Murder, Satanism and Church Burnings; the True Story Behind the Origin of Norwegian Black Metal

Following the release of Vice’s “Lords of Chaos,” which is an adaptation of the book “Lords of Chaos,” written by Didrik Søderlind and Michael Moynihan, the Satanic metal band Mayhem’s story has been re-opened, this is the reason that your parents didn’t want you to listen to metal.

Let the Mayhem Begin…

In 1984, Oystein Aarseth (aka. Euronymous) founded Mayhem in the basement of his parent’s house in Oslo, Norway. Mayhem was predicated on the band’s hatred of glamorous conventional metal, they promoted anarchy, isolation, violence, and Satanism.

Piecing It Together

Mayhem was without a singer for four years, in that time they practiced with just one drummer (Hellhammer), one bassist (Necrobutcher), and one guitarist (Euronymous). The band caught word of a singer who was looking to leave his band, Morbid, and to move to Norway to make true black metal. This man was named Dead…

The Story of Dead

Dead mailed his audition tape to Mayhem in a package that contained a note claiming his dedication to black metal, along with a crucified dead rat. The trio listened to the tape, and they were sold. Dead’s voice represented the dismal, depressing, and demonic properties that they were looking for in their music.

One-Way to Norway

Dead hopped a bus to Oslo from his comfortable childhood home in Sweden. The band immediately sat down and recorded their first album, “Deathcrush,” and struck out to play some shows. Dead, being the frontman, had an unconventional method of singing live with the band…

Scaring Away the Posers

Dead would bring numerous raw pig heads on stage with him, at the beginning of his set he would throw the pig heads into the crowd. In an interview, he stated that their first concert had a 300 person turnout, after throwing the pig heads into the audience, the crowd shrunk to 50 people.

Suffering for his Art

Dead would also cut his arms on stage and bleed into the crowd, disgusting right? This was entirely for the showmanship, but it did give some insight into Dead’s personality. The other members of Mayhem would attempt to subdue him and prevent him from doing this, but Dead persisted due to his depression and propensity for self-harm…

Who is Dead?

Dead adopted his nickname when he was a child. He had been bullied and beaten so badly that he was pronounced clinically dead for several minutes, after that experience, he adopted the nickname Dead and his personality changed completely. He became incredibly depressed, he started listening to death and black metal, and he started his own band, Morbid. Dead was always searching for a reason to live, and Mayhem fell right into his lap.

The Most Abnormal of the Group

When Mayhem wasn’t practicing, Dead would stay in his room at all times (Euronymous and Dead shared a house in the woods of Norway) and bathe in his depression. He would not eat, sleep, or shower. Dead existed solely to sing in Mayhem, and eventually, that wasn’t enough for him to hang on…

A Grim Discovery

Euronymous was away for a week on holiday, visiting his family. When he returned to his house in the woods, he found Dead’s lifeless body. Dead had been so deeply disturbed, so incredibly depressed and disconnected, that he had taken his own life with a shotgun. Euronymous was immediately sick when he discovered his friend. Then, for reasons unknown, Euronymous posed Dead’s body for a photograph and snapped a picture of the scene.

That’s Just Wrong…

Euronymous called together the rest of his band, he revealed the photographs of Dead’s body to his bandmates, and he told them that he was planning on using one of the photographs as an album cover for their upcoming live release. The drummer of Mayhem, named Hellhammer, was completely on board with the idea, but their drummer, Necrobutcher, immediately was repulsed and he quit the band right then and there…

Mayhem, Now Defunct

With the exodus of Necrobutcher, the remaining members of Mayhem decided to put the group on hiatus. Euronymous took a step back from playing music to open his own record store (with some borrowed money from his parents). The store was named “Helvete,” and Euronymous repurposed the basement of the store to be a secret hangout for all of his friends in the black metal world.

The Black Circle

Euronymous’ crew of black metal miscreants named themselves “the Black Circle,” and the group included Euronymous and Hellhammer, Fenriz of the band Darkthrone, Faust of the band Emperor, and Varg Vikernes of the band Burzum. Varg was the newest and most pensive member of their black metal clique, but Burzum made some truly groundbreaking music, and Euronymous wanted to sink his claws into Varg’s band for profit…

Burzum, the One Man Band

Varg Vikernes was a loner who made black metal music on his own. He played every instrument, and he recorded all of them using one microphone placed in the center of a studio. Varg had the vision to push black metal to a place that it had never been, showcasing the raw and unhinged energy behind Satanism and nihilism. His music promoted evil doings, and he translated that same energy into his real life.

The Clash of Titans

Tensions between Varg and Euronymous began to build when Euronymous consigned Varg to release an album on his label, Deathlike Silence. Varg didn’t receive any payment from the album, and Euronymous made sure to put his name all over the work that Varg created. Their personalities clashed, and they began to silently aggress over which one of them was really a “true black metal” musician. This led to some of the most heinous crimes ever committed in Norway…

The Sacrifice of Sacramental Buildings

Varg came up with the idea to burn down a Christian church, proving to everyone around him that he was, in fact, the most extreme member of the Black Circle. Euronymous felt threatened by this act, joining Varg and another Black Circle member, Faust, in several church burnings after that.

