Hilarious Texting Fails That Will Make You LOL

Despite all the benefits of modern technology, sometimes it still rebels against us. These unbelievably funny texting fails will definitely have you double-checking before you hit send...

Who Needs Med School?

It turns out that an internet search can yield surprisingly accurate results. While most medical professionals would agree that typing your symptoms into the Google search bar is a bad idea, sometimes it can actually work out for the best, as evidenced here!

An Unfortunate Typo

Autocorrect is a cruel mistress. Fortunately, this person managed to catch their error before it did any real damage. To be fair, Catching Diarrhea could be an interesting fourth installment for the Hunger Games trilogy.

Good Point

If that's not enough to prevent this person from ending up in the clink, we don't know what to tell you. Hating someone so much that you're willing to sacrifice the next season of Bridgerton? They must mean serious business.

Good for Bianca!

Who let grandma have a cell phone? We wish the best for Bianca—most definitely Beyoncé—and her little twins, Rumi and Carter. They're already three years old, turning four this year!


Man, this person simply was not getting the hint. Either they were playing a not-very-nice prank on someone, or they have no idea how technology works. OK, boomer!

A Tad Aggressive

Clearly, this person loves their partner very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. In the words of Vince Vaughn, they might be a stage five clinger. Get out of there, pronto!

Puns Galore

In another universe, Ho Malone is Post Malone's lesser-known, unsuccessful, country-singer brother. You have to admit, this was a pretty funny one—but this mystery texter shouldn't be considering a career in stand-up comedy anytime soon.


This kind of snarkiness is usually not appreciated, but in all fairness, this person is most certainly correct. However, a "trip" is generally defined as the act of going someplace and subsequently returning, which means that one would have to be outside of Spain in order for it to count.

Relatable Content

Texting your parents always leads to a goldmine of hilarity. It's like, did you even read the message that was sent to you? Just answer the question!

Let's Play A Game...

This had a less sinister ending than Saw, certainly, but "let's play a game" are the four words nobody in their right mind wishes to hear. Either way, this was an amazing prank. Allison had probably never been so confused in her life.

Very Subtle

In all fairness, this is kind of genius. Well, okay, maybe not, but at the bare minimum it is following directions. We suggest revising before the cops ask to look at your phone.


Group projects are the worst. One person always gets saddled with all the responsibility and the others just ride on their coattails. Except, of course, in this case, where... extenuating circumstances may apply.

Drama Queen

Wow, his face says it all. How dare she forget to say "bless you"! This tragic incident might end their relationship for good.

Sorry Mom

In many ways, this is definitely less disastrous than sending a drunken text to your ex-boyfriend. Bless your mother's heart! Something tells us this girl's stomach was not doing too well the next morning.

A Good Aunt

Now this is how you fulfill your duties as an aunt. While Game of Thrones isn't necessarily appropriate for a four-year-old, perhaps he'll learn a thing or two about the world...

Justice for Coco

How could she do this to poor Coco? Where is her French vanilla ice cream! Jenny better go out and replenish Coco's stash before things get ugly.

New Phone Who Dis

While this exchange is amazing, at least Gracie knows that her mom is extremely devoted to her family. This is a lesson learned: always save numbers in your phone!

Should've Listened

If you mess with mom, you risk becoming the unwelcome recipient of the "don't test me" face. Beware, what comes next isn't always pretty...

Jeremy From Transcendentalism

Clearly, Jeremy From Transcendentalism has never seen a pregnancy test before in his life... or a thermometer. Didn't this kid ever go to the nurse's office?

Unique Methodology

Hey, having your phone number on the back of your car is basically a free advertisement for unwanted calls and texts. Fortunately, this exchange was very sweet. Maybe Ross made a true friend!


Dang, Kerry is really coming for her son's flavor of the week with no holds barred. Despite this, doesn't his sister have the option to... close her door? Let's hope that Alfie is just a dog.

Oh No

Oh, technology. A helpful invention, or the bane of our existences? Why not both? Hoefully Jon and April were able to move past this blunder.

We Love Becky, Too

Becky clearly has more pressing and important things in her life to which she must attend rather than learning about the basics of pop culture. Oh, Becky, so gullible, yet so willing to learn.

Wrong Dave

That's not a very nice thing to call your friend or your driving instructor. This person is going to be taking the bus until further notice.

Crazy In Love

In all honesty, peanut butter is more satisfying and helpful than most boyfriends. We don't blame her for gazing lovingly at a delicious bowl of it, even if her mother may be disappointed in the end.

