Everything You Didn't Know About the Rat Pack

The famous rat pack consists of five big names in Hollywood: Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford. The group of singers and actors had a grip over Las Vegas and Hollywood as they threw the biggest parties, held the most successful shows, and appeared in all of the popular A-List television shows. They were a group of "bad boys" who kept it clean in the public.

And like most Hollywood royalty, they have decades of drama and exposed secrets between the five of them...

Sammy Davis Jr. Loses His Eye

This may be a surprise to some, but Sammy Davis Jr. only has one good eye. On November 19, 1954, Davis was driving his Cadillac down Route 66 when he came around a curve and rear-ended someone who was reversing down the street. Back in the day, Cadillacs had bullet-shaped horns on their steering wheels. His face impacted the horn. 

He lost his eye in the accident. According to his daughter's book, Davis fractured several bones in his face and his eye was left dangling in its socket. This accident ended up helping him convert to Judaism. 

Peter Lawford's Hand Injury

Peter Lawford had quite an extensive list of successful movies. He was a handsome, British-American who blew up during the Golden Age of Hollywood. He was also known as President John F. Kennedy's brother-in-law. Despite all of his accomplishments, people were always focused on his hand injury.

What happened to his hand isn't really clear. His Walk of Fame page says that he got permanent nerve damage after falling through a glass door when he was 14-years-old. Author Ted Schwarz wrote The Peter Lawford Story, and in it said that his hand apparently began to atrophy. The doctor's choice of treatment was to force his hand to be in an open position so the muscles will learn to relax that way. It always lacked in strength and he couldn't use it. 

Frank Sinatra's Draft Dodging Ways

Rumors can spread like wildfire for years and years to come. Frank Sinatra is a perfect example of that. Back in the day, there were rumors that the leader of the rat pack dodged the draft during World War II. The story said that he paid a doctor $40k to confirm that he was unfit for service. The rumors were so glaring that the FBI even went in to investigate.

As it turns out, Sinatra was not a draft dodger. The FBI found that the doctor was not paid any money to determine Sinatra unfit for service. In fact, he had a really good reason to not serve. He had a punctured eardrum and psychological issues that would prevent him from serving in the war. Still, to this day, people say that he dodged the draft illegally.

Sinatra and the FBI

The FBI already built a case for Sinatra due to the draft-dodging allegations, so they decided to keep looking into him once they turned out to be false. Sinatra had a lot of questionable acquaintances such as Chicago gangster Sam Giancana, the Giacalone family, and Philadelphia gangster, Angelo Bruno.

Sinatra, knowing that the FBI was investigating him for his ties, offered himself up to be an informant in 1950 just to get them off of his back. The FBI ended up declining his offer but still kept tabs on him. Sinatra was also suspected of playing a part in the Red Scare that overtook Hollywood.

Sammy Davis Jr.'s Run-Ins with the Mob

When Sammy Davis Jr. started dating movie starlet Kim Novak, Columbia Pictures' Harry Cohn ordered a hit out on Davis. Cohn (allegedly) had ties with the mafia and wasn't a fan of the fact that Davis was dating one of his starlets. The ultimatum was rough.

Apparently, the only way to get out of the hit was to marry another woman. Davis tried to his use own mob ties, but they weren't strong enough against the Hollywood elite mob. So, Davis went and married Loray White to stop the hit. It was a horrible marriage and only lasted one year.

Sinatra and Gardner

Ava Gardner met Frank Sinatra in 1943. They started dating in 1949 while he was still married to his first wife. They officially tied the knot in 1951. They had a crazy, tumultuous relationship that involved sinful shenanigans and illegal substances.

Gardner said that everyone in her life advised her against marrying Sinatra. Even Sinatra's ex-partners told her she should just run. She didn't, and they were married for six years before filing for divorce. They separated multiple times and cheated on each other constantly. Somehow, the two stayed close friends until Gardner's death.

Sinatra's Mental Health

Sinatra played a calm and cool demeanor in public. He was a playboy who seemed to have it all. As we all know by now, looks can be decieving and Sinatra suffered from immense manic depression. 

