Photos So Amazing You'll Think They're Photoshopped

The combined efforts of mother nature and photographers have produced some of the most fascinating images to ever surface.

Check out this ultimate list of amazing shots – we swear they AREN’T photoshopped…

Long Exposure

This shot was taken as a long exposure photo. While that looks like a futuristic highway to the sky, it’s actually the lights from a flight taking off. When shot long exposed, this cool trail effect comes into play.

Namaste at the Beach

When it comes to yoga and meditation, an outdoor practice can be really rejuvenating. For this yogi, a photo taken at the perfect time made for an explosive practice.

Daytime Moon

Even though it still appears as though it’s daytime in this photo, the moon also made an appearance while the sun was still shining.

Jeep Ghost

When an ice storm met a Jeep Grand Cherokee, an icy ghost was born. A sheet of ice froze from the front grill to the ground and when the Jeep pulled away the ice stayed attached to the frozen ground, leaving a Jeep imprint.

Dancers On Paper

A photo shoot of a large group of American dancers was an interesting shot. They laid on paper shaped like an eye, and posed in various dance poses to add to the effect.

The Royal British Navy

The Royal British Navy put on a show for people on the shore. This photo caught an awesome moment where a Naval helicopter cut between a column of fireworks.

Chukotka Peninsula, Russia

In the Chukotka Peninsula in Russia, a road on ice carves through the glaciers. In this desolate place, the sight of a vehicle seems so out of place.

Key Largo at Sea

A statue of Christ covered with coral sits at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean right off the coast of Key Largo, Florida.

Explosive Illusion

The way this sun glare hits this rocky mountainside made it look just like hot lava was spilling over the peak.

Arctic Iced Tea

This photographer tossed some hot tea in the air in the Arctic circle, and it frozen instantly. This moment was living science and a pretty fascinating capture. Now he can enjoy some iced tea…

Galactic Tennis Ball

During a rainy tennis match when the ball was wet and went for a spin off the player’s racquet, this action shot, with the water spinning off the ball, makes it looks like the ball is the center of its own universe.

Windmill Way

Windmills line a highway in The Netherlands along a waterway. The sight is futuristic in nature, but environmentally friendly at heart.

Ghostly City

This photo of a Temple covered in ash from the Ontake Volcanic Eruption in Japan looks like an eerie movie set.

World’s Divided

In New York City, the bustling city that never sleeps there is a great divide between the greenery of Central Park and the busy city life just across the street. When looked at from above, the stark contract is striking.

Good Timing

This super-moon was captured at just the right time when it hit directly over a radio telescope. It’s one of those blink and you miss it moments!

Great Catch!

Catching a cloud in a bulldozer… for this guy, it’s all in day’s work.

Anniversary Of The Birth Of Kim Il-Sung

Here, North Korean’s are gathered to honor the 100th birthday of the country’s founder, Kim Il-Sung. In stark contrast to the colorful female attire and the suits and ties of the government officials, are the uniformly dressed military, split right down the middle.

A Blue Universe

If this doesn’t remind you of the song Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65, than we’re not sure we can be friends. This blue flowered field in Japan is surely a sight for sore eyes.

Abernathy Forest, Scotland

If you’re not a fan of spiders, then this forest in Scotland is definitely not for you. In the Abernathy Forest spider’s are aplenty and they create nests and webs all over the forest floor.

Bit of Color

There’s nothing like a bit of color in a vast abyss of white. What’s most difficult to tell here though is if this is a tiny little umbrella or a vast expansive white sand beach.

Volcanic Eruption

In Iceland, a thunderstorm hit right over an active volcano and the result was the perfect storm.


In Canada, wild animals can be found just about everywhere. But a shot like this is only captured once in a lifetime.

An Italian Beach

At this beach in Italy, everything is color-coordinated, from the walkways to the lounge chairs and umbrellas.

Yunnan, China

This amazing shot shows Chinese workers carrying baskets on their backs along a strikingly red walkway against the gray and white backdrop of the snowy mountains in the distance.

Firefly Squids

No, that’s not photoshop—the lights you see in the water are actually Hotaru Ika Firefly Squids. They appear in the night along the shores in Japan.

Namib Desert, Africa

This magical shot comes from the Namib Desert in Africa. The stars were fully out and yet, so was the sun.

Flamingos of the Yucatan Peninsula

The flamingos of the Yucatan Peninsula were true to form when they gathered out on the water, in the shape of, none other than… a flamingo.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

This mineral-rich soda lake in northern Tanzania is the breeding ground for thousands of lesser flamingos despite the highly alkaline state of the red waters.

Rapeseed Fields in China

In early spring, when the yellow rapeseed flowers (also known as canola) are in full bloom, the area takes on the look of a “golden sea,” a spectacle that has made Luoping something of a Mecca for photographers.

Dunes Of The Namib Desert

The dunes of the Namib were created by sand being carried on the wind from the coast. Set within the coastal desert of Namibia are the biggest sand dunes in the world.

Westerdok District, Amsterdam

This overhead shot of the Westerdok District in Amsterdam is a colorful sight that truly captures the essence of The Netherlands.


This plane’s takeoff route flew directly above this wild beehive-like structure creating this amazing shot.

Frosted Trees

The frost on the trees of this forest crystalized in a fascinating feather-like formation.

The Chosen One

Whether it’s the pack leader, or someone’s beautiful Malamute, this lone wolf is right in his element.

Holiday Village, Russia

This holiday village near Arkhangelsk, Russia is the most idyllic and colorful little ski town.

Bird Hurricane

No, that’s not a hurricane, it’s a swarm of birds. If you’ve got a fear of birds, this is probably a cringe-worthy shot for you.

