People Whose Genetics Make Them Unique

Everyone has traits that we may have inherited or are naturally born with. However, some truly unique people have features that stand out from the rest of the world.

Two Eyes In One

"I see you Twice". This is when a person has two irises and two pupils in the same eye. This is an extremely rare condition. Scientifically, it is termed Pupula Duplex— people call it the evil eye because of its rarity.

Extra Toes

This girl was born with a little extra! She has 12 fingers and 12 toes. This is a genetic condition called polydactyly. The feet and hands are still proportionate, however, each has an extra digit on them. Imagine counting the fingers and toes and the double-take you would do!

Freckles That Fill Up The Face

Here's another case of dots. We know that dots are beautiful, and occasionally they grow on lower patches of the body or the whole body. Still, this joe has a rare appearance of having dots over his face. He's a model who embraces the condition with all that he has. The most beautiful thing about dots is that no one knows their cause; they're mysterious and beautiful. Freckles are also called dots.

Guy With The Longest Thumbs

In a quick observation you'll see this guy's fingers are at normal length but his thumb is the same size as his index finger making it the longest thumb one has ever seen. Science calls this genetic condition the triphalangeal thumb, and it is not as unusual as you would think because it affects about 25,000 babies worldwide. That is Jacob Pina, a TikToker who has taken TikTok by storm with his insanely long thumb. The 21-year-old simply dislocates it to extend its length to five and a half inches which doctors have confirmed is real.

Model With 40-Inch Long Legs

La Ostergren is a mom of two whose legs measure an astounding 40 inches. While she has learned to embrace her limbs, it hasn't always been easy. In today's pop culture, long legs are considered a part of beauty for most women, and most would do anything to have long, slender legs. But how about having 40-inch long legs? This Swedish female model has 40-inch long slender legs caused by an unusual genetic condition. Her legs, however, have enabled her to have a successful modeling career.


Have you seen a work of art? Look up that's one. Red hair and different colored eyes are indeed an art. This genetic combination is very rare and beautiful. Scientifically, this condition is named heterochromia which results in different eye pigments. Hers is a sight to behold since very few people in the world are born with heterochromia plus red hair. You may have seen people putting on different colors of eye contacts to make them look more beautiful and unique, but this girl’s look is all-natural.

The Queen of Melanin

A model birthed in the heart of Senegal. She was given an incomparable skin tone. Although her skin tone is not unusual in her country, she was bullied and ridiculed for her skin color in school as a child. Khoudia Diop is the model. Diop, however, was able to overcome the ridicule and the bullying and became a very successful model. Her skin tone is not a condition but a natural complexion that refers to her as the ‘goddess of melanin.’

Elf-Like Appearance

Our favorite YouTuber who took the world on a spin with her  waardenburg condition. This genetic condition is extremely rare which results from a mutation in the human genes. The condition is only found in 1 out of 40,000 people. It results in the affected person having an extra-wide set of eyes. They may also suffer from being deaf, which is rare. Stef Sanjati is a famous YouTuber with the Waardenburg condition and uses her platform to educate people on this rare condition and how it affects her body.

Tentacle Tongue

"The octopus tongue." This is a rare genetic condition known as Plica Fimbriata. The condition is not as dangerous as one may think but it can be painful when the tentacles get in between the teeth. Take a look at that guys tongue, it appears to have some tentacles beneath it.

Finger Toes

The woman with "Greek feet." She says she inherited them from her parents, who were born with the same condition. She posted this on Twitter and left everyone going crazy about her toes. Unfortunately, she was bullied and ridiculed about her toes when she was a child. Nonetheless, over time the woman says that she has grown to see and accept that she is a bit different and that it’s completely normal to be different from anyone else.

Unexpected Similarity

The beauty that comes in identical. The baby came out unexpectedly wearing the same black mark on his face like this woman. The condition left the people with doubts but that's what genetic disorders do, leaves people think how? That woman is not the mother but they share a bond through that mark, what a beautiful coincidence!