His mental health condition (part of which kept him from the draft) caused him to attempt suicide four times. Gardner had said that he thought no one would care if he was gone. "I care," she said. "He knows that it would blow me apart and that I will always protect him."

The Death of Dean Martin's Son

Dean Martin is another fan favorite of the rat pack. His oldest child Dean Paul (Dino Jr.) was on a sure path to success. Many people said that he had his father's star power and was successful in television and as a musician. He was in a band called Dino, Desi, and Billy. 

In March of 1987, Dino Jr., a trained pilot, was flying a fighter jet out of March Air Force Base in California. The visibility that day was low, and Dino Jr. crashed his plane into a mountainside at 400 mph. He and the crewman on board perished. His father was crushed beyond repair.

Sammy Davis Jr.'s Public Marriage

Sammy Davis Jr. had been married three times in his life. After a brief marriage to a woman named Loray White (1958-1959), he married Swedish actor May Britt in 1960. The general public was outraged due to the fact that they were of different races. Mixed-race marriage was legal in California, where the two lived, but illegal in 31 other states.

Apparently, even President John F. Kennedy was not approving of this marriage and stopped Davis from performing at his inauguration. At the time, the couple couldn't share a hotel room or drink from the same water fountain. Britt's studio dropped her as soon as the marriage was official. The couple divorced in 1968 after Davis admitted to cheating on her. The two had one daughter, Tracey, and adopted two sons, Mark and Jeff.

Sammy Davis Jr.'s Struggles

Sammy Davis Jr. jumped hurdles that none of the rat pack members had to. He left behind a colorful career that still effects people today. Unfortunately, he struggled with a lot of racism as he tried to blossom into the A-List entertainer that he was. 

He was usually the butt of the joke in the rat pack. Even during shows, the rat pack consistently picked on Davis for his race. Many people remember him as a trailblazer who tore down racial barriers in the entertainment industry.

Dean Martin: The Introvert

Dean Martin was painted as an easy-going, casual guy who liked to party. In reality, Dean Martin was a mostly-sober introvert who enjoyed a nice night in rather than a wild night out. By the end of his life, he was quite the hermit.

Compromising with Sinatra

Peter Lawford was the first of the rat pack to acquire the rights to the famous heist movie Ocean's 11. His idea was to have William Holden play the lead role of Danny Ocean. When Lawford ran that idea by Frank Sinatra, Sinatra said, 'Forget the movie, let's pull the job!" In order to quell his feelings of pulling off a million-dollar heist, Lawford cast Sinatra as Danny Ocean. 

The Reunion Tour

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr. tried to reunite in 1988 for a tour. Apparently, the fault of the failed tour leans on Dean Martin who showed no interest in partaking. He would mumble through lines, forgetting lyrics, and ended up getting hostile. The tour ended after six nights.

Bloody Mary Nightmare

Obviously, these guys were known for partying. They were consistently at Vegas hotels and bars. One night, a hotel reported that they had ordered 300 Bloody Mary's to their rooms over the course of a single night. 

The Blackjack Dealer

Not only was Dean Martin a fantastic musician, actor, and talkshow host, but he liked to spend his time dealing blackjack. In fact, he commonly dealt blackjack hands at the casinos that he performed at!

Dean Martin's Death

Dean Martin was diagnosed with lung cancer at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in September of 1993. He rejected the surgery that would prolong his life and retired. He died of acute respiratory failure at his Beverly Hills Home on Christmas Day in 1995. He was 78-years-old. 

Rat Pack and their Mascots

The rat pack was always known for its close ties with famous actresses. Lauren Bacall, Shirley MacLaine, Marilyn Monroe, Juliette Prowse, and Angie Dickinson were always seen with the group during famous outings. They also made appearances in the rat pack's films. 

