Street Artist Tags Pop Culture Characters Into Unlikely Real-World Places

Street artist EFIX is partial to placing well-known pop culture characters like The Simpson's and familiar Disney faces in unsuspecting, everyday locations. His goal is to bring a smile to people's faces while keeping his art eco-friendly. See how he does it...

Free Homer

This grated window is the perfect placement for a jailbird Homer Simpson. It's something you probably wouldn't notice if you were walking by quickly, but if you stop and pay attention you'll likely get a laugh out of this one. The artist, EFIX, has an affinity for The Simpson's characters, and they're featured in a lot of his work. 

Slam Dunk

All of EFIX's materials are eco-friendly and biodegradable. He's environmentally conscious because he doesn't want to disrupt any of the structures he tags, and if people don't love the art it will wash off with water. None of his work is permanent, which also adds to the beauty of it. 

He's Ready

Port-o-potty, but make it nautical! This will surely brighten up any emergency "I gotta go" moment, especially if you're a fan of all things Spongebob Squarepants. It also makes the unsightly restroom a little easier on the eyes.

Lisa's Delivery Service

Though this isn't technically street art, little witch Lisa is on the go and can be placed in any fun situation like this one. Using a cone as a witch's hat makes for some cute and creative photo ops like this one. It also looks like a play on the Studio Ghibli movie, "Kiki's Delivery Service."

Ladies Never Start Fights

But they sure can finish them! Little princess kitten Marie probably wouldn't be caught dead with a rat in her mouth, but she certainly fits the scene here. Wasn't there a scene in The Aristocats that went something like this anyways?

Safety First

This fire hydrant-turned-octopus would surely put a smile on any kid's face while they're outside playing. This one blends in so well to the surroundings that you'd easily miss the fire hydrant underneath all of those tentacles. 

Maybe Just One Bite

TV's favorite donut enthusiast Homer Simpson fits perfectly into this scene if you look at him from the right angle. This cardboard cutout is probably only around two feet tall but packs a big punch. What a way to brighten up an empty sidewalk!

Think Hard On This One

At first glance, you'd totally miss the fact that this was art. It's slightly reminiscent of the Pixar lamp. This looks like two people either fighting or dancing, but art is always in the eye of the beholder.

Trying The Natural Look

Did Marge do something different with her hair? She looks like she's growing it out. If only we could all have this level of confidence - she knows she still looks good!

No Relief

This hilarious placement is almost too perfect to be true. This movable Homer Simpson fits in especially well in front of this fountain stream, and the action is pretty in-character for him. 

How Many Lies Is This?

How many lies do you think Pinocchio had to tell for his nose to grow this much? Street art doesn't always have to be painted onto walls, and something like this is both fun and subtle at the same time. He might be easy to miss, but he's sure to put a smile on your face if you spot him.

Spaghetti Seems a Little Overcooked

I don't think this is how he envisioned his second date, but he seems to be enjoying that "pasta" nonetheless. Another fun movable art piece that could fit in any scene seems to be this artist's staple. It's an easy way to avoid changing the physical scenery around him while still making for great photos.

Just One Bite

You'll pretty much never see Homer Simpson not taking a bite out of something, and this Apple logo photo op was too good to pass up. Wonder where else the artist decided to place this one? Maybe Chili's...

Bare Necessities

The artist enjoys incorporating Disney characters and other recognizable faces from pop culture because most people recognize them and tend to have strong emotional ties to them. Any piece of art that can touch a viewer in some nostalgic way makes the experience more valuable to the artist.

No Snake In This Boot

The grate on this wall is shaped exactly like Woody's hat, so it was too good to pass up. Any kid passing by this would definitely stop and smile. It's a picture-perfect scene.

Don't Look Down!

At first glance, you'd think Tarzan was swinging from a real vine. This might be the most perfectly placed image yet, and fans of the movie will know that this is taken right from several of the vine-swinging scenes in the film. All that's missing are his gorilla friends.

Radical, Dude

At this rate, it's going to be a while until he makes it back to the EAC. He's also missing his little buddy, Squirt! An oversight on the artist's part, but a cute addition to the sidewalk nonetheless. 