A Unique Peace Sign

This woman can stretch her pointer and middle finger to an extraordinary length. Her capability to do this is caused by a condition known as joint hypermobility or double joints. The condition doesn't only affect the fingers, but it can also affect the toes. Thus, this woman can show this peace sign more than most humans can. Although this condition is unusual, it doesn't affect a person’s diurnal life conditioning.

Beauty Features

You may have heard of model Winnie Harlow by now since she has risen to become one of the world’s most recognizable faces in a very short period of time. Her dark complexion is complemented by slight depigmentation, resulting in a look that is amazing, one-of-a-kind, and one that is nearly hard to forget. The model came to prominence after participating on the reality television show America’s Next Top Model. So embrace your imperfections because it's there that lies your perfection.

Horn Head

A genetic disorder science calls corny cutaneum. It all starts from a skin tumor then it becomes solid and hard like a horn. Note, this disorder is very rare and any horn form is always small but if left untreated these horns can grow quite large as seen in the case above.

Butterfly Skin

Having a skin that blisters easily, that breaks with just a little pressure, sure I can call that butterfly skin syndrome. Scientifically it's called Epidermolysis bullosa, it is a rare genetic condition that makes skin so fragile that it can tear or blister at the slightest touch. Children born with it are often called “Butterfly Children” because their skin seems as fragile as a butterfly wing. The outcome is variable, but tends to be serious. The genetic disorder brings with it complications related to infections, nutrition and neoplastic complications.

Missing Nose Bridge

This young man was born with him missing the bridge on his nose that most of us have. Meaning that he has a depressed nose. This condition can be caused by a whole host of conditions.

Queen of the Dark

Nyakim Gatwech is a 29-year-old model from South Sudanese descent who is taking the world by storm due to her unique complexion. The model is quite popular on Instagram with nearly one million followers. Her net worth for her unique genetics and modeling career is estimated at 9 million dollars.

The Marfan Syndrome

The Marfan Syndrome is what science calls this genetic disorder. It's been suspected that one child in every 10,000 births is affected with Marfan Syndrome, making it a kindly common condition. People who have it have a hugely distinctive appearance since their bones develop vastly longer than they typically would, performing in veritably thin arms and legs, as well as a fraudulent chin, in comparison to the rest of the population.

The Sweetest Birthmark

This little girl's family was in for a pleasant surprise when their daughter came out with the exact color of hair as her mother. Now we should understand that birthmarks are such a common human occurrence and they tend to appear shortly after birth and are usually the result of an overgrowth of blood vessels, keratinocytes, and melanocytes. In her case it was the melanocytes in her hair.

Iris Growing Over A Pupil

This genetic disorder produces tissues most times a strand  of tissues that crosses the pupil. Now this becomes problematic to the fetus because it uses the pupillary membrane as a source of blood supply for the lens. Although a single strand wastes away after birth between the age of 4 to 8 weeks. Only large strands may disrupt the vision and a minimal amount of membrane tissue is considered non-harmful.

Extra Hole In The Ear

They're some people who've additional holes in their ears. It's a genetic disorder that makes these little holes get connected to an unusual sinus tract under the skin. While in most cases, they are not harmful, they can, however, get infected.

Symmetrical Hair Whorls

You'll notice this kid has a very unique hair design on his head, two symmetrical hair whorls that grow in circular directions. Apparently, there has been research to find out if hair whorl direction is related to which hand a person writes with, but thus far nothing has been proven. It remains an hypothesis.

The Treeman Syndrome

This genetic disorder is called The Treeman Syndrome. Scientifically it is called Epidermodysplasia verruciformis. This disorder causes scaly macules and papules to grow on the hands, feet, and even face. These skin “eruptions” appear as wart-like lesions and even wood-like and horn-like growths.


The woman from the giant clan. Ever heard of the gigantism condition? This condition allows one to grow taller than usual. This woman is the tallest in the world at the moment. Her name is Elisany da Cruz Silva and her height truly makes her unique. She is 6 feet and 9 inches tall.

