Can You Spot The Objects Hiding In Plain Sight?

The photographs you are about to see may appear to blend in quite well with the surrounding environment depending on the angle from which they are viewed, which can be quite shocking to those who take a closer look at them, since they may seem almost as though they are just blending in with the surroundings. I believe that the images you are about to examine will surprise you if you take a closer look at them. If you look closely at them, you may discover that you have very little knowledge about the subject matter. Can you spot what's hidden in these images? Good luck!


Polly Want A… Banana?

Take a minute and see if you can see what's hiding in the bananas below.

Wait, are there four bananas in this photo? Nope, that's right there is a little birdy just chilling with the bananas taking a nap.

Wax On Wax

What a great wax job! Would you take it for a spin? It might be interesting to drive a giant mirror.

An insane wax job disguised this car almost too well! Would you take it for a spin? Could be interesting to drive a giant mirror down the highway.

Invisible Road Sign?

If you look really close you can see the sign, but it takes a second or two to get it.

The back of this sign looks just like the sky! If an officer pulls you over and asks did you see the sign, you definitely say no!

Watch Your Step

It is a good idea to wait for the floor to yawn, stretch, or twitch its tail before you navigate the living room safely. But be careful! It might bite you.

Wait for the floor to yawn, stretch, or twitch its tail to safely navigate the living room. Careful! It might bite.

Creepy Reflection

Well this is the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time. No thanks.

It might take a second to find the creepy image in the reflection of the glass behind her, but when you do your jaw will drop.

It’s All About Perspective

This lady has it going on with the matching of the sea.

Talk about color coordination! When she said she wanted pants the color of the sea, who would of guessed she would of nailed it as well as she did!

Out In Nature

Wait, where did her legs go? Has anyone seen her legs?

Quite the Scandinavian summer. This lady is doing her best to match the snow and tree line and I think she nailed it.

See Spot Run

Look carefully and you'll see man's best friend in the snow.

The only thing you will need to do is look hard enough to see a gorgeous dog going on a walk during the winter time. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two to find one.

Mirror Mirror

Wait until you see what's watching this lady in the background.

It took us a minute, but when you see it you'll gasp. One of the creepiest things ever captured.

Where's The Puppy

This puppy found a blanket to lay on that match him perfectly.

The real question is how long did it take the puppy's owner to find a blanket that matched so well.

Hidden In The Snow

Some dog breeds absolutely love the snow and if you aren't careful you'll lose them in it!

This dog is loving the snow fall they had and the pup's coat matches exactly the color of the snow. Don't step on the dog!

The One Who Watches

You ever feel like you are being watched? Well it's probably because you are.

Owls are masters of stealth and hiding in the trees to stalk out their next meal. Brilliant birds.

Evil Hideout

Is that a building or is that a floating wall? If it is a building, it would be the perfect place for an evil villain to hide.

There is the possibility that the building in front of that might simply be a floating wall, but if it is in fact a building, it would be the perfect place for a villain to hide out out of sight if it is a building.

Super Tan

Take a minute and focus on the sand behind this lady sunbathing.

Yes that is a person tanning behind her! I have a feeling she's going to be hurting tomorrow.

Fold The Towels

When you go to fold the laundry and end up folding up your dog.

This dog has rolls for days! Looks like he loves laundry day, just hope he doesn't get folded with the towels.

Someone's Watching Me

Give it a second and wait until you spot what's in this picture below.

If you look carefully, you'll find a creepy pair of eyes staring right back at you. Creepy level 100.

Rescuers Will Never Find Him

Let's hope this guy is a professional adventurer because his outfit is going to leave him unfindable.

It would seem that even if he is a professional adventurer, I would have to at least hope that he will be able to locate his location using the outfit he will be wearing since that outfit will make it impossible for us to locate his location even if he is a professional adventurer.

One Of Us

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

When you look really hard at this photo above, you might see an actual puppy hidden in the mix of stuffed animals.

In The Trees

When you are being stalked by strangers hiding in the tree it's time to run.

Looks like she opted for a picture instead of running, and I hope that it worked out for her.

Just The Two Of Us

What is better than one artic fox taking a nap in the snow?

Two artic foxes taking naps in the snow! Yes, if you look hard enough you'll see another ball of fluff sleeping in the snow.

