The Weirdest and Most Controversial Fashion Statements to Date

The world of fashion is a tricky one. In order to make the next best fashion trend, you have to take some risks and maybe make a fool of yourself… Unfortunately, that happens a lot.

Jean Thigh-Highs

This was somehow a trend that was even accepted by the Kardashians… Not sure why the look of missing the rest of your pants is a trend, but okay!

High-Class Saint Laurent Roller Skate Heel

Under the assumption that Saint Laurent had no intention of putting this on the consumer market, it’s definitely a work of art! Still not very sturdy though…

Cowboy To The Max

Is this it, chief? No, no it is not.

Where’s The Rest Of Your Sweatshirt?

This was a real trend that a lot of people actually adopted… It never looked good. Not once.

Platform Crocs

These are branded as Balenciaga, but it’s not totally clear if these were actually manufactured by them or if this was just a joke… Either way, gross.

Kill These Eyebrow Trends

2018 was the year for bizarre eyebrow trends. The wiggle eyebrow was the first offender, and many soon followed. For the record, number one is what an eyebrow should be, and the rest are not.

Lookin’ Like An Oompa Loompa

High fashion can be very… peculiar. This shape isn’t flattering on anyone!


These aren’t just jeggings… They go all the way down, like tights. This seems to restrictive and uncomfortable, no thanks!

Bro Rompers

The ‘Romphim’ (alter to Romper’ began as a joke and then… It took off. Luckily, this fad died down pretty soon after Coachella.

The Chunkiest Knit Sweater

It makes for an interesting photo, but that’s about it! This giant knit sweater can promptly rest in peace.

Glitter Tongue

The glitter tongue looks pretty uncomfortable, and it’s honestly just plain weird.

Kylie Jenner Lips

When Kylie Jenner’s lips randomly inflated in size, people everywhere were hooked. Luckily, they were just killers and could be removed, but wow, this wasn’t a look!

Ikea Fashion

It’s a known fact that everyone loves Ikea, but would you rep their name on a bag? Maybe not.

Lolita Style

This is a popular style called Lolita. It’s mainly popular in Japan and can be a bit controversial as something it’s basically dressing like a little girl from the early 1900s.

Reusable Fashion

There was a fad in high fashion where reusing plastic items was the look. Honestly, it just looks like you were rummaging through your dry cleaners’ garbage.

Zipper Butt

This just seems like a great way to get pantsed…

Tattooed Eyeballs

The eyeball tattoo trend didn’t last very long since this ended up causing a lot of eye infections. Too bad it doesn’t even look cool.

Lace Mesh

This lace shirt was something that the fashion community tried to make happen… Luckily, it didn’t. It’s not cute.

Office Casual?

Not sure if this would be considered appropriate for the office, even if they are slacks…

Melting Tights

It honestly just looks like she spilled ice cream on her legs. But, no, it’s just tights that are made to look like that…

I See Paris, I See France…

What’s the point of the see-through skirt at all? Just wear the underpants by themselves… Right?

Jean Thongs

Not only are these ugly, they just look uncomfortable… Who thought this would work? Who?!

The Non-Heel

It’s like a high-heel that’s trying to not be a high-heel… And in the process, looks kind of stupid.

The Endless Chucks

What an honestly horrifying product that made it to stores… This was not okay.

Plastic Knees

When it’s hot out, those probably fog up or something.

Heart Butt

This just makes the leggings very weird and draws peoples’ eyes to the butt…. Not into it.

Hula Purse

Well… It is Coach. That makes it fashionable… Right?

Double Jeans!

Seeing double? Don’t worry, it’s just a pair of layered jeans for literally no reason.

Long Sleeves to the Max

No hands, no problem. This may look interesting on the runway but in real life… Maybe not!

I Swear It’s A Shirt!

There really is just a lot going on here. It’s like a long shirt, but kind of a dress? And, it’s see through.

Multiple-Use Pants

Are you ever just walking around and you feel too hot in your pants? Well, you’re in luck. Now, you can take off the legs of your jeans and make it into a jean diaper!


There’s a lot going on in this outfit, but one thing is for sure: He’s not going to the gym.