World's Smallest Child

Charlotte holds the record for being the smallest child in the world.This is an extremely rare genetic condition called dwarfism. When Charlotte was five years old she was the size of a teddy bear for a newborn and not taller than a bottle of milk. She was only nine pounds at the time.

Backward Hands

Another unique person who has a condition that enables him to hold items backward. This condition is known as hypermobility, it is a doubled common condition that allows whoever is affected to flip their hands back. The condition can allow a person to hold objects with the reverse of their palm. This condition is so rare that only 5% of people worldwide are affected by it.

Middle Aging Condition

From times that date back to the Middle periods, this condition has been proved for a veritably long time. The condition is known as hypertrichosis that results in someone having abnormal hair growth. This condition cause isn't 100% verified, but some scientists believe it's inheritable. The condition has only affected five people in the whole world.

Matching Birthmarks

No one has ever understood where birthmarks come from, but they are not unusual. This condition is known as poliosis. Poliosis comes from the Greek word “pilios,” which means gray. This is not your everyday show. The extraordinary thing about this situation is that this mother gave birth to a baby with the same birthmark in the exact same place. This will always remind the two of their incredible bond. Call it straight from the manufacturer!

Cinnamon Roll Belly Button

This guy, however, has one of the most satisfying belly buttons.  A belly button with a cinnamon roll look. This is not an abnormal defect, but it depends on how the belly button healed when he was a baby.

Slowed Collagen Prepuce

This genetic condition slows down the production of collagen and causes the skin to be wrinkled and incredibly delicate at a young age, much like our skin does as we get older and older.

Missing Fingernails

This genetic condition whereby you miss a fingernail or toenails is a genetic condition called anonychia, and it doesn't occur frequently. Most times the moon crest symbol beneath your fingernails goes missing.

Skin Writing

This is a common and not harmful genetic condition. It is called Dermatographism. People who have the condition develop welts or localized almost love-like reactions when they scratch on their skin. This condition can also happen when the skin is exposed to rubbing or pressure. The condition is also referred to as “skin writing.”

Not So Small "Little Finger."

This is a genetic disorder when a little finger becomes the biggest. Crazy, right? It's caused by a genetic condition called macrodactyly whereby certain fingers grow abnormally large. On some occasions it can affect the entire hand up to the forearm.


When the skin starts getting lumpy, thicken, and then bony lump both in the skin and forehead it's all caused by a nasty genetic group disorder named Neurofibromatosis (NFB) which has invaded your cells. It typically affects your nervous system and nerve cells. Bad news, there is no cure. Good news, the symptoms can be managed.


This is an inherited genetic condition that leads to someone having a very light skin and eyes. This young girl, Ava Clarke, is a model and actress who has charmed people worldwide due to her incredibly unique look.

Mirror Hand Syndrome

Imagine having each pairls of the same fingers in one hand, amazing right? This genetic condition is also known as ulnar dimelia and has only affected less than 100 people worldwide in medical history, making it even more unique. By looking at this rare hand, one can conclude that the person has eight fingers on one hand that mirror each other, with no thumbs

Endless Eyelashes

This is a rare genetic disorder where you have two rows of eyelashes. Whereby, the second row of eyelashes can include anywhere from a single lash or a few hairs to a full, complete set. Scientifically it's called Distichiasis.

Some Extra Toes

There is a genetic disorder that causes the condition in which an extra finger or toe is present on the hand or foot. Scientifically it is called Polydactyly. Polydactyly usually affects only one hand or foot rather than both. Some seek surgical correction while others decide to live with it.

Hand Twins

This case is very extraordinary, one of a kind on our list! Where genetics really takes the lead. This young man’s father had an accident when he was only ten years old. Sadly, due to the accident, he lost a finger. Little did he know years later, his son would Inherit a finger that would stop growing. The son’s finger stopped growing, and eventually, the father’s finger and the son’s finger looked completely identical.