Wait Until You See It

Okay this one is a little bit harder to see, but when you do, you'll never be able to unsee it.

If you look over this lady's shoulders, you'll see a haunting image. Can you spot it?

Honey, I Vacuumed The Dog

Someone needs to move the puppy out of the way as soon as possible! Look closely!

This puppy better move over once the Hoover turns on! Mom is coming and this train isn't stopping for anyone.

Master Of Camo

Is there anything better at blending into their surroundings than an octopus?

The answer to that question is no. They are so good at hiding that they can blend into anything they touch to attack their victims.

Spot The Soldier

It might take you a second or two to find the soldier hiding in the picture.

There are actually two soldiers hiding next to the jeep. Yes that is a jeep in the background, can you find the other soldier?

Nice Baggage Lady!

This lady went shopping and it caused quite the stir when she left the store.

If you look closely you'll see what a hilarious mistake she made! It really started to turn heads when you figure out what is happening.

When You See It

This is the reason you need shoes on at all time, or heck we can settle for sandles people.

You step on this little fellow and you are going to have a bad couple of days. Can you spot it?

Well That's Romantic

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Double Take

This image of this group partying by the lake makes you do a double take.

At first glance at the picture below of this group partying by the lake, you'll do a double take. That is not a booty!

Nature Is Amazing

As you can see from the picture, this hatchling blends right in with its natural environment.

This little hatchling blends right in with its natural habitat. So soft, so small, so…green?

Farewell Column

When the senior staff members were let go, they came up with a master plan.

This is actually a hilarious way to leave a job as a team. I bet they said see you next tuesday!

Nut Collector

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Why Is This Tree So Angry?

In my opinion, this is the best and probably smallest natural camouflage there is. Those small guys have a tough time out there.

Natural camouflage at its finest…and its smallest, probably. It’s hard out there for the little guy!

Little Aliens

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Camo For Lounging

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Jurassic Camo

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Will The Real Puppy Please Stand Up

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Long Kitty

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

When You See It... Spiders

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Heads Up

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Cat To-Go Please

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Excuse Me Miss

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Creepy Smile

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

It's Called Fashion

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Four People In This Photo

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Honey, Pass Me The Hose

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Man Split In Half?

There is no denying that their magician made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Somebody better come collect their magician. He’s made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Shoes In Hiding

I'm pretty sure you'll be making a statement in these shoes. Would you wear them?

The matrix is glitching! These shoes are certainly a statement piece, that’s for sure. Would you wear them?

Take a Closer Look

This shirt was a fail for me today. Why did I have to wear it today?

I bet that guy’s thinking, “Why did I have to wear this shirt?” At first, it looks like everyone else is wearing the same shirt, too.

Nature Is Amazing

As you can see from the picture, this hatchling blends right in with its natural environment.

This little hatchling blends right in with its natural habitat. So soft, so small, so…green?

Cat On Carpet

There is no doubt that this kitten blends in too well with the stairwell. Look how cute those little boots are.

A cheshire cat, indeed. This kitty blends in with the stairs too well. Look at the little white boots!

Where The Towel Ends and the Dog Begins

They told me I could be anything I wanted, so I became a towel.

This cute fur-ball is adorable. What's better than a hiding spot that matches your exact fur color. What a smarty puppy dog.

She's Packing

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Kitten Is The Camouflage Expert

What's the best way to not be seen during a quick cat nap?

Well if you are a kitten, it would be finding your best friend who happens to be a dog and getting up close to snuggle in tight.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Can you spot the tiny little frogs in the picture below?

Despite their small size, these little tree frogs blend in perfectly with their surroundings.

Look A Floating Head!

If you look closely you'll see more than just a head.

An interesting genetic mutation? No, it's a man who went a little too matchy, matchy, for his own good. Yikes!

Wall Flower

When you go to a party and match the wall paper perfectly.

There is no doubt in my mind that the poor guy wanted to blend in with the crowd. It is safe to say he will not wear that shirt again.

What Are The Odds?

Well, at least now we know what material that shirt is made from.

In any case, at least it is good to know now what material that shirt is made out of, we at least know what it is made out of and what it is made out of.

Chameleon Vibes

The vines on this house changed color to match the siding!

This house seems to have grown vines that have changed color to match the siding on the house, which is just absolutely fascinating.

Poseidon Rules

Rare to see a merman helping out the kids with fishing.

