be turned on in a matter of seconds.

If the plane is on autopilot, can the pilot leave the cockpit?

According to the laws of aviation, the pilot should remain in the cockpit at all times, regardless of whether the plane is on autopilot. In the event that the pilot must use the restroom or briefly leave the cockpit for some reason, they are only allowed to do so if another pilot is there to monitor the plane.

Do pilots have time to enjoy the destination before taking off again?

The answer generally depends on the pilot's layover time, but often, yes. Like the rest of the crew, pilots have the opportunity to explore the places they travel. If it's a one-way trip, pilots may even be able to spend the night!

How many pilots are normally on the plane?

The number of pilots onboard a flight will depend on the length of the journey, but up to four pilots can be on an airplane at any given time. On long flights, the pilots are able to swap out positions in order to get some well-deserved rest.

What time zone do airlines use?

Planes often fly through a variety of time zones. Pilots generally use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), also known as Zulu or Greenwich time. UTC is universally accepted as a time format.

Can airplane windows crack?

If you've ever looked outside the window on a flight and wondered how those little portholes keep from shattering, you're not alone. Fortunately, you most definitely will not be sucked out into the sky. The window is made from several layers of reinforced glass.

Why are lights turned off during landing?

The lights are dimmed during takeoff and landing in order to help your eyes adjust to the darkness in the event of an emergency. That way, if the power goes out, passengers aren't suddenly thrust into chaos, unable to search for an exit in the dark.

Why is airplane food so mediocre?

Airplane food is the butt of plenty of stand-up jokes, and for good reason—it's usually quite bland. However, science has an answer for this phenomenon. At high altitudes, most of our tastebuds become slightly numb, causing food to lack taste.

If smoking isn't allowed on planes, why are there ashtrays available?

Smoking is prohibited on planes, but there are still ashtrays onboard. These ashtrays exist as a backup measure. If a passenger illegally lights up a smoke, the flight crew must act immediately and have them put it out.

What are the red and green lights on plane wings?

These red and green lights aren't a Christmas decoration. Instead, the blinking lights on either side of the plane are used to notify other aircraft of their intended flight path. This prevents the possibility of a collision.

Can a plane be struck by lightning?

Although this might concern you, the answer is yes. However, airplanes are designed with aluminum, which is good for conducting electricity. Lightning strikes will almost always flow through the outside of the plane without affecting its mechanics.

What happens if you don't activate airplane mode on your phone?

Don't worry—it is unlikely that any planes have crashed due to mobile phone interference. However, you should always follow instructions and put your phone on airplane mode. Even though some may doubt the effect of phones on an airplane, it's best to be responsible.

Why do some flights in the Middle East take off late at night?

Planes are easier to maneuver in low temperatures. This is due to air density. Since cold air is denser than warm air, it is easier for planes to take off after midnight in the warm Middle Eastern climate.

What can pilots use in the cockpit?

The cockpit is meant to remain as sterile as possible, meaning that pilots may not bring many, if any, personal belongings. This includes coffee mugs, books, and their own headsets. They may bring their own cap or a pillow for their back, but that's about it.

How do pilots communicate with the control center?

Pilots once communicated with the control room through speech alone, but thanks to modern technology, pilots can contact them through text, if preferred. This eliminates the possibility of miscommunications due to background noise or mumbling.

Must pilots know how to speak English?

For the most part, English is a primary language spoken by pilots, but there are certain occasions where the language shifts based on the airline—for example, pilots who work for Spanish airlines often speak Spanish on the radio, and some Canadian airlines use French.

How are medical emergencies handled on an airplane?

Planes are usually prepared to take on any medical problem that occurs onboard. Crew members receive medical training that ensures their ability to take control in the event of an emergency. Besides, there's always the chance that a nurse or doctor is onboard.

Can pilots play music in the cockpit?

Pilots may not have any distractions in the cockpit, and that includes music. Music is strictly prohibited in the cockpit unless there is a waiting period in which the plane is not in operation and no passengers are on board.