(Superhero) Safety First

Blink and you'll miss him! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Rafael just wants you to cross the street safely. This simple neon manipulation works perfectly at transforming the street sign into the iconic turtle superhero. 

New 'Do

The confident look on this Simpson's character's face totally says he knows this new look is working for him. Though this isn't technically street art, it's still a perfectly placed fun piece of art that would look cool with any type of plant. 

Forget About Your Worries

This looks like it's pulled directly from a scene from the classic Disney film. "The Jungle Book" is a no-brainer for tagging onto this wall. Baloo looks like he's scratching against that tree as he does in many of the scenes in the film.

Clever Wordplay

The smart guy who did this really, really didn't have to. I have a headache from reading now.

Make No Mistake

Just don't mess up - it's impossible to erase with that thing!

Classic Cat and Mouse

This might take the cake for the most perfectly placed street art. That's definitely not a real pipe bomb, and no way is that actually a real mouse hole either, but this scene is so perfectly executed that it should be a permanent staple on this wall.

"A" For Effort

It's going to take a little more than that to fix this enormous hiccup.

Keep Your Distance

Don't be fooled - that is a real cactus. I wouldn't get too close, even though the sign is very inviting. Poor guy probably just wants a friend! This is a creative take on street art, and can very easily be taken down.

Missing The Point

Whoever wrote this was obviously just trying to lighten the mood...

Roadrunner Better Watch Out

Though it's unlikely Roadrunner is out and about on the city streets, Wile E. Coyote is always one step ahead. The artist manages to manipulate perception as well with the lever on the box of "TNT." If you look at it from the right angle, it perfectly lines up with the drawing on the wall. 

Ghost Driver

The perfect setup for this would be if they sat a dog in the front seat for the photo. 

Up, Up, and Away

This looks more like a Banksy piece than a fun Pixar street sketch. If you know the piece it references, then you know. The color palette seems to fit Carl's personality much better than the rainbow balloons from the movie. He's right at home here!

It Means "No Worries"

Hopefully the sign accurately describes the town! 

Piranha Plant Attack 

The artist saw the opportunity for this classic Mario scene and took it. You won't be able play a Nintendo game without finding yourself in this same situation. The added paint on the real pipe on the wall was an excellent touch to make this as realistic as possible.

No Worries Here

This scene is another cool play on perspective. If you can spot this at the right angle, it looks like these Lion King characters are crossing that iconic bridge while singing "Hakuna Matata." This would brighten up anyone's day for sure!

Got His Hooks In You

It's so cool when art incorporates physical objects into drawings. Captain Hook is practically leaping off the wall in this piece. It's a clever incorporation of a real hook, probably attached to a door, that most people wouldn't think to add into a work of art.

Do You Like Jazz?

Maybe you do, but certainly not as much as Lisa Simpson does. This is typically how she can be found in any episode of the iconic tv show. The opportunity to draw her while playing the saxophone pipe was almost too good to pass up.

Probably Didn't Need That Arm, Anyways

You can make art out of anything! With the right eye, a hole in the wall can be transformed into something super weird, like a balloon pulling off a confused zombie's arm. Though he's not from immediate pop culture, it's still an enjoyable scene to come across. 

Gotcha This Time

The never-ending game of cat and mouse (or bird) has been depicted in nearly 40 Warner Bros. shorts. Sylvester never managers to catch Tweety, though it looks like he may have here!

Golden Hour Marge

Another perfect placement, this moveable Marge Simpson's iconic hairdo fits in nearly anywhere, even placed against what looks like a water tower. Not her best look, but also not her worst. 

Runny Nose

This one certainly isn't hard to miss. What would make this piece way more effective is if they turned the faucet on and let the "trunk" spray water onto the sidewalk. It's more fun when art is interactive!

Homer: The Last Airbender

Homer would probably do well as an Airbender. Just look at that form! He's clearly skilled with makeshift ninja stars. 