If you look carefully, you can actually see a merman coming out of the water and helping the kids to catch some fish here.

The Invisible Man

If you look closer, you'll see there is an actual man attached to those shoes.

Upon closer inspection, it will be evident that the shoes actually belong to a person, as it will be evident to anyone who inspects them.

Cat Nap

Can you see the cat taking a quick nap on his best friend's chest while all the others snuggle up all close to one another?

These pals are all snuggled up together! Can you see the cat taking a quick snooze on his best friend?

Stealth Skills: Activated

Well that's not embarassing to wear a shirt that matches your mother's couch.

Trying to blend in at the party? At what point do your just turn around and head on home.

No One Has Ever Seen The Easter Bunny

Well this definitely explains why no one has ever actually seen the Easter bunny.

He’s clever, that one. But really, if you look closer how adorable is this bunny taking a nap in some fluffy blankets.

Matching The Flag

When your band accidentally matches the Irish flag at the Irish bar.

Apparently, the crowd dubbed it the “Camouflage Show.” Which is perfect for this event. Do you think they actually planned it or was it bad luck?

Camo Level: Grand Master

Okay so this one is really good, but you have to look really close.

Can you spot the kitty in the image above, it might take a minute to find it, but once you do, you'll never be able to unsee it again.

When You Accidentally Lose Your Dogs

They just naturally split off to their appropriate sides and we think that's hilarious.

Having their faces facing each other would create a great movie poster in my opinion if they had been facing each other on a poster instead of facing away from one another.

Wood You Look At That?

Wow this phone case is something else! What phone case you ask? Look closer!

I don't know about you, but losing your phone in the night is the same feeling as losing the remote. I'm not sure why anyone would want to camouflage their phone case to hide it even more.

Humpty Dumpty

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

See If You Can Spot The Couger

No, not that kind of couger! That's right, an actual couger is hiding in the rocks.

A purr-fect hiding place. There is a reason they make excellent hunters that blend in with their surroundings.

Please Change

When you match a box of tissues it's time for a wardrobe change.

If there is anything more relatable than the moment when you find you actually have the same Kleenex box as the one you are using, then there is really nothing like it.

In The Window

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Carpet Matches The Drapes

If you look hard enough you can see this guys tears after realizing what mistake he made.

In fairness who would ever think they have the same color shirt and the venue's carpet they are going to. Let’s hope nobody steps on him.

Man Or Fish?

This is the scale trend where you try to match the scales of a fish.

However the question we have to ask ourselves is what came first? The artist, or the art?

Green Screen Shorts

If you look closely you'll see a kid ready for their soccer game wear green shorts.

Sometimes the best way to score a goal is to be completely invisible to the other team. I think this kid has the right idea.

One Expensive Seat Cushion

I get that you like the color red, but why buy an iPad case that matches the exact color of your car's interior?

You might want to invest in a new case for your iPad if you don’t want to buy a new screen, too.

Hidden Gate

Next to the gate you will see something that is hidden in plain sight.

Take a second or two and try to spot what is hidden in the picture above. Do you see it? Yikes!

Depth Perception Nightmare

If you are going to walk on gravel, you might not want to wear gravel color high heals.

Why on earth would someone even own shoes that look like gravel? Am I missing something here?

In The Tall Grass

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Creepy Doll

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Is That A Leg?

It might take you a second or two to find what is hidden in the photo below.

This image has something hidden inside of it, can you spot exactly what it is?

Why Is This Tree So Angry?

In my opinion, this is the best and probably smallest natural camouflage there is. Those small guys have a tough time out there.

Natural camouflage at its finest…and its smallest, probably. It’s hard out there for the little guy!

Why Is This Tree So Angry?

There is no denying that their magician made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Somebody better come collect their magician. He’s made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Wax on Wax

What a great wax job! Would you take it for a spin? It might be interesting to drive a giant mirror.

An insane wax job disguised this car almost too well! Would you take it for a spin? Could be interesting to drive a giant mirror down the highway.

Shoes In Hiding

I'm pretty sure you'll be making a statement in these shoes. Would you wear them?

The matrix is glitching! These shoes are certainly a statement piece, that’s for sure. Would you wear them?

Take a Closer Look

This shirt was a fail for me today. Why did I have to wear it today?

