This Dying Woman Was Arrested, But She Couldn’t Be Happier

Josie Birds got taken away in handcuffs, but she was smiling all the way to her prison cell. After some help from her daughter, she got to fulfill a dying wish but got thrown in the local Manchester jail because of her dream. Read on to find out why she was so happy to be behind bars…

Meeting Josie Birds

Josie Birds lived a normal life for an impressive 93 years. Sadly, the older she got, the more her health declined. It wouldn’t be long until Josie’s death, and she knew it. She decided to do something big while she still had time…

Family Matters

With 6 daughters, 20 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren, Josie had certainly led a full and exciting life, but it wasn’t enough. She decided to reach out to one of her daughters for some help…

Paging Pam

Josie called one of her six daughters, Pam Smith. Pam lived nearby in Greater Manchester, and she was the only one Josie trusted with her idea. Pam never expected the request her grandmother would make…

A Bucket List

Josie revealed to her daughter that she had a secret wish on her bucket list, and she needed some help. After hearing her mothers story, Pam was eager to help. She’d have to make some calls…

Call the Police

Pam put in a request to the North Manchester Police Department. Her mother had a rather unusual dream and the cops would be the only ones who could help. They immediately agreed, and the trap was set…

Josie’s Dream

Weirdly, the unfulfilled wish on Josie’s bucket list was to be arrested. It was her final request to be thrown in the slammer before it was too late. But why did she have such a strange desire…

Goody Two Shoes

Josie Birds had been a good citizen her whole life. Not so much as a speeding ticket on her record, she wanted to be “naughty”, according to Pam. She wanted the chance to see what life would have been like if she took a different path…

Another World

She was fascinated by the life of a captured criminal. What did it feel like to be handcuffed and taken away in the high-speed police car? It wouldn’t be long until she found out…

Cops Commentary

The focus of our PCSOs is heavily driven by our community and how we can support them,” said a spokesperson for the station. With everyone ready and willing for the fake arrest, it was time to take her away…

Into Action

The cops first showed up to Josie’s home to “arrest” the 93-year-old. She was quickly handcuffed and escorted out of the building. But the fun wasn’t over yet…

Closed Off Cell

Though Josie was permitted to see the cells, the officers decided she wasn’t able to stay inside a cell. It was just a step too far, so Josie would never get to see what life was really like behind bars. But, there was more to come…

Question Everything

The officers also took her in for questioning. She was rigorously interrogated before ending her session unlike other prisoners: with tea and cake! The officers had a lot to say about the experience…

Happy to Help

“On this occasion, and for a short period of time – we were able to fulfill the wishes of an elderly lady, and give her a day to remember,” said the spokesperson for the station. Pam had her own opinions…

Pam’s Tweets

She has a heart of gold and thoroughly enjoyed it today,” said Pam on Twitter. She really appreciated the gesture, finishing with “Thank you for granting her wishes.” But what was the rest of the station doing during all of this?

Officers On Duty

“We can reassure the rest of the community that while this was happening,” said the station “[O]fficers from across the area were continuing with their duties to ensure this short visit had no impact whatsoever on the wider area.” They were happy to help…

Online Officers

“I’m glad our officers could help out,” replied the station’s Twitter account. “Looks like she got the full experience! Give our best to Josie and I’ll try and pass your message back to the officers who kindly helped out” She’s not the first with this story…

Anne Brokenbrow

Anne Brokenbrow was a 104-year-old Bristol woman who had the same wish as Josie. She had always been on the straight and narrow but wanted to see what could have been…

A Write-In

It all began on the International Day of Happiness in the UK, an event started by a charity to promote joy and enrich the lives of elderly people. She wished for a walk on the wild side, and the charity delivered…

My Wish Is…

Her note read: “My wish is to be arrested, I am 104 and I have never been on the wrong side of the law. I live at Stokeleigh Residential Home.” With this information, they got to work…

Request for Arrest

Thanks to the Bristol Wishing Washing Line’s celebration of International Day of Happiness, her request was streamlined so that it could be fulfilled as soon as possible. And filled it was…

Dangerously Adorable

The 104-year-old was charged and arrested for “being a good citizen.” She was promptly handcuffed in Stokeleigh Care Home and escorted out by the officers…

Siren Song

She was escorted to a police car. When asked if she wanted sirens, she gave an emphatic “of course!” It was decided, and off they went…

Ending the Arrest

After walking through the arrest process, Anne ended her time on the wrong side of the law with a group photo sporting a stylish police cap and a big smile. Others weren’t so happy though…

Grandma Goes Viral

Pam wanted to make her appreciation known, as well as spread the adorable pictures of her mother. She tweeted out a “thank-you” and got hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets. Not everyone loved the post though…

Angry Online

Some people online felt that the post was insensitive to people real criminals as well as citizens who are unfairly targeted by police. While she asked to be arrested, others are being framed. Pam didn’t know how to respond to these allegations…

Supporting Smith

Pam Smith was hurt by the people who attacked her 93-year-old mother. Luckily, others thoroughly enjoyed the post, commenting back jokes like “glad to see this menace taken off the streets” from one woman online. Others chimed in as well…

17 Joking Around

A few users believed that the photos and the walkthrough were not enough. One person responded to Pam’s post saying “Kinda wish she’d actually gone out and done something illegal.” Maybe she did…

Never Been Bad

People were genuinely surprised the women both had no bad driving records. No speeding tickets? No accidents? “Can’t believe she’s never been arrested before,” said one Twitter user “She looks like a wrong ‘un.” Pam was excited nonetheless…

Pam’s Response

Pam said she was completely “gobsmacked” at the reaction that her mother’s photos received. Who knew so many people would fall in love with an adorable arrest? She was so happy, but how did Josie feel about all this?

Joyful Josie

According to daughter Pam Smith, Josie couldn’t be happier. “I’ve been passing on everyone’s good wishes to her,” said Pam “and she is thrilled.” Hopefully, she ends her cuteness crime spree for good!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.