Homer: In Relief

Homer would fit in so well at a fine art museum. Look at that pose, that form! If he were to be auctioned, he'd be a priceless sell.

"What's This? What's That?" 

That's bound to be anyone's reaction when they walk in on this. A slightly unnecessary and definitely terrifying mockup of Jack Skellington would shock anyone on their way to the bathroom. He's a little too close for comfort.

Protect Our Oceans

Or else all the fish will look like this! This is a subtle but pretty effective anti-pollution message. All trash leads to the oceans, after all.

Enemies of the Heir, Beware!

Harry Potter fans know that a bathroom wall isn't complete without this cryptic, blood-written message. If you don't get the reference, you'd better read up, or else the Chamber of Secrets will open, and you'll be the first victim.

The Hero Gotham Deserves

Not sure what exactly this road sign is, but one thing is clear: it needs a hero. That city is hopefully at the end of that long road to nowhere, and surely some iteration of Batman (Robert Pattinson, looking at you) is ready to save the day. 

Check Your Water Pressure

The artist for this one just wanted to spread a little happiness with this leaky rainbow faucet.

We Don't Make The Rules Here

But you do have to follow them...

Professor X Will See You Now

Wolverine would probably have a pretty difficult time navigating a public bathroom without causing a panic.

Why Are They Always Taking the Cows Anyways?

Extraterrestrials must have something against cows, because they're always abducting them in every pop culture illustration of aliens visiting earth. This is a pretty creative take on the idea!

He Sees You

It's amazing how one small detail can totally transform an every day object into something scary! Two eyes turn this tree into a creepy forrest monster.

Hold On Tight

All that's missing from this one are some teeny tiny airplanes and a very small version of Marilyn Monroe. 

Pepe Is Never Wrong

Pepe will take any chance he can get to bring down the mood. But is he wrong? 

If Only It Were That Easy

Most people value their pets more than the idea of having a human baby... and can you blame them?

Something Strange...

If you can make a slant rhyme out of the words "goats butter" and fit it into the Ghostbusters theme song, why wouldn't you?

It Should Be Obvious

In case of fire, first take the stairs, then put the fire out with water. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Don't You Dare

He's perfectly fine there! Don't remove him or he'll get upset. And don't remove the other seal, either.

The Smallest Mural

Sometimes the most petite, hard to see art is the best. If you catch this at the right angle, it makes a really sweet scene.

Ice Cream Dream

This was such a sweet way (pun intented) to brighten up a dark cement wall. It's hard to look at the other two empty spaces and not imagine an ice cream cone under them too.

You Have To Follow The Rules

It might be dumb, but it also might make you laugh. Clap for bubbles before you return to work, it's the rule!

Rocks Don't Float

This should have been common sense for these guys, but it's true that rocks don't make the best swimmers.

No Meddling Kids Here

Hopefully this is a life-sized version of the Mystery Machine, because how cool is that? Coolsville can rest easy, once again.

I Mean...

Honesty is the best policy, isn't it?

Always Watching

The only downside is this tree can't warn you when the parking authority is coming to ticket your car, all it can do is watch.


This scream carries a lot of weight behind it, Munch would be proud.

Is This Public Health?

Don't call public health asking, "Is this public health?" Because this is the response you'll get from someone without a doubt.

Someone Clearly Just Got Dumped

Some bitter soul walked past this in the subway station and turned a perfectly nice dating ad into an angry breakup roast. 

Always Look Both Ways

And THIS is why there are stop signs and rules. If you're not observant, someone might get hurt.

Just Trying To Sanitize, Here

This reads more like an awkward and unnecessy text thread between coworkers than instructions on how to use the Hand Sanitizer.

Beware! Whatever This Is

Someone got a little too creative and now we aren't sure what exactly it's warning us about...

Eve Should Have Listened

Maybe if there had been a kinder warning and not an evil snake in the Garden of Eden, things would have turned out a little different.

Dangerous Sneeze

Allergy season will be this dragon's undoing.

You Missed a Spot

This doesn't look like the most effective angle, but to each their own! 

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The More You Know

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  • There is a fish with transparent bones and white blood.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.