Sammy Davis Jr.'s Death

Sammy Davis Jr. began developing symptoms from a cancerous tumor in his throat. He denied throat surgery because he wanted to keep his voice and opted for chemo and radiation therapy. It was successful at first, but cancer returned and he needed his larynx removed. He died of complications from throat cancer at his home in Beverly Hills, California on May 16, 1990, at the age of 64.

Chaos on Set

Things were wild for the rat pack while filming Robin and the 7 Hoods. Peter Lawford was famously removed mid-project after his falling out with the group due to simply being related to JFK. He was then replaced by Bing Crosby, despite the fact that Sinatra had issues with him for becoming JFK's main man. While filming, the president was assassinated. Since bad things come in three's, it only makes sense that Frank Sinatra's son was literally kidnapped in Lake Tahoe. He was returned unharmed for a ransom.

The Rat Pack Vibe

The idea of the rat pack was that it was a group of "cool" and "smooth-talking" musicians and actors. They were popular during the 1950s and 1960s. The A-List group basically took over Hollywood as the coolest of the cool. 

Joey Bishop's Death

Joey Bishop passed away from multiple organ failure on October 17, 2007. He was at his home in Lido Isle, a man-made island of Newport Beach, California. He was 89-years-old. 

Frank Sinatra's Death

Frank Sinatra passed away at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA on May 14, 1998. He was 82 years old. He had two heart attacks and his health was failing as he was frequently hospitalized for heart and breathing problems, high blood pressure, pneumonia, and bladder cancer. His wife and children were with him at the time of his death. 

The Rat Pack Name

Funny enough, the rat pack name actually came from an insult directed at the men. One night, Humphrey Bogart came home from partying with his friends. His wife, Lauren Bacall, went downstairs, saw the drunk group of men, and said that they looked "like a god****** rat pack." Thus, the name was born! 

Two Different Rat Packs

Funny enough, there were two different rat packs (technically). The group that was popular in the 1950s consisted of Humphrey Bogart, Mickey Rooney, Errol Flynn, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Cesar Romero, and Jerry Lewis. Eventually, the group devolved into the men who were popular in the 1960s... and Frank Sinatra.

Frank and Scooby

Did you know that Scooby-Doo was inspired by Frank Sinatra? The creator of Scooby, Iwao Takamoto, listened to Sinatra's song "Strangers in the Night" and loved the scatting. Sinatra was saying "dooby dooby doo" over and over again, which led Takamoto to name his Great Dane character Scooby-Doo. 

Joey Bishop

Joey Bishop was always known as the "most serious" of the group. He was never outrageous in his jokes like his partners. Ironically, he was the one who came up with most of the comedic material, even the outrageous stuff. He just saved that for the more outrageous characters. 

Bishop and the Pack

It was always known that Bishop never really felt like he belonged with the rat pack. Sinatra once said that he always "waited" for an invite to eat with them while dining out." How long does he have to be with me before he knows he can eat with us?" 

Copa Room

The group was a regular name at the Copa Room in the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. Whenever a singular member was booked at the club, the billboards always hinted that others may be joining them. It was always a big to-do. 

Peter Lawford's Death

Peter Lawford died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA. He went into cardiac arrest on Christmas Eve in 1984 at the age of 61. Sadly, his death can be attributed to substance abuse issues. His kidney and liver was also in failure. 


 The rat pack regularly played at the sands. The Sands hotel was opened in 1952 and was ultimately imploded in 1996. The Venetian was built on the original site of the Sands and there is a rat pack memorial right out front. 

Sinatra and Davis

This is a famous story between Sinatra and Davis. Apparently, the Sands Hotel and Casino refused service to Sammy Davis Jr. Frank Sinatra famously backed him up and made sure that they not only treated Davis with respect but also told Davis to invite other Black friends to dine with them. Despite the fact that Davis was the butt of the joke for his race, Sinatra did stand up for him when he needed to.

Their Movies

Not only were they famous musicians, they were actors as well. They ended up starring in the films Robin and the 7 Hoods, Sergeants 3, and, of course, Oceans 11

Organized Parties

Apparently, Sinatra organized tons of parties in the 1960s for certain taboo "activities" with his friends. These parties were held in the steam rooms of a casino's health club. Women from all over were invited to hang out with these high-profile men. There were even rumors that JFK was a regular at these parties.

