The Terrifying Truth Behind the Real Chucky Doll

Child’s Play scared and shocked audiences all around the world, but many don’t know the film is based on a true story. Once upon a time, there was a real Chucky doll, and he was just as creepy as the movie knockoff. Read on to find out all the eerie inside information…

A Birthday Gift

On Robert Gene Otto’s fourth birthday in 1904, he received a gift from his grandfather. The gift was a doll he bought in Germany from the Steiff Company, though there are other stories…

Who Tells the Truth?

Others say Robert Gene (or Gene) got the doll from a young Bahamian girl as revenge for a wrong done by the Otto family. Maybe he was a voodoo doll since voodoo began in Bahamian. That would explain the events still to come…

The Creator

Young Robert Eugene Otto was the original owner of Robert the Doll. Though the doll shared his name, he himself preferred to go by ‘Gene’. He was from an affluent Florida family. After his and his wife’s death, their house became a hotel, and later, a haunted hotel…

Hotel Happenings

According to visitors of the hotel, the halls are haunted. Not by a doll, surprisingly, but a woman in a wedding dress. The rumor is that this woman is Gene’s wife, Anne Otto. So where is Robert the Doll?

Robert’s Appearance

Robert’s face is covered in small scars. He has two beady eyes and wears a child’s sailor suit. He has a doll of his own, a stuffed bear. He has flat ears and no mouth. Very unsettling…

One of a Kind

Robert was a special creation. He wasn’t supposed to be a child’s doll but rather used in the display for a toy company. It was meant to emulate the image of a clown, but there was nothing funny about what was to come…

Making Robert

Robert was stuffed with wood wool (aka excelsior) and wood shavings (typically used for packaging). He stands at 40 inches tall which is roughly the same size as a real child! His outfit was likely one of Gene’, his closest friend…

Gene and Robert

Gene loved his Robert doll. The duo was joined at the hip for most of Gene’s life. Often Gene and Robert had conversations all throughout the night. But who was talking for Robert?

Together Forever

The doll sat with the family at the dinner table in his own chair. He slept in Gene’s bed every night. Gene spoke about Robert like he was a real person. Maybe…he was?

Gene Grows Up

Gene grew up and didn’t forget about his small doll friend. He made a room for him in the attic with his own dolls to play with and treated Robert like his son. Anne didn’t like that…

Robert’s Behavior

Gene tended to blame all of his bad behavior on Robert. Gene had frequent freakouts, and he would point to Robert as the reason. Spilled milk was Robert’s fault. Messes and overturned chairs were Robert’s fault. Anne took a stand…

Anne and Robert

Anne, shockingly, did not like having a creepy doll child in the house. She was deeply disturbed by her husband’s obsession with the doll, so they kept him locked away in the turret room. That wasn’t enough to stop him though…

Robert’s Reign of Terror

Gene loved painting and spent his days with Robert in the turret room working on his art. He propped Robert up against a window to watch him draw. But what did he do when Gene was gone?

Rumor Has It

Local kids reported seeing Robert pace back and forth between windows. They even said he scowled at them through the glass. Anne locked Robert in a cedar chest after Gene’s death. That might have been a mistake…

Robert’s New Owner

After Anne’s death, Myrtle Reuter bought the mansion. She began to hear footsteps in the attic as well as giggling. One plumber reported the doll moved to the other side of the room when his back was turned…

Facing Facts

Reportedly, Robert’s facial expressions would change based on conversations, especially ones based on him or Gene. One person called Gene a fool, and Robert scowled in response. After Myrtle moved, Robert came with her…

Running Wild

Even though Robert left the original Otto house, he didn’t lose his spirit (literally!). He reportedly ran around Myrtle’s new place the same way he did at the old house. But he was just warming up…

Robert Kills

Rumor has it that Robert attacked the Reuter family’s 10-year-old daughter as well as killed their family dog, who was found strangled in the attic. Spooky…

Years Later

In 1994, after 20 years of haunting, Myrtle finally donated the doll to the Fort East Martello Museum. This was especially fitting, as Gene had designed the museum many years prior. And Robert did not like the change…

Robert Gains Fame

Once people realized a haunted doll was in the museum, Robert quickly became a celebrity. People came from all over Florida to meet the creepy child’s doll. Some wish they didn’t…

A Cold Case

Robert was on display in a glass case, holding his famous toy bear and sitting on a little chair. Letters from visitors surround the display. On them? All apologies…

About the Apologies

Apparently, when visitors disrespect Robert by trying to take his picture he haunts the perpetrator. After leaving, Robert’s spirit follows them and destroys their life until they mail him an apology

Robert’s Haunting Spirit

Reports say that his spirit caused car accidents, broken bones, job loss, divorce, and more. As a response, Robert gets about 1 to 3 letters of apology a day. Some are worse than others…

A Pen Pal For Robert

Some letters generate fame of their own. One little girl wrote Robert a letter asking if they could be pen pals and even asking if she could be his girlfriend. Uh, creepy much?

Robert’s Cheerleader

One kid wrote to Robert in support of causing chaos to those who disrespect him. “I have a lot of respect for you,” wrote the child “but some people don’t and they deserve the bad things that happen to them.” Eerie…

Staff Stories

Staff reported a “shift in energies” upon Robert’s arrival. Cameras malfunctioned in his presence and photos would develop smeared and smudged. The staff was getting worried…

Robert Did It

Employees often blame mishaps in the museum on Robert, just like Gene used to do. They even say his iconic phrase “Robert did it!” From there, things only got bigger…

Robert Moves On

Robert’s celebrity appearances began to surface after he was moved from Florida to appear in Zak Bagans: Mystery Mansion on the Travel Channel. From there, his legend grew…

Movie Magic

After his silver screen appearances, the Robert film franchise began. In 2015 Robert was released, followed by The Curse of Robert the Doll in 2016, Robert and the Toymaker in 2017, The Revenge of Robert the Doll in 2018, and Robert Reborn in 2019. The film gets pretty crazy…

Behind the Scenes

Robert’s origin story in these films is largely the same, but instead of 1904 Florida, it’s set in 2015 Wales. He also comes to life and fights the Nazis on a train during World War II. But he’s not alone…


Robert might be the most famous killer doll, but he’s not the only one. Annabelle is another famous murderous toy. The Raggedy Ann doll inspired the Conjuring franchise. Who could be worse?

Killer Doll

Charley is another killer doll, but he doesn’t have a blockbuster film to cite. He was found locked in a trunk inside an empty house during 1968. He tormented the family that found him until being given to a curio shop in Massachusetts. But there’s worse…

Isla de las Muñecas

The Isla de la Muñecas is more terrifying than any of these stories though. The island is covered with rotting dolls to honor the legend of a drowned girl from years ago. But the most famous is yet to come…

The Famous Face

Eventually, the fame of Robert turned into the fame of Chucky. The creepy doll inspired the most famous killer doll on film. Sorry for the nightmares tonight!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.