Addicted to Risk

Over the course of three years, the Black Circle collectively burned more than 50 churches in Norway (some are unconfirmed by members of the Black Circle). This divulged quickly, as the authorities were beginning to zero in on the Black Circle, although there was no legitimate proof that they committed these arsons. All of these ritualistic burnings inspired Euronymous, he began writing for mayhem again, and soon enough, he had written an entire album that was ready to record…

About the Mystery of Satan

Mayhem’s first studio album, titled “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” was recorded in a private studio in Oslo. Euronymous hired Varg to play bass in place of Necrobutcher, and they hired a new member of the Black Circle, named Blackthorn, to sing in Dead’s place. As per usual, this became a contest between Euronymous and Varg, they challenged each other on their musical ability, but Varg’s playing on this album came up short to Euronymous’ brilliant guitar work.

Varg’s Desperate Revenge

Varg contacted a journalist from the Bergen Times as an act of revenge towards Euronymous. Varg claimed that he, alone, burned down every church that burned in Norway. He also claimed that he committed a murder, that was actually committed by the estranged member of the Black Circle, Faust. Varg’s confession set the death of the Black Circle in motion, starting with his arrest…

The End of an Era

Varg’s confession was the first domino to fall. Euronymous was forced to close down Helvete, and the Black Circle went into hiding. Euronymous was conflicted, while his identity, everything he built, collapsed around him. Whilst cleaning out Helvete, he made an empty threat to murder Varg, stating that he would “paralyze Varg with a taser, take him into the woods and torture him to death, all while filming it to make a snuff film.”

Insecurity and Aggression

When Varg caught word of Euronymous’ statement, he decided to plan a course of action to murder Euronymous before he could carry out his threat. Meanwhile, Euronymous drafted a contract, now with mental clarity, to transfer all of Burzum’s music back to Varg, paying his dues to him, and separating their partnership via Deathlike Silence Records. Varg, however, used this as an invitation to get closer to Euronymous to put his own sinister plan in motion…

A Breach of Trust

Varg forced Blackthorn to drive him to Oslo in order to “return the contract” to Euronymous. When Varg arrived at Euronymous’ house, he found that Euronymous had cut his hair, changed his wardrobe, and was attempting to live a reformed life with his new girlfriend, who was a former groupie of Mayhem. Varg, however, did not care about Euronymous trying to reform himself, he craved revenge…

The Death of an Icon

After Varg signed Euronymous’ contract, he attacked Euronymous with a knife. Euronymous begged Varg to change his mind, he pleaded with him to let him live, but Varg didn’t care. His personal vendetta was stronger than his friendship and history with Euronymous, and he murdered Euronymous in the stairwell of his apartment building.

The Death of Black Metal’s Hero

Euronymous was found, stabbed 23 times, laying on the stairwell of his apartment building, his blood had traveled down the entire stairway of the five-story walkup. The Norwegian police tracked down all of the members of the Black Circle and arrested them.

Guilty By Association

Faust faced 14 years in prison for the murder of an unnamed man, his confession was taped via incriminating videos, filmed by the Black Circle themselves. Varg was sentenced to 21 years in prison (Norway’s maximum sentence) for the murder of Euronymous, the arson of three churches, and attempted arson of another. Blackthorne was sentenced to eight years in prison for being an accomplice in the murder of Euronymous.

Till Death Do Us Part

Multiple candlelight vigils were held in the honor of Euronymous, which in life, he would have disallowed people to perform. Euronymous was a poser of sorts, but he was the inventor of Black Metal, a pioneer of a unique genre of music that has very specific guidelines and has incredible worldwide influence, even today.

Reunion, Rebuilding

Hellhammer and Necrobutcher reunited, they hired several more musicians that were huge fans of Mayhem, and they started touring once more in Euronymous’ honor. Their last tour was in 2017, and there is no telling whether they will tour again.

Burzum is Back

Varg Vikernes was released from prison in 2009, after only serving 15 years of his 21-year sentence. He changed his name to Louis Cachet, and he began recording music as Burzum once more. However, his true identity was revealed in his time in prison, Varg had outed himself as a Neo-Nazi, as well as being disrespected by the black metal community for committing such a terrible crime against the very music he promised to protect. He no longer has a platform built around respect, and his rants on the internet and in publications are mere shouts into the void.

Experiencing Black Metal

If this article inspired you to give black metal a chance, we strongly urge you to Listen to Mayhem from the ground up. Deathcrush was the first recorded album that Mayhem released. This is also one of the only two albums that Dead was featured on, prior to his suicide. Mediolanum Capta Est is the live version of Deathcrush, and it’s arguably better than the original recording.

Where the Genre is Now

Bands that were signed to Euronymous’ label, Deathlike Silence Productions, are still making music today. Euronymous had an uncanny ear for the unique and bizarre, signing Swedish bands Merciless and Abruptum, who are innovators of death metal. Euronymous also signed a band called Sigh, the first and quite possibly the only famous black metal band from Japan. All of these bands still produce music to this day, however, it is widely considered that the albums that Euronymous consigned through his label are the rawest and authentic albums that these bands have created.

Looking into the Future

Current bands like Deafheaven, Birds in Row, Oathbreaker, and Full of Hell are driving a new era of black metal to its limit. Although none of these bands follow the framework of Mayhem’s ultimate guide to performing black metal, their own personal twists on the genre make their music just as unique and recognizable as Mayhem and its predecessors.

In Recognition

Despite the horrendous, unsavory, and brutal happenings within the end of the Black Circle’s existence, their influence on modern music and innovation is undeniable. John Mayer has even mentioned that Mayhem is a band that he looks up to, their simplicity and power were unparalleled. Their message was clear. No Core, No Trends, No Fun, No Mosh. Long live Mayhem.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.