Autocorrect Nightmare

Somebody has played a strange and hilarious prank on the owner of this phone. At this point, they might as well accept their fate, especially if it involves some delicious pecan pie.


Oh, man. Good for this person for drawing hard boundaries! That's what happens when your toxic past tries to creep back up on you... begone, demon.

Not Taking the Hint

Facebook Marketplace is really like communicating with aliens. Any trace of manners go out the window. How much clearer could the seller have gotten with this person?

Oh, Mom...

Who's going to tell her? In this situation, it might be better to let Mom find out the meaning of "twink" on her own time. Otherwise, that might be one awkward convo!

Classic Dad Behavior

You can really text your dad anything and receive the shortest reply possible. Dads are all about getting the message across without any frills... unlike moms, who clearly aren't afraid of the heart emoji.

Bargain Hunter

It looks like this guy may have bargained too hard, and in the end, he got burned. That's what happens when you try to lowball someone by less than a third of the asking price.

The Boy Who Cried Jam

This is new levels of pathetic. If this guy was willing to douse himself in the sticky strawberry jam just for a photo op, it's pretty obvious why these two didn't work out in the first place.

Good Luck With That

If you want to get into a certain field, perhaps it would be good to learn how to spell the name of the profession before embarking on a college degree. Technically, if this person is already a pedestrian, so congratulations on achieving their dream.

Desperate, Much?

We think the hint here is pretty obvious... if only Cole would be willing to take it. Let this poor person eat their cereal in peace. (Cereal in bed, though? That's a dangerous game.)

True Friendship

Now this is what it means to be on the same page about things. There's no friend quite like the friend who you can count on to ditch a boring event or meeting with you. Hopefully these two had a nice time on their day off.

Obsessed with Emojis

There's a time and a place for emojis, and this was not one of them. Maybe save the skull face for a time when you're not literally talking about a dead body... you know, for the sake of taste.

Critical Typo

This is absolutely mortifying on so many levels. Hey, maybe sending out applications and cover letters will help this person forget about this terrible exchange.

Grandma Got an iPhone

They say there's a learning curve when it comes to technology, and they most certainly are not lying. Is Grandma enjoy her new phone, or is she in Massachussetts? Somebody get the woman a bowl of chowder, stat.

Slight Misinterpretation

Did Lil Marco just rat himself out? Mark is leading a double life, it seems. They've made movies about this sort of thing!


Oh, this guy just got burned so bad. You can't just ghost someone and expect them to be at your beck and call three weeks later. We hope he learned his lesson!

Called Out

Nobody needs seven dogs, but everybody wants seven dogs. This anonymous texter should have been offered the opportunity to explain themselves before they were shot down. What if they were able to offer those puppies a better home?

Is Jessica Here?

Well, anyone can look like a Jessica if their name is Jessica. We're going to go out on a limb and say, yes, this person does look like a Jessica. Maybe they're just searching for positive affirmation, as we all do in times of insecurity. 

Wrong Number

We like Nicolas Cage photoshopped onto babies just as much as the next guy, but that reaction was a little over-the-top. This seems like one of those situations that we're going to have to file under the "faked, but a good effort" category. 

Now That's Just Uncalled For

There was absolutely no reason to come at my man like this. He was just having a regular day until this Andrew-hater came along. Back down, man! Take a nap!

The Sad Truth

It's easy to feel bummed out when someone gives you a fake number, but hopefully, the guy on the other end will be as funny as this one. Maybe they struck up a friendship after this incident... but probably not.

Not Who They Thought

This hairstylist was met with quite the surprise when Ocky turned out to be the last person they were expecting. We don't think that the little guy in the picture needs a haircut anytime soon—he looks great as is!


This joke deserves a 10/10 for delivery and clarity. Hopefully, this guy was given a discount on the car for his response to this hilarious wrong number text.

Goodbye Kennan

Hopefully, this joke didn't cause any alarm between parents. Everyone knows that you need a break from your kids sometimes, but that break has to end eventually. Too bad!

We Hope This Is Andy

There's nothing wrong with playing along to a funny joke like this. This is the ideal situation for someone who sends a text to the wrong number. We wonder whether or not this actually was Andy...

Check Your Vision

In all honesty, mistaking this tiny little dog for a cat isn't the craziest thing to ever happen, but to do it twice in a row? You might need to get your eyes checked, stranger.