I bet that guy’s thinking, “Why did I have to wear this shirt?” At first, it loWhyoks like everyone else is wearing the same shirt, too.


Nature Is Amazing

As you can see from the picture, this hatchling blends right in with its natural environment.

This little hatchling blends right in with its natural habitat. So soft, so small, so…green?

Cat On Carpet

There is no doubt that this kitten blends in too well with the stairwell. Look how cute those little boots are.

A cheshire cat, indeed. This kitty blends in with the stairs too well. Look at the little white boots!

What Are The Odds?

Well, at least now we know what material that shirt is made from.

In any case, at least it is good to know now what material that shirt is made out of, we at least know what it is made out of and what it is made out of.

Chameleon Vibes

The vines on this house changed color to match the siding!

This house seems to have grown vines that have changed color to match the siding on the house, which is just absolutely fascinating.

Poseidon Rules

Rare to see a merman helping out the kids with fishing.

If you look carefully, you can actually see a merman coming out of the water and helping the kids to catch some fish here.

Honey, I Vacuumed The Dog

Someone needs to move the puppy out of the way as soon as possible! Look closely!

This puppy better move over once the Hoover turns on! Mom is coming and this train isn't stopping for anyone.

The Invisible Man

If you look closer, you'll see there is an actual man attached to those shoes.

Upon closer inspection, it will be evident that the shoes actually belong to a person, as it will be evident to anyone who inspects them.

Where The Towel Ends and the Dog Begins

They told me I could be anything I wanted, so I became a towel.

This cute fur-ball is adorable. What's better than a hiding spot that matches your exact fur color. What a smarty puppy dog.

It’s All About Perspective

This lady has it going on with the matching of the sea.

Talk about color coordination! When she said she wanted pants the color of the sea, who would of guessed she would of nailed it as well as she did! I'm impressed.

Kitten Is The Camouflage Expert

What's the best way to not be seen during a quick cat nap?

Well if you are a kitten, it would be finding your best friend who happens to be a dog and getting up close to snuggle in tight.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Can you spot the tiny little frogs in the picture below?

Despite their small size, these little tree frogs blend in perfectly with their surroundings.

Look A Floating Head!

If you look closely you'll see more than just a head.

An interesting genetic mutation? No, it's a man who went a little too matchy, matchy, for his own good. Yikes!

Wall Flower

When you go to a party and match the wall paper perfectly.

There is no doubt in my mind that the poor guy wanted to blend in with the crowd. It is safe to say he will not wear that shirt again.

Camo Level: Grand Master

Okay so this one is really good, but you have to look really close.

Can you spot the kitty in the image above, it might take a minute to find it, but once you do, you'll never be able to unsee it again.

When You Accidentally Lose Your Dogs

They just naturally split off to their appropriate sides and we think that's hilarious.

Having their faces facing each other would create a great movie poster in my opinion if they had been facing each other on a poster instead of facing away from one another.

Wood You Look At That?

Wow this phone case is something else! What phone case you ask? Look closer!

I don't know about you, but losing your phone in the night is the same feeling as losing the remote. I'm not sure why anyone would want to camouflage their phone case to hide it even more.

Out In Nature

Wait, where did her legs go? Has anyone seen her legs?

Quite the Scandinavian summer. This lady is doing her best to match the snow and tree line and I think she nailed it.

Polly Want A… Banana?

Another great one! Take a minute and see if you can see what's hiding in the bananas below.

Wait, are their four bananas in this photo? Nope, that's right there is a little birdy just chilling with the bananas taking a nap.

See If You Can Spot The Couger

No, not that kind of couger! That's right, an actual couger is hiding in the rocks.

A purr-fect hiding place. There is a reason they make excellent hunters that blend in with their surroundings.

Please Change

When you match a box of tissues it's time for a wardrobe change.

If there is anything more relatable than the moment when you find you actually have the same Kleenex box as the one you are using, then there is really nothing like it.

Stealth Skills: Activated

Well that's not embarassing to wear a shirt that matches your mother's couch.

Trying to blend in at the party? At what point do your just turn around and head on home.

No One Has Ever Seen The Easter Bunny

Well this definitely explains why no one has ever actually seen the Easter bunny.

He’s clever, that one. But really, if you look closer how adorable is this bunny taking a nap in some fluffy blankets.

