His Fatal Diagnosis Almost Ended His Career, Until His Coworkers Stepped In

Robert Goodman was a successful and well-liked teacher, but once he was diagnosed with cancer, things took a turn for the worse. When Robert realized he was going to have to make some changes as a result, his coworkers rallied around him and gave him a gift he never expected. Read on to find out how they saved their colleague as he saved himself…

Robert Goodman

Robert Goodman was a very beloved schoolteacher at Palm Beach Gardens High School. The students and faculty both admired his work ethic, which made his terrible news even more disheartening…

A Brutal Diagnosis

One doctor visit, Robert learned that he had been diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. He’d need to go to chemotherapy to recover, and it wouldn’t be easy…

No Family History

It was especially shocking to Goodman because he had no family history of the terrible disease. He stayed healthy and checked in with doctors when it felt necessary. He had been checked for colon cancer a few years prior and figured he was safe…

Not Important

He figured the diagnosis wouldn’t appear so early in his life, and at age 46, he put doctors visits on the back burner. The tumor grew inside him for two years. The doctor told him that if he had waited any longer it might have ended his career permanently…

Palm Beach Gardens High School

Goodman had taught at Palm Beach Gardens High School for almost 23 years. He was in April of his 24th year when he learned about his diagnosis. “It was terrifying,” he remarked…

From High School to Hospital

Robert began to take time off to attend his chemotherapy sessions at Tomsich Health and Medical Center. It was tiring and saddening to be in that position, but he was slowly making progress…

Searching Online

He began to document the chemotherapy on Facebook, hoping that social media could be a distraction from the medication. He didn’t realize how much it would impact his journey…

Counting the Days

After a while, it had turned into 38 days spent in the hospital during his surgeries and chemotherapy sessions. The cancer was going away, but he needed more time, and more importantly, more time off…

Earlier Vacations

Robert had been sick for a few weeks years earlier, and as a result, had fewer vacation days accumulated compared to some of the other teachers. This meant that he ran through his days quicker…

Taking Time Off

He needed about 20 more vacation days to finish his therapy. The only problem? He used up all of his paid days off already. He needed some coverage…

Request Denied

The school denied him additional days off. Robert decided to ask other teachers on Facebook if they’d be willing to help him out. He was running out of time…

Posting Online

He decided to plead with other district teachers for help too. “If I can get 20 more sick days from any teacher or district employee volunteers, that would allow me to take more time to recover in battle through chemo for 12 weeks,” he wrote.

Helplessly Hoping

His post continued “[It] should be enough time for me to complete at least the treatment, so if any of my teacher friends are out there, spread the word for me. I would appreciate it, thank you so much.” The fallout would only be worse…

If Not…

He was upset to ask, but the alternate option was far more upsetting. “I’ll be reporting back to work on August 6 and I will never have another opportunity to apply for the leave of absence,” his post said. The district heard him loud and clear…

Coming Together

The staff members wasted no time to come together and support their colleague. News traveled fast, but the transfers traveled quicker, and it wasn’t long until Robert got the days he needed…

Transferring Days

Staff members from district eagerly donated over 75 vacation days to the recovering teacher. He was so grateful for their help, but it didn’t stop there…

Statewide Support

Educators all over the country were reaching out to me to donate their sick days,” said Robert, “Even professors over at Florida Atlantic University.” It seemed any and every teacher wanted to donate their days to Goodman, but he couldn’t take them all…

Heavy Heart

Though he was grateful, he felt he didn’t deserve the generosity of his supporters. “I felt guilty because I knew there were people who had it much worse than me,” he said. But this wasn’t shocking to him…

Not Surprised

“I wasn’t surprised that teachers were giving,” he said of the generosity “Teachers are always giving all the time.” But it was the students who really made an impact…

Student Support

The students came to Mr. Goodman with an outpouring of love and support during this difficult time. He said it was a good reminder of why he started teaching and made him eager to get back to class…

Impact Made

He felt that his impact on people was based on relatability. On social media, everyone wanted him to get better and find his way through the damaging disease…

An Inspiration

[Social media] was the easiest way to let people know how I was feeling,” he said, “and at the same time inspire people who were going through something similar.” It was all worth it for the results…

End Result

All in all, over 60 teachers dedicated their sick days to Goodman. This gave him the opportunity to combat colon cancer full time. But what will happen to his career?

Patiently Waiting

For now, Goodman has to take a leave of absence and will return in January for the second semester of the school year, giving him ample time to recuperate and get back on his feet. This was a harsh change to endure…

Skipping School

“Today I would have had to report to work for the first day of school,” he said in a released Youtube video “and I couldn’t even sleep last night.” The teachers noticed his absence…

Reaching Out

Some teachers at the school didn’t even know Robert. Dawn McKeich donated a few days despite being a kindergarten teacher in the district and never interacting with him. For her, it was personal…

McKeich’s Story

Dawn worked at Timber Trace Elementary nearby. She wanted to pay it forward, as she was shown kindness years earlier when she had a similar problem…

Her Own Sick Days

A few years prior, Dawn had a similar issue with sick days. Her kidneys failed and she needed more days off to recover. She didn’t ask Facebook, but she made it work another way…

Class Is Not In Session

With her teacher friend’s donated days, Dawn spent about a month and a half away from the classroom. But their kindness wasn’t limited to giving their sick days away…

Happy to Help

The other teachers also took over her lesson plans and made full dinners for Dawn’s two children. She was able to dedicate herself completely to recovery. She knew what Robert was going through…

Robert After Treatment

For now, Robert spends time, not in chemotherapy working on his music. He plans to give a musical performance as a thank-you when he returns to school. For now, he’s taking it easy…

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The More You Know

  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
  • Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.
  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • There are more than 24 time zones around the world.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.