Unthinkable World Records That People Have Broken

There's a world record for anything. If you can think of a concept and pull it off, it can probably be classified as a world record. There are people eating snakes, being run over by cars, and even getting the most piercings just to have their name go down in history. Some of these world record titles are so crazy that they don't even seem real...

The Longest Self-Grown Fingernails

Chris “The Duchess” Walton has held the record for the longest nails since 2012. She decided to stop cutting her nails 19 years ago and to see how long they could grow out. With the proper nail care, she's been able to hold the record without anyone trying to take it from her. Walton lives in Las Vegas with her five kids. 

The Largest Gandhi Gathering

In October of 2018, over 4,700 people dressed up as Mohandas Gandhi and marched peacefully in honor of his birthday. This event ended up being the largest gathering of people who dressed up a Gandhi and ended up earning a Guinness World Record.

Most Flesh Tunnels

This world record takes some dedication. Joel Miggler broke the record for most flesh tunnels in his face. As of November, he had 11 tunnels in his face. Most people only have one facial piercing! 

Fitting the Most People in a Car

This world record looks extremely...uncomfortable. It's definitely not for someone who is claustrophobic! These kids did end up succeeding in breaking the record for fitting the most people into a car. They ended up fitting 41 people inside.

Largest Einstein Gathering

Apparently, a group of people can dress up as anybody and it can break a world record. These people gathered in Los Angeles, California dressed up as Albert Einstein and quickly snagged the record for themselves. Over 300 people participated.

The Widest Mouth

Francisco Domingos Joaquim holds the world record for the widest mouth. Anyone who can fit an entire can of Coca-Cola in their mouth deserves this world record. Joaquim's mouth measured at a whopping 17 centimeters. He's held the record since March 18th, 2010.

Being Covered In The Most Amount of Bees

Gao Bingguo is known as the Bee King in Taiwan. He knew that he was the perfect person to break this record. The 55-year-old has kept bees for the past 35 years and used his trusty swarm to break the record. The 1.1 million bees weighed a whopping 240 pounds altogether. 

The Largest Prenatal Yoga Class

These women are breaking records while staying in shape for their new additions! 1,546 expectant mothers gathered for this record-breaking class in India on June 21st, 2016. All of the poses were centered around the benefit of pregnant mothers.

The Largest Swimwear Parade

Every year, people in Australia gather to try and break the last record for the largest swimwear parade. Don't get this twisted with Russia's largest swimwear parade on ski's world record—they're very different! 

The Stretchiest Skn

Gary Turner is the real-life Elastic Man. Due to a rare medical condition, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Turner has extremely flexible skin. It can stretch out up to 15 centimeters! He also has hypermobile joins, so he can twist and turn for days.

The Longest Wedding Dress Train

This wedding dress train is over 5 miles long racking in at 26,559 feet and 8 inches. It was created by Dynamic Projects in Caudry, France back in 2017. This goal was attempted as part of a Telethon. Fifteen people helped craft the gown and spent two months stitching all of the pieces together. 

Largest Spa

Although this isn't really a spa, these people were going for the largest group of people receiving beauty treatments. Over 1,000 customers and even more specialists were gathered in a sports arena to get the record. These are the types of records worth breaking!

Getting Run Over The Most Times

Some people really want their names to go down in history one way or another! Tom Owen broke the record for getting run over the most times. He had 9 trucks drive over his stomach using that metal guide. Each truck weighed over 3,000 kg.

The Battle for the Longest Kiss

In an event organized by Ripley's Believe It or Not!, couples living in Pattaya, Thailand were challenged to battle it out to get the record. The longest kiss was 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. The couple, Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat, actually broke the world record for the longest kiss that they had previously held. 

The Longest Eyelashes

You Jianxia unintentionally got the world record for the longest eyelashes in 2018. They began growing in 2013 when she was on an eighteen-month nature retreat. She believes that the bizarre growth was due to the fact that she was immersed in pure nature for so long. 

The Biggest Bikini Parade

Huludao, China hosted the largest bikini parade in the world back in 2012. People from all over the world gathered on the shoreline to participate. The parade of beachgoers walked a little over a mile, which was the bare minimum to make it a "parade." Everyone was allowed to participate. The parade drew over 1,000 people.

The Largest Outdoor BBQ

Somebody decided that the world's largest BBQ needed a record, so that's exactly what they set out to do. Over 30,000 people gathered in the Southern United States in order to grill over 30,231 pounds of meat. Naturally, these folks got the world record under their belt. No one else has yet to even attempt to break it.

The Longest Chinese Dragon Float

Not only was this the longest Chinese dragon float, but it was the longest parade float ever. Employees of the Hua Tiande and Liancheng Baihua Chemical Company banded together to create this masterpiece. It consisted of 345 sections and exceeded 4,625 feet in length. Tragically, the rain proved to be a problem and ended up ruining some of the float, which disqualified some parts. 

The Largest Quran

The largest Quran was handcrafted by Hassan al-Zayyat in the Russian republic of Tatarstan. It weighs 1763 pounds. The cover is decorated with gold and silver. He copied the verses by hand onto 39 by 28-inch paper. 

The World Record For Squirting Milk From the Eyes

Ilker Yilmaz from Turkey snagged the world record for squirting milk from his eyes at a far distance. The distance that was recorded was 9.1 feet. He set the record in 2004 and no one has been able to beat it...

The Farthest Arrow Shot Using Feet

Brittany Walsh achieved this feat (no pun intended) on March 31, 2018. She was able to shoot an arrow 40 feet and 4.64 inches. Since then, others have attempted to break her record but haven't succeeded. Walsh is also known for her acrobatic archery and can do tons of tricks with a bow and arrow. She's been on multiple different day time and late-night talk shows to show off her skills.