Matching The Flag

When your band accidentally matches the Irish flag at the Irish bar.

Apparently, the crowd dubbed it the “Camouflage Show.” Which is perfect for this event. Do you think they actually planned it or was it bad luck?

See Spot Run

Look carefully and you'll see man's best friend in the snow.

The only thing you will need to do is look hard enough to see a gorgeous dog going on a walk during the winter time. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two to find one.

Carpet Matches The Drapes

If you look hard enough you can see this guys tears after realizing what mistake he made.

In fairness who would ever think they have the same color shirt and the venue's carpet they are going to. Let’s hope nobody steps on him.


Rescuers Will Never Find Him

Let's hope this guy is a professional adventurer because his outfit is going to leave him unfindable.

It would seem that even if he is a professional adventurer, I would have to at least hope that he will be able to locate his location using the outfit he will be wearing since that outfit will make it impossible for us to locate his location even if he is a professional adventurer.

Man Or Fish?

This is the scale trend where you try to match the scales of a fish.

However the question we have to ask ourselves is what came first? The artist, or the art?

Green Screen Shorts

If you look closely you'll see a kid ready for their soccer game wear green shorts.

Sometimes the best way to score a goal is to be completely invisible to the other team. I think this kid has the right idea.

One Expensive Seat Cushion

I get that you like the color red, but why buy an iPad case that matches the exact color of your car's interior?

You might want to invest in a new case for your iPad if you don’t want to buy a new screen, too.

Depth Perception Nightmare

If you are going to walk on gravel, you might not want to wear gravel color high heals.

Why on earth would someone even own shoes that look like gravel? Am I missing something here?

Invisible Road Sign?

If you look really close you can see the sign, but it takes a second or two to get it.

The back of this sign looks just like the sky! If an officer pulls you over and asks did you see the sign, you definitely say no!

This Grasshopper Is the Rocks

Not everything is as it seems.

H.G. Wells Would Be Proud

Those socks? With that carpet? Alright, well…if you insist.

Smallest Car Award

Awesome paint job.

This Will Make Finding Your Sock Difficult

Hopefully, they don’t lose their socks there.


Except I don’t think they planned this one together.

Look Before You Sit

Watch out, or you could end up in someone’s lap.

It’s A Popular Print…

I hope another person came in with a coat that matched the bottom left chair.

Go Fish?

Can you see the bluegill?

Don’t Lose Your Cookies

A good place to hide them from the kids…or anyone on a diet.

Target Practice

Careful where you aim.

Quite the Wallflower

Going to brunch undercover.

One Step at a Time

Don’t trip over them.

Skin Deep

The only thing the wall is missing is a beard.

Rainbow on the Brain

This mommy accidentally matched her sweater with her daughter’s birthday hats.

Moth Takes a Quick Rest

This is not a lamp, moth. Check elsewhere.

Don’t Take Your Cookware for Granite

How are you going to cook with bottomless pans?

Hide and Seek Extraordinnaire

Nobody will suspect a thing.

Infinite Obelisk

This may be dangerous for airplanes, but this granite obelisk at Prague Castle blends in with the sky.

Did We Lose Mom, Again?

This mother’s headscarf doubles as a neat optical illusion.

Did Anybody Ask for Damask?

This company’s enthusiastic trainee, Chiara, came into work masquerading as the wallpaper.

Homage to Garden State

This guy is taking inspiration from his surroundings.

You Might Want to Check That Cushion

The couch grew legs!

Sleeping like a Log

Ruff day.

Dressed for the Occasion

What a photo op!

This Vacuum-Sealed Bag of Pulled Pork BBQ is Camouflaged Against the Kitchen Counter

Sous vide, indeed!

Orange is the New Black

Interesting choice of streetwear.

This Ice Cream Matches Their Outfits

Triple scoop, anyone?


Is this person part of the exhibit?

When You Match the Ice Cream Museum

A little pink never hurt anybody.

Headstand in Nature

Hold that pose!

Four Wheel Drive

Can you believe this guy left his wheels at the gas station?

Oh, The Places You’ll Go

Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!

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The More You Know

  • Bloodhounds are great marathoners.
  • Indians read the most out of any nationality.
  • J.K. Rowling became the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. However, she also lost her billionaire status because she donated so much money to charity!
  • A relative of the T. rex stood just 3-feet tall.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.