Is it important to applaud when the plane lands?

Although you might feel like celebrating at the end of a long flight, clapping upon landing is not necessary. You wouldn't applaud your bus driver for dropping you off at the correct destination—they're simply doing their job. Of course, if you feel like spreading some cheer, go for it.

Are pilots scared of flying?

If pilots were genuinely afraid of flying, it's hard to imagine that they would voluntarily enter this profession. Statistically speaking, flying is the safest way to travel. There is only a 1 in 11 million chance of crashing.

Why don't all passengers have parachutes?

In the event of an accident, it's fair to wonder why we don't just have parachutes underneath our chairs. Unfortunately, a person must be trained in parachuting in order to successfully execute a jump—and at such a high altitude, even experienced parachuters are likely to make a mistake.

Can a passenger land the plane?

If your lifelong dream is to heroically land the plane in the event of a major emergency, you could hypothetically carry it out. Newer aircraft are designed for mostly automatic travel, meaning that any amateur can land an updated plane as long as they follow instructions. However, for older planes, this isn't the case.

What are the spirals inside jet engines?

There are spirals inside turbines to make sure that people know when they're rolling or static in order to avoid injury. Regardless, if you're close enough to see the spiral clearly, perhaps you should back up.

What happens if the plane hits a bird?

Long story short—tough time for the bird. However, if a large bird were to get sucked into the turbine, that might be something worth worrying about.

Why do pilots sit in the passenger seats?

If passenger seats are not in use, pilots may peruse the aisles and comfortable among the crowd. This is a tactic used to make the passengers feel more at ease—they can see who is responsible for their safety. However, even when mingling with the passengers, pilots must be on alert in the event that they are needed.

When do pilots have time to eat?

You may not know this, but pilots sometimes receive different food than the passengers—and they usually eat a different meal and their coworkers. This is a precautionary measure. If everyone on the plane gets food poisoning from a certain meal, at least one person on board will remain healthy enough to operate the plane.

Is a plane able to land on its own?

Modern planes are equipped with an "autoland" system that guides the aircraft to landing while the pilot monitors the process as it unfolds. This system is often used when visibility is too poor for the pilot to see where the runway is. However, most pilots still prefer to land manually.

Why do planes sometimes circle before landing?

If you realize that your plane is circling around before you land, don't be alarmed. This is a maneuver used by pilots to stall for time, either due to multiple planes landing at once, or inclement weather.

Can pilots sleep on the flight?

Pilots are allowed to nap on flights, especially when it's a long-haul situation. They either attempt bunk sleep, which allows them a few hours of rest after being replaced by another pilot, or controlled rest, which is more like a power nap—10 to 20 minutes, up to 45.

How long can you breathe through oxygen masks?

Passengers generally do not need to wear oxygen masks unless the cabins become depressurized at a high altitude. Oxygen masks last between 10 and 14 minutes, which is more than enough time for the pilot to reduce the plane's altitude. Electricity is not an issue since the system is connected to individual oxygen generators.

What happens if the engine fails?

If the engine stops working, it isn't time to panic, yet. The plane won't plummet to the ground immediately—it can glide, similar to the way that cars can move down slopes while in neutral. Even if one engine malfunctions, airplanes have a number of power backups, ranging from four to six engines, all working independently of one another.

Can pilots have piercings or long facial hair?

Pilots must remain free of body modifications when onboard—that includes piercings and facial hair. It isn't so much about aesthetics as it is safety, since beards or piercings may impede the proper use of an oxygen mask.

Can the cockpit be accessed from outside the plane?

The door to the cockpit is always closed and locked from within. However, the door can be opened with a unique code that only the flight crew and pilots know. That way, in the event of an emergency, a flight attendant would be able to access the room. There is also a camera inside which allows the pilot to see who is at the door prior to letting them enter.

Where does the waste from airplane toilets go?