Humphrey Bogart's Death

After original member Humphrey Bogart passed away in 1957, the rat pack actually never referred to themselves as the rat pack. The term was only really used by the media and public to describe the group. The members preferred to call themselves the Summit. 

Paul Anka

Paul Anka was considered an "honorary" member of the rat pack. He was also a musician who hung around them whenever he could. As someone much younger than the rest of the pack, his nickname was "The Kid."

The Jack Pack

While their close friend John F. Kennedy was campaigning, the rat pack ended up calling themselves the "Jack pack" while they were with him. Peter Lawford was Kennedy's brother-in-law.

Lawford's Falling Out

Peter Lawford ended up falling out with the rat pack after his brother-in-law, John F. Kennedy, snubbed Sinatra. JFK started to favor Republican Bing Crosby when going out, and Sinatra didn't like the snub. Sinatra was mad enough that he ended up cutting out Lawford due to his familial ties.

Ad-Libbed Lines

Naturally, the rat pack thought they were absolutely hilarious. It comes as no surprise that they went and ad-libbed their lines during Ocean's 11. They thought that they were funnier than the script. 

Their Coat of Arms

The original rat pack from the 1950s actually had a coat of arms. It was an image of a rat gnawing on a human hand. The motto was "never rat on a rat."

Mob Connects

Paul Anka once dropped that Sinatra was, in fact, connected to the mob. Apparently, Sinatra would perform favors for mobsters and they would give him thousands of dollars worth of chips to play in the casino. 

Sam Giancana

At one point, Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana and his men wanted to kill Sinatra. Apparently, they tasked Sinatra with getting JFK to stop the crackdown on organized crime. An FBI member had wiretapped a member of the mob and recorded him saying, "Let's hit Sinatra. Or I could whack out a couple of those other guys." The two ended up with a mutually beneficial deal. 

Howard Hughes

In 1967, billionaire Howard Hughes bought real estate and ended up cutting off multiple performers from their income. This also ended up cutting off Sinatra's credit line at the Sands. This caused Sinatra to move to Cesar's Palace, but Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. remained at the Sands. 

Holmby Hills Pack

Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall lived in a neighborhood called Holmby Hills. Since their house is allegedly where the original group was named, they were sometimes called the Holmby Hills Rat Pack.

Sinatra and His Mom

It's well known that Dean Martin's son died in a plane crash. But, Frank Sinatra’s mother, Dolly, was also killed in a plane crash 10 years earlier. Oddly enough, it was on the same mountain. Three others also perished. 

Their Last Film

The rat pack had multiple films together. Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Frank Sinatra all starred in Cannonball II together. It was the last time any of the rat pack members worked together in a film.

Jail Time

A young, 23-year-old Frank Sinatra was arrested for sleeping with a married woman. In 1938, Sinatra was caught in bed with a woman wearing a wedding ring. At the time, this was a felony in New Jersey. The charges were dismissed quickly, but this was definitely a life lesson for the young singer.

1 Televised Event

Can you believe that the rat pack only performed one televised event? Three members of the pack (Sinatra, Davis Jr., and Martin) went live on TV with Johnny Carson to perform on June 20, 1965. It was huge news!

Their Albums

As a musical group, the rat pack collaborated on five studio albums. Their most notable album was The Rat Pack Live at the Sands in 1960. 

Dean's Alter Ego

Dean Martin was truly a quiet man. He wasn't a fan of parties like his counterparts but dealt with them for the fame and stories. In reality, he was a devout Catholic and described himself as shy. 

Ocean's 11

Ocean's 11 is a heist movie that has been made over time and time again. The film featured all five of the rat pack members in lead roles. It's definitely iconic! 

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The More You Know

  • The speed of a computer mouse is measured in "Mickeys."
  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • The first commercial airplane flight lasted 23 minutes.
  • Earth is 4.54 billion years old.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.