People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You

Sometimes, people are just super unlucky. It’s usually pretty embarrassing and something they’d rather not share.

In the case of these people, however, they owned their bad luck and shared their unfortunate stories for the internet to laugh at and, honestly, thank goodness that they did…

Oregano is Great and All…

This was either a prank someone played on this innocent pizza eater or serious user error. Either way, RIP to that delicious pizza slice.

That Doesn’t Look Safe

This is one of those bad days that turns into a bad few weeks while your kitchen undergoes some serious renovation.

Burst Your Bubble

The only way to get rid of this is to… Pop it. Nothing like a little water cleanup and ceiling repair. Sure sounds like fun!

A Beautiful Day on In the Water

Instead of spending their day out on the water, it looks like these guys are going to be spending their day in the water saving this beautiful boat.

Time To Explode

This printer was just really fed up with its mundane job, so it just…. gave up.

Get Out

Crawling into a probable bear hole is definitely not on the top of our to-do lists today… or any day.

Bit Too Much

This is one of those times that people should really carefully read the directions and weight limits when using construction equipment.

Roller Coasters Are Horrifying

The best way to not get stuck on a rollercoaster is to simply not go on a rollercoaster. End of story.

Instagram -vs- Reality

The image on the left makes it on the ‘gram, while the image on the right gets used as blackmail.

Just a Bit Overcooked

Well, we hope that this person likes extra burnt popcorn, and also using their fire extinguisher.

New Paint Job

This is just downright painful. Getting this out might be a job for a professional, and even then… no guarantees.

Fracking Is Fun

This photo (allegedly!) shows what happens to local water when fracking gases get stuck in the system… time to move.

Mid-Day Munchies

This is what happens when you’re hangry when you hit the road. Unfortunately, now his hunger has to wait even longer.

Quit While You’re Behind

This is the last thing you want to happen after spending months repaving a road… Instant quit.

Aesthetic Coffee

When you accidentally expose your inner feelings on your Snapchat… Are you good?

Bye, Cello

Having a giant hole in your cello probably isn’t doing you any favors when it comes to the sound…

Insert Jaws Theme-Song

Does he just not see the shark or is this man trying to just end it all with a cool story?

Super Bad Luck

Motorcycle -vs- Car… contrary to most people’s belief, in this case, the motorcycle appears to be the victorious underdog.

Can You Not?

This man would witness true Bridezilla mode if this happened on one of our wedding days. Keep it movin’, buddy!

The Good and the Bad

The hammock is ripped but the s’more? Safe as can be. That’s what really matters here. Well done, girl. Proud of you.

Put On The Breaks

This dog got the zoomies and couldn’t really control himself… or maybe he was just taking a sniff of his owner’s bum like he does with his other dog pals?

Little Too Steep

Beer truck stuck on the road? Seems like prime time free beer opportunity.

Pay The Toll

If you want to keep going, you gotta pay the gator toll. Don’t have a spare rabbit to feed it? Perhaps a human sacrifice will have to do…

Lurking In The Water

Hopefully, someone told those boogie boarders about what’s lurking beneath the water because this could quickly turn into a horrible day.

Bad Lifetime

Tattoos are a permanent decision. Choose wisely, pal, and also… maybe proofread? Just a suggestion.

Surprise Sinkhole

The underworld wants your car, and that’s just how this is going to be. Just hope the driver got out in time before being sacrificed to the dark side, too…

Reverse Motocross

Is this a new motocross trend or is this guy just really suffering a big ol’ L?

But… How?

I need my almond milk but it’s just… sealed.

Ask Mom

We’re here for clothing that tells it like it is. Admit it, you’ve called your mom about laundry at least once in your life…

Just A Little to the Left

Well, second time’s a charm, as long as you don’t flip the truck over.

No Thanks

How does this even happen? The suspense is killing me…

Subway Sacrifice

The subway will take your foot if you’re not careful. Don’t test it.

The Clumsy Artist

One misstep and all your hard work comes crashing down right in your face… or your statues face.

You Have Visitors

Can you imagine what they did after looking at that picture? Hopefully, just stayed inside forever.

A Day Late and Lots of Dollars Short

This is pretty heartbreaking. Close but not close enough.

Frozen on the Freeway

It’s bad enough when you have to clean off the outside of your car after a snow storm, but this person has double the work now… hope they’ve got some warm gloves.

Got Any Games on Your Phone?

This gator just wanted to play some ‘Pokemon Go!’—can you blame him? You can always try and get it back… If you want to lose a finger.

Not So Sweet Sixteen

Unfortunately, there will be no cake at this Sweet Sixteen party… Unless you want to eat it from the floor.

No Chimney? No Problem

Either Santa is drunk or this family just didn’t have a chimney for him to come down. Either way, he’s got some repairs to do…

Always an Exception

While those wet paint signs are pretttty blatant and obvious, at least she wore the right colors…

One Of Those Days

When you wake up early in the morning, all you want is your cup of coffee. Imagine starting up the Keurig, going to the bathroom, and coming back to this… Time to go back to bed. This day is canceled.

Too Much Stress

Cooking can be frustrating… but just be careful when you get angry, then it’ll get really frustrating.

There’s No Crying Over Spray Tans

Rule #1 of spray tans: keep your emotions at bay post-spray.

Car Malfunction

This is a glaring sign that someone needs a new car. Just sayin’…

Cereal Tan Lines

A good bowl of cereal can really set the mood… especially when you fall into a food coma after it and get some nice tan lines to let everyone know.

Close Enough

Easy mistake, especially while sleepily getting ready in the morning. Hopefully, this guy doesn’t have any important meetings or presentations today…

My Personal Brand

Now, everyone that drives behind you will know your true identity. Sharing is caring.


Ever wonder where that last puzzle piece went? Well, it might just be stranded in the middle of a field. Best of luck.


Have you ever done this when you’re mopping? It’s basically the same thing, except this has some more drastic consequences…

See Ya, Mike

Forget flying broomsticks or magic carpets, this tent’s got its own levitation skills.

Party Starter

She’s really getting this party started!! Whose got the Fireball?!

Literally Snowed In

Some people think one or two feet of snow is getting snowed in, but this just proves that they’ve never experienced a serious northern snow storm.

Snow Roof

Ever bump the sunroof button and have this happen? No? Us either.

Scene of the Crime

There’s no hiding this mess. We just hope this kid has a goooood explanation.

Split it Up

The photographer who took a picture of this thought he was pretty funny. Poor guy’s just trying to keep a straight face.


This is one boot camp lesson that couldn’t be taught in any other way. When the unexpected happens… just roll with it!

There She Goes!

Monkey bars can be pretty cruel, especially when your slip-and-fall moment is caught forever on film.

Now What…

This horrifying spider isn’t going down without a fight.

Oil Slick

At this point, just take the L and move the whole store. This is one clean up we would rather not be part of…

Need. Toilet. Paper. Now.

I don’t want to know why this person needed toilet paper so badly, or at least, we don’t want to know…

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The More You Know

  • Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually in the United States.
  • The word "muscle" comes from a Latin term meaning "little mouse."
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
  • Penguins spend approximately 75% of their life in the water.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.