The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

We hope this couple became those guys' honorary homies. This is how unlikely friendships come to be! Even if that didn't happen, at least everyone got a kick out of this wrong number mixup.

This Is Awkward

Nobody likes to get one-worded in a conversation, especially from people you don't know. It seems like their relationship is simply not destined to be. Too bad!

Aaron's Party

This is a really strange scenario, but we think that this person is trying to invite the wrong number person to a party. There is absolutely no way to determine the true intentions of this interaction, but it is safe to say that this is some sort of reference to the music video.

You Got 'Em 

If you ever get a text like this, please just be honest, it'll save the person on the other line a big headache. Either way, we hope Hunter had a lovely birthday, regardless of whether or not there were strippers.

Radical Honesty

We hope that this guy got a new goldfish, or at the very least was able to work things out with Dwayne without any violence. Poor dude is having a rough day! He'll find Ice eventually.

Just Take the Compliment

There is nothing wrong with being gorgeous, even if you don't think you are you deserve the same respect and admiration as anyone else. Live a little and learn to accept the compliment, friend!

Mystery of the Green Beans

We don't need to joke about raunchy stuff anymore. We just need good, old-fashioned vegetable humor. Take notes people, this is where it's at. 

Empty Threats

This is just plain rude. What kind of person is bored enough to cause this kind of panic for absolutely no reason? Very weird, uncool stuff.

Restoring Faith in Humanity

This is a very sweet reaction to this person's accidental coming-out moment. We're so happy that things went over smoothly, and we hope that they will continue to receive the support they deserve!

Robin, You Fool

The sender here gets a gold star for this one. Not only did he photoshop this conversation into this extremely popular meme format, but it also works perfectly as a joke to suit modern audiences everywhere.


Well, that's certainly one way to respond to a simple question. Even if it's a little over the top, this joke was executed perfectly. Kudos to them.

Get Cooking

Something's heating up here, but it's not these people's romance, that's for sure. Sometimes, jokes are better than chemistry, as evidenced here.

They're Not Wrong

This is an appropriate response when dealing with something this strange being sent to you out of the blue. There is absolutely no reason this text should have been sent to the wrong number.

Mirror Image

Now, these people most definitely have a sense of humor. If only everyone made an effort to joke around like they did!


A word to the wise—if this particular occurrence happens to you, it's time to do some self-reflection. If you truly did nothing wrong, then you probably don't want to be talking to this person in the first place anyways. 

If You Say So!

This joke is mostly harmless—unless you count the electric bill skyrocketing. You heard what they said. They're about to have the cleanest house in town!

Major Creep Alert

The spelling of "kool" somehow makes this interaction even more bizarre. Did this guy really think that texting a random number would get him a girlfriend? Better luck next time, weirdo.

F*** You

Ah, the days of Justin Bieber and "mean" parents... whoever is raising this kid might not be doing the best job, considering they cursed out a complete stranger. Still, we hope they got to see the Biebs another time.

Weird Scenario

The "forwarded" message implies that this weird shirtless picture was sent to a bunch of different numbers, including the one that warranted this hilarious response. If you're going to send out a sexy picture to a variety of people, double-check the recipients first!

Playing With Words

Props to this individual for their rhyming skills. Even if you don't know the baby personally, a "congratulations" might be in order. That woman just gave birth, after all!

Nice Cable!

Sometimes knowledge presents itself to us in ways that nobody would ever expect. If you've never seen a standard cat, look no further. The truth has finally been revealed.

It's Hammer Time

Pick a hammer, any hammer. Did this person get a wrong number text from MC Hammer? If so, they're missing on the opportunity to learn about some great music and fashion.

Terrible Accident

This incident will 100% haunt Jason for the rest of his life. This is an insanely uncomfortable circumstance, and if this happens to you, you should just drop off the grid. Life would be easier if you moved to Idaho and become a potato farmer under a new name with no ties to current society. 

An Unwelcome Surprise

Poor JD! He sent a nice smiling photo of himself to someone who he presumably thought was a date, only to receive a rather unpleasant photo in response. Hopefully, JD was able to laugh it off. There are other fish in the sea!

Learning the Hard Way

Pedro is having a rough day... but if that's his reaction to learning that he received a fake number from his date at the club, maybe it's best that the "she" in question got away. Calm down, Pedro. It's not the end of the world!

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The More You Know

  • Arkansas hosts the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest.
  • North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.
  • Ninety percent of the world’s population lives above the equator.
  • There are snakes with two heads, which compete with each other for food.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.