Largest Floating Image

"The largest floating image" is definitely a weird record to break, but that didn't stop these people! In 2014, hotel staff in Jordan decided to band together to break the record. There was 261 hotel staff who participated in the "peace image" that broke the world record! 

Most Toothpicks in a Beard

Joel Strasser is the current record holder for having the most toothpicks in a beard. Over the course of three hours and 13 minutes, Strasser managed to successfully fit 3,500 toothpicks in his beard. The goal was to make sure that they were actually in his hair and that they would stay. 

The Longest Basketball Spin... On a Toothbrush

This isn't any ordinary basketball spin! In order to break this record, Thaneshwar Guragai had to spin the ball on a toothbrush that he had to hold in his mouth. That takes some real talent! In order to break the record, he had to spin the ball for over 22.41 seconds.

Highest Jump on a Pogo Stick

Dmitry Arsenyev of Russia nailed the world record for the highest jump on a pogo stick on Nov. 20, 2018. He got up to a wild 11 feet high. He also holds the World Record for Most Consecutive Front Flips on a pogo stick. Arsenyev is a professional Xpogo pro.

Breaking World Records by Planting Rice

In August of 2012, 1,215 Taiwanese farmers planted rice seedlings for 5.1 acres in just 16 minutes and 20 seconds. Not only is this an impressive world record, but it's good for the environment. That's one way to get things done!

Largest Hula Hoop Spun 

 Getti Kehayova is a professional acrobat and hula hooper. She secured the World Record for the largest hula hoop spun on Nov. 2, 2018. The hula hoop in question was a little over 17 feet in diameter. 

The Biggest Pillow Fight

The world's biggest pillow fight sounds kind of scary, but kind of fun at the same time. Naturally, a huge group of Chicago citizens decided that they wanted to hold this record. Over 6,261 participants bashed each other with pillows during a baseball game.

Most Drumbeats in One Minute Using a Drumstick Prosthetic

Jason Barnes lost his arm in a freak accident. The drummer was afraid that he would never drum again until he had the idea of creating a prosthetic arm. Barnes worked with Gil Weinberg of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta to create the prosthetic arm that helped him secure the World Record on July 25, 2018.

The Largest "Thriller Dance"

This is real history! A huge crowd of people gathered in Mexico to celebrate Michael Jackson's birthday. Turns out, they were able to execute the biggest group dance to "Thriller" and snagged the world record.

The Tallest Hat

Odilon Ozare had a crazy idea that he knew he could complete. On April 2, 2018, Ozare happily secured the World Record for the tallest hat. In order for the hat to be valid, he had to walk over 32 feet and 10 inches while wearing it. If it fell off or couldn't stand up on its own, it would not get the record. 

The Largest Cup of Coffee

This is every coffee lover's dream. The largest cup of coffee was brewed in Caldas, Colombia on June 15th, 2019. Fifty people worked on this project for over a month to properly prepare the brew. The type of coffee that they used was Arabic, a fan favorite.

The Most Weight Lifted of Atlas Stone For One Minute

This record is insane! Michelle Kinney teamed up with Reebok so that she could compete for this World Record. The piece of Atlas stone that she held was 1,189 pounds. In order to qualify, she had to hold it above her shoulder for one minute.

Biggest Group Freefall

A huge team of professional skydivers worked together to build the world's largest free-fall formation. 357 skydivers linked arms for six seconds while free falling at 112 miles per hour. This must have taken a lot of practice.

Largest Collection of Transformers Memorabilia 

As of May 11th, 2017, Louis Georgiou had 2,111 transformers memorabilia. Georgiou knew that he had a lot of transformers, but was pleasantly surprised to find out that he indeed held the World Record. How much do you think his collection has grown since then?

Human Peace Sign

In honor of John Lennon's 75th birthday, a massive crowd of people gathered in New York City's central park. In memoriam of the legend, they constructed the largest human-made peace sign. Yoko Ono helped coordinate the event.

Most Consecutive Pinky Pull-Ups

Tazio Gavioli, also known as the Italian Butterfly, competed for the most consecutive pinky pull-ups in October of 2018. After 36 excruciating push-ups, he was declared the winner. Gavioli is an Italian bodybuilder and fitness fanatic.

Largest Amount of People Twerking

This is definitely a record worth breaking. In 2013, people in New York City organized this event to break the Guinness World Record. Since then, the record has been broken twice. Currently, an event in New Orleans holds the record. They had over 400 people twerking at once.

Fastest Time to Eat a Bowl of Pasta

Michelle Lesco must really love pasta. She sat down at Oregano's Pizza Bistro in Scottsdale, Arizona on September 18, 2017, and scarfed up an entire bowl. The pasta itself was one serving. Her goal was to finish it as quickly as possible and keep it down. She somehow managed to suck it all up in 26 seconds. 

Largest Sushi Mosaic

Professional sushi chefs were hard at work creating this masterpiece. Every single thing on that table is suhi. Oddly enough, this is a very sought-after world record! There are tons of events where people are attempting to break the record. 

The Largest Girls Night

Over 1,000 people gathered to break the record for the most people putting on a face mask together. People participating in the Taiwan event placed the face mask on their face for the allotted 10 minutes at the same exact time.

Hundreds of Chess Players

Chess players and aficionados gathered at a university campus in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad to try and break the world record for the biggest chess tournament. The convention space is huge... Bigger than most stadiums!

The Most Pierced Up Woman

That's a lot of metal! Elaine Davidson, from Brazil, got her first piercing in 1997. Since then, she's gotten pierced over 4,000 times. she claims that she has no plan to stop the body modifications!

The Most Tongue Piercings

Frank Vaca of Lyndhurst, New Jersey won the world record for most tongue piercings. He first successfully got the record