Unique Hair Streaks

This girl has a white lock that sticks out amidst her gorgeous brown hair. We are reminded of Princess Anna from the animated film Frozen, which we find amusing! The girl took the white streaks of hair from her mother genetically and you can see how gorgeous it looks. Like a mother, like a daughter.

Circulation Irregularities

Because this man lacks the ability to circulate blood all the way through his hand. His fingers react strongly in strong colder temperatures. His hands become very cold. One of his fingers turns a ghostly white color due to this lack of circulation. Eventually the color will return to his finger, but it shows that it is less strong in one particular color.

Sudden White Eyelashes

At 18 years old, this person glancing into the bathroom mirror and noticing streaks of white hair that were not there before can be a worrying experience. As with many other things in life, poliosis is less scary when it is understood. Poliosis is a condition that causes a white patch or patches to appear in a person’s hair. The condition is related to vitiligo which occurs when a person’s immune system is weakened in a particular area which causes a loss of pigment.

Bottom Pupils

A genetic condition whereby the pupil will continue to be at the bottom of her eyes is known as coloboma, and it occurs when someone’s eyes have some holes in them. This condition happens to be one of the rarest on our list since it affects less than 10,000 children in the world.

Elf-Like Ears

The "Stahl's ear" syndrome which is caused by an excess of cartilage in the person’s ear, resulting in ears that are naturally pointed – thus the moniker “elf ears” for these people is a common phenomenon amongst one in 15,000 infants, although many of them either outgrown it or opt to have surgery to correct it later on. We can’t say that we blame them since when it comes to “being different,” children can be very hurtful.

Webbed Hands

The condition of having some or all of the fingers or toes wholly or partly united, either naturally or as a malformation.

Half White Face

A unilateral vitiligo. This is a genetic condition that makes half of the face look white while the other seems completely normal. This condition affects only one side of the face.

Uncomfortable Hair Syndrome

The little Einstein in the form of a female. Shilah Madison is a girl who was born with a hair condition known as ‘uncomfortable hair syndrome.’ This genetic condition makes her hair stand up at all times, and her mother confirmed that the hair could be a little painful at times. The uncomfortable hair syndrome makes the hair frequently break from the root, which can be painful.

12 Fingers

Science named this genetic condition polydactyly, where a person born with this condition will have extra fingers, toes, or both. In this woman’s case, she has an extra finger on each of her hands, which makes 12 fingers. You might have seen people with immature extra fingers that cannot function, but all of her fingers look natural and can function properly. The condition only affects 1 in every 1000 people globally, which makes it very unique in the world. Since this condition is a strong genetic condition, her children might likely inherit this genetic trait as well.

One Eye, Two Colors

The beauty of imperfection shines forth in this genetic condition. The mystery of an eye having two varying colors. Science calls it Heterochromia. This is a condition that affects both eyes to have different colors, but where one eye has two different colors, this condition is known as sectoral. The sectoral person has a fictional character look, but in reality it's not.

Jointless Finger

Take a glance at your hand and imagine it without a joint. A man was born with this genetic condition known as congenital trigger finger where his right hand does not have joints in any of his fingers. The condition has made the man have a soft hand that doesn’t bend. The condition is not as rare as you think; 3.3 out of 1000 babies get it at birth.

Bowie Eyes

'Goggling eyes' also known as 'Bowie Eyes' is the condition which results when one pupil of the eye functions properly while the other one always stays in the same position. The condition is somehow mesmerizing to look at because it is unique. Science calls it anisocoria. Bowie eyes happen to one in 5 people in varying severity, which makes it a relatively common condition considering what we have on our list.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This is a genetic condition known as "polycystic ovary syndrome," and that girl has it. This syndrome makes her grow facial hair more than some women and men. Her name is Harnaam kaur, she embraced her condition by letting her beard grow and encouraging women to embrace their bodies.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.