Fisherman Spots a Floating Doll and Gets a Shocking Surprise

Matata, New Zealand is a fisherman’s paradise, as Gus Hutt can attest. He was out on the ocean with his wife when he noticed something strange floating near his fishing net. To his surprise, it looked like a doll! He pulled the porcelain white doll aboard, but he would have never guessed what came next…

Perfect Fishing Weather

It was a fine New Zealand day for fishing. Perfect skies, clear water, just Gus Hutt and his wife, Sue. Of course, there were other fishermen nearby. There was also a family on the beach, enjoying the nice day, for now…

Setting Up Camp

Back on the beach, the Whyte family was setting up their tent. They were planning on spending the night at the beach with their 18-month old son, Malachi. Their trip would be truly unforgettable…

Early Morning

After a fun-filled day on the beach, the Whyte family decided to head back inside their tent. The Hutts similarly fell asleep for the night, happy with their catch for the day. Gus even set up his lines during the night, but tomorrow would change his life…

Checking the Lines

The next day, Gus woke up at 7:15 AM and walked to the fishing lines, hoping something had gotten caught during the night. When he walked past though, he saw something floating nearby. He went to investigate…

A Porcelain Doll

It was a doll, pale white, floating by the boat side. Gus reached into the water to grab the item but was surprised by a loud squeaking sound. It was then that Hutt had a realization…

A Shocking Revelation

The squeak was more of a squeal. But why? Well, the doll wasn’t a doll at all, it was a baby! What’s more, the baby was alive! He quickly pulled the baby out of the water and was shocked at what he saw…

Almost Purple

The baby’s face was white, giving him the porcelain look that Hutt saw in the water. Hutt raced back to the shore to his wife, hoping they could save the sickly child…

Waking the Whytes

Hutt and his wife remembered seeing a family camp the day before, so they ran to the campgrounds to find the park manager. The unidentified baby didn’t have a lot of time, and they’d need to find the parents fast…

Family Freakout

The park manager remembered seeing the Whyte family the day prior, and quickly directed them to the correct tent. The Hutts stormed inside the tent, scaring Jessica Whyte, but she was about to be completely terrified…

Shake Awake

Gus recalls the event saying “She ran to the tent and just shook it and asked, ‘where’s your baby, we just pulled one from the sea’ and the mother just screamed.” The worst was still to come…

The Great Escape

Jessica screamed. Apparently, the baby had managed to slip out of the tent while the family was sleeping. He crawled underneath the flap and ran toward the beach, and to his demise…

Authorities Arrive

It didn’t take long for the Matata Volunteer Fire Brigade to arrive on the scene. The medical team treated the boy during the 15 minutes before an ambulance arrived. He was then taken to Whakatāne Hospital. Hutt was very affected by the encounter…

Hutt’s Story

“I followed his tracks down to the beach and saw his little footprints in the sand where he walked in,” said the fisherman. “It was about 15 meters away from where I had my rod. So he wasn’t in the water long. I must’ve just missed seeing him go in.” Jessica also felt the impact…

Jessica Weighs In

At the moment, Jessica was terrified. “I don’t think my heart beat from hearing that to seeing him, I don’t think my heart worked.” It wasn’t long until the baby was released…

Doctor’s Orders

The doctors couldn’t believe that the baby was happy and healthy after the events. It was a miracle that he was alive at all, and Jessica and Josh knew it was all thanks to Hutt…

Saying Their Thanks

Jessica and Josh Whyte went to visit Gus and Sue to thank them for saving their little boy. They couldn’t believe the luck of having Malachi found at such a critical point before the disaster…

Eternal Gratitude

Hutt appreciated the kind gesture but didn’t think about anything aside from saving the baby. “He was wriggling trying to get down to have a look at everything, he was just a lovely, cheeky little fella,” said Hutt of meeting the child…

Recalling the Scene

Hutt later remembered the moment as one he would never forget. It had been such a close call. It gets even weirder…

A Surprise Gift

Even scarier, Hutt said that when he saw the floating object, he had considered bringing the “doll” to his wife as a gift. He had pulled it out expecting to find an early birthday present but instead got the shock of a lifetime.

Prior Events

Jessica would later recall the day before when Malachi kept running to the water before being scooped up and brought back to the safety of the sand of his parents. If only he had known…

Salter Shores

The owner of the camp, Rebecca Salter, was also deeply affected by the miraculous recovery. “It was a very, very lucky result. It could have been a very tragic incident. It’s a freakish miracle.”

Honoring the Hutts

Rebecca didn’t forget about the Hutt’s heroic actions though. “Hutt, who is a fisherman and one of our regulars, spotted the baby. [They brought the baby to us], we wrapped him up in towels and Sue went to inform the baby’s parents.” Their quick thinking did not go unappreciated!

Matata Grounds

The group was staying at the Murphy’s Holiday Camp in Matata, New Zealand. The entire town has a population of 642 and not much civilization around. It’s amazing they saved the baby in time.

Missed Connection

Hutt had decided to break from his routine that particular day. He usually walked out right from the beach but instead opted to walk 100 meters to the left, just to see what he’d find. He never expected this…

Online Love

It wasn’t long until the internet weighed in on this story. Some people considered it an act of God, others a stroke of great luck. Right place, right time…

Parenting Problems

Unfortunately, the internet is also a bully. Some users blamed the couple for what had happened, citing careless behavior and not watching their son closely enough. Things were only starting to heat up…

Terrible Accusations

That wasn’t even the worst of it. Some people suggested authorities look into the family, saying that little Malachi couldn’t possibly open the tent himself. Jessica responded to these haters…

Jessica’s Response

Jessica said to those who accused her: “Zip your tents up. And zip them up nice and high if you’ve got a child that can reach. Put them on a padlock. We wouldn’t let him run into the water on his own. People can have those [judgmental] thoughts. They can think we’re bad parents.”

Malachi’s Feelings

Don’t worry, Malachi hasn’t lost his love of the water. According to Jessica, Malachi didn’t retain any fear of the ocean and is happy to get back in as soon as possible!

Guardian Angel

The Whytes say they consider the Hutt couple to be guardian angels. While some curiosity is good for a child, maybe this doll should stay out of the water for a while!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.