Skin-Colored Leggings

This made you do a double take, right? Maybe stick to black leggings instead…

Swimming Masks

Swimming masks are one of the scariest pieces of swimwear out there…

Giant Fannypacks

Fanny packs are making a comeback, but maybe lets keep them at a normal size…

Grandpa Glam

These guys are trying to make Grandpa Glam look fashionable… It doesn’t work.

Glitter Beards

This was actually a fun one! And, it was nice for guys to bring out their pretty, glam side.

Sweaty Plastic Boots

The proof is in the pudding: These are hot and gross.

Pre-Dirty Pants

Do you want muddy jeans but don’t want to go in the mud? No problem, a brand already sells muddy jeans!

Face Implants

This guy decided to put donut-looking things in his forehead… This isn’t it!

Cowboy Sandals

When it’s too hot out, it’s time to trade up for the sandal. Still have to keep the cowboy vibes, though!

Not the Right Spot…

She’s just asking to get her butt punched…

Coffee Stain Fashion

If you’re trying to look like an overworked computer tech who never washes his shirt, this is the look for you!

Definitely Defeats The Purpose

A visor is to keep your head cool while still keeping the sun out of your eyes. This kind of defeats the purpose… Visors aren’t even that fashionable!

Direct English Translation

Sure, makes sense!

$1,000 Sweater Your Dog Chewed Up

Kanye West is literally robbing anyone who buys this sweater.

Simply Too Much

This could be like… A sleeping bag with legs. It could be a thing!

Brand NEW Muddy Jeans

It’s like muddy with a mix of coffee. What a statement.

Intense Suspenders

There’s too much to unpack here. The mesh side of the jeans, the weird suspenders, the lack of underwear…

A Warm Hug

If you don’t have anyone to hug you, buy this jacket!

The Most Annoying Purse

It’s kind of cool, but taking it off would be a total nightmare.

Lace Romphim

This is a mix of two previous photos… Lace mesh and a Romphim. Nope.

Completely Plastic Pants

These look like the most uncomfortable and terrible pair of pants out there. Everyone can see how sweaty you get!

Business and Party

This probably wouldn’t pass at a black tie event…

What Even Are These

This just looks… Kind of drafty.

Fringe Jeans

These… almost did something. Almost. They ended up just looking terrifying.

Cold Shoulder Jean Jacket

Looking at this jacket on, it’s kind of cool. Off the model, it looks very messed up.

Giant Jean Overalls

It looks like they took a big pair of jeans and sewed some straps onto it… In fact, that’s exactly what they did.

More Than Holey

Is there a draft? Oh, it’s just my shirt.

A New Kind of Jorts

If you thought Bermuda jorts were bad, check out these.

No Pockets For You

Women always complained about no pockets, so we took them away!

The Worst Heels

How is someone even supposed to wear this?

Ruffle Knees

The ruffles just makes your legs look… So weird! It’s almost ostrich-like.

Jeans and a Maxi Skirt

The skirt is sewn into the top of the jeans, so this is the look that you are going to get, like it or not!

A Bizarre Sock Heel

These are Gucci. It’s horrifying.

Too Much Jean

This is like a weird jeans tube top cinched with a belt? How is this a trend?

Velvet Sack

This could easily pass for a weird, velvet sleeping back.

Bras Over T-Shirts

Bras are supposed to go… Under the shirt. Right?

Distressed Jacket

This is one way to get your hair out of your face!

Everyone Can Relate

It’s not fashion, it’s literally everyones chair.


When runway models steal your look… Where’s my credit?

Diaper Coture

Justin Bieber really knows how to start a trend…

Taking Blanket Scarf to Another Level

At least it’s extra warmth!

A Balenciaga Dupe

Can’t afford a $545 pair of shoes? No worries, McDonalds sells the ultimate dupe.

Clear Fashion Needs to be Cancelled

It’s so gross to wear these without socks, too…

Stealing Looks from the NFL

This could be considered innovative, but… It’s more than likely just a flop.

They’ve Got a Lawsuit On Their Hands

Balenciaga has a whole storm coming… Named Joey.

Bending the Rules

When you’re trying to stick out and it works.

Gucci Please

$1,800 for a pair of shoes that look like Chewbacca’s feet. No thanks.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.