The sound you hear after flushing an airplane toilet is always a little jarring, if not downright terrifying. This is not an indication that the toilet waste is being dropped into the ocean, as many people believe. Instead, the waste travels through pipes into the aircraft's waste tank, which is sucked out using a hose attached to a truck.

Can the doors open mid-flight?

As long as the plane remains airborne, all doors, including emergency exits, are shut and cannot be open until the flight ends. This is not only due to safety reasons, but the pressure makes it physically impossible to open them. Even if you managed to pry them open, you'd pass out in less than a minute due to oxygen deprivation.

Is it better to crash on land or in the water?

One might believe that landing in the water is a less deadly option than crashing on land, but many pilots would disagree. While neither scenario is preferable, landing on the water can be a disaster; planes can easily flood, and there are often sharks.

If a baby is born in the air, where do they claim citizenship?

Although people who are pregnant beyond 36 weeks are advised not to fly, there's always the possibility that someone might give birth on a plane. Where does your "skyborn" baby belong? Generally, the baby receives their parents' nationality, but some babies can be granted citizenship of the country they flew over at the time of birth. The baby can also be granted citizenship in the country of the plane's destination.

Can the plane run out of fuel?

Definitely not. Aside from the fuel needed to get the aircraft from point A to point B, the plane also carries destination fuel to accommodate for air traffic at the landing point; holding fuel for when the plane has to reroute for another airport; contingency fuel for when the plane must reroute to a different airport; taxi fuel for when the plane is sitting on the tarmac; and discrepancy fuel, which is decided by the pilot.

Can mid-air collisions happen?

Technically, yes, but it's almost impossible thanks to a voice command that sounds in the cockpit in the event that a plane is nearby. Commercial jets are equipped with systems that can detect other airplanes, mountains, and other large, solid debris that may be in its flight path. If the plane is within 10 miles of another plane, pilots are warned by a voice repeating, "Traffic, traffic, traffic!" If the traffic is within five miles, the voice instructs the pilot on where to go in order to avoid an accident.

Should we be worried about the pilot's wellbeing?

If you've ever been concerned about your pilot dropping dead behind the wheel, the chances of anything like that happening are quite slim. The frequency may vary across airlines, but all pilots must undergo a full medical checkup at least once a year. Captains must have a physical every six months.

How often are pilots tested on their skills?

Every six months, pilots must go through a simulated aircraft system proficiency test, along with another test that occurs during an actual flight each year. These pilots know their stuff!

Is it possible to lock yourself in the restroom?

No matter how much privacy means to you, airplane bathrooms are never impenetrable. Flight attendants flip a small switch on the lavatory door prior to takeoff and landing which allows them to bust in at any time in the event of an emergency—or if they smell a passenger smoking a cigarette.

Why is airplane air so dry?

Airplane air is literally as dry as the Sahara desert. You may know that it's important to moisturize and stay hydrated before a flight. Well, that's because pressurized air in the cabin is kept below 20% humidity. Bring some lotion—travel-sized, of course.

Where is the safest place to be in the event of a crash?

While plane crashes are incredibly rare, a 2007 study by Popular Mechanics used 36 years of NTSB crash data and found that the tail end of the plane offers passengers the best chance of survival. Sometimes, flying economy is better!

What happens if someone dies on the plane?

Did you know that passengers cannot be declared dead for legal reasons? The most common action taken when it comes to corpses is to move them to an empty row... which generally happens to be up in first class. Again—you might want to consider flying economy in the future.

How many planes are in the sky at the same time?

According to a flight-tracking service, an average of 9,728 planes are in the sky at any given time, holding 1,270,406 total people. Technically, that means the sky is the 156th most populous country in the world, right between Estonia and East Timor.

How much does the flight crew make?

You may be surprised to learn that the flight crew, including pilots and flight attendants, only get paid for the hours that the plane is in the air. So, next time you're annoyed about having to sit on the tarmac for several hours, think about how they do, too—and they won't be making a dime!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.