Alien Invasion in Charlotte

Look, we’re going to be honest here, it really does look like these lights are alien contact.

Yosemite Waterfall

A helicopter tour in Yosemite takes you up close and personal with a waterfall in the park.

On Target

The Eagle has landed… and he looks a little mad.

Rango Plays Guitar

The funniest part of this photo is that you don’t know what lead up to this moment. Was he eating this, or was he literally just lounging with a leaf?

Waterspout On Lake Victoria

Over Lake Victoria in Uganda a waterspout appeared and it’s a little terrifying.

Red Cardinal Levitating

It’s apparently not enough for bird to be able to fly… now they also levitate. Unfair.

Morant’s Curve

A cargo train heads around Morant’s Curve set in the most snowy backdrop, making it look like a page pulled right from the Polar Express.

An Abrupt Arrival

In Mari El, Russia, winter creeps through the lush greenery of the forest floor.

Seasonal Meeting

In Colorado, on one side of the river, it was Autumn, while on the other, Winter had begun.

The Fish Face

In a fishing town in Mahabalipuram, India, the fish eyes look just like the eyes of the woman selling them off.

San Francisco Ghost Town

When the fog sets in in San Francisco, the city looks like a ghost town.

Autumn -vs- Winter

In Miklukhin, Rostov Region, Russia, the sun crept over a fence melting the snow it touched, yet the untouched snow remained.

Under the Sea

This highly artistic make-up look is exactly what one might think a mermaid would appear as, just call it the Ariel.

Sea Bites

The way the ocean kissed this rocky beach made it look like the sea had teeth.

Diamond Mines in Russia

While this deep hole looks like the end of the world, it’s actually a diamond mine in Mirny, Yakutia, Russia.

Ice Spectacular

Man with a flashlight on the ice creates illuminating sight on the glaciers of the Arctic.

Dog Sledding In Greenland

Dog-sledding in frozen landscape seems like a dream, but in this shot, it appears that the dogs can also walk on water, too.

Giant Wave Illusion

This optical illusional appears as if this castle on the hill is about to be crushed with a tidal wave.

A Mountaintop In Slovenia

Spectacular ice formations formed on a mountaintop in Slovenia, making it looks like something straight out of Frozen.

Bushy Park

In Bushy Park, London, the sunrise creates a picturesque ambiance while the elk come out for breakfast.

Moravian Fields, Czech Republic

Moravia in The Czech Republic is a large agricultural area in the southern part of the country which is hilly and colorful. It’s very famous for its vineyards and the very fertile soils.

Cherries Underwater

The air molecules on this pair of cherries look amazing up close underwater.

China’s Gansu Province

Among the traditional architecture, people climb a nearby sand dune in Japan.

Almond Fields, California

Almond fields are actually quite beautiful. Once harvested, the fields look like pussy willow plants.

Amitabha Buddha Day

In Vietnam, the Amitabha Buddha Day is a celebration of a celestial buddha, as Amitabha means “infinite light.”

Lake Retba

This pink lake in Senegal is a photographer/Instagrammers dream. It is named for its pink waters caused by Dunaliella salina algae and is known for its high salt content, up to 40% in some areas.

Little Owl

During a rainstorm, this tiny little owl took cover under a mushroom.

The Gifts Of The Earth

A beautiful yellow-flowered field creates a stark contract with the deep greenery growing right next to it.

Moon Rising Above Madrid, Spain

The moon was massive and blood red as it rose above Madrid.

Eiffel Tower From The Bottom

From the bottom looking up, the Eiffel Tower looks like a symmetrically pleasing city map.

Fickle Moods

The weather really couldn’t make up its mind on this day.

Residential Area In Hong Kong

Because China is so highly populated, people typically build up and live all on top of each other. Here, you can see their different personalities reflected in their residences.

Tianzi Mountain, China

This amazing landscape in China was the inspiration for the landscapes of Pandora in Avatar.

Surf’s Up

When a giant tsunami occurs, why evacuate when you can surf?

The Red Hat

Nature’s simplest life is often the most beautiful.

50% Downloaded

Depending on the weather patterns, a forest in Autumn goes through many cycles of change. Here, you see this change in action.

Jasper National Park, Canada

The freezing Athabaska River in Jasper National Park, Canada, looks here like it’s simply just covered in plastic wrap.

Times Square, New York

It’s all about perspective. Here, in Times Square, a view from below looks quite wild.

A Dragon Leaf

This simple photo is one for the imagination.

Cutting Through

A Boat cuts through newly-formed ice in Marion Bay leaving this crackling channel behind it.

Kalsoy Island, Faroe Islands

Kallur Lighthouse on the picturesque Cliffs of Kalsoy Island in the Faroe Islands.

Potato Plantation

This creative land use maximizes both seclusion and land use for planting crops.

Wingardium Leviosa

We’ve all heard of flying squirrels, but have you heard of Wizard Squirrels?

Snow Express

Sheep cut through the deep snow, thankfully they still had their wool coats on.

The Kingdom Of Bagan, Myanmar

At sunrise, a hot air ballon floats magically above Bagan, Myanmar.

Base Jumping In Norway

Every year, a base-jumping competition takes place in Norway. Do you have what it takes?

Breaking The Sound Barrier

This is something no one ever quite expects to get to see, but how fascinating?!

Glacier Lake

In Banff National Park, Canada, the green-blue of the lake creates this aesthetically pleasing beautiful hue.

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The More You Know

  • The woolly mammoth survived until Egyptian times.
  • There are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. If you took them all out and laid them end to end, they’d stretch around the world more than twice.
  • Abraham Lincoln was a wrestling champion.
  • Great white sharks are so scared of killer whales that they'll avoid an area for up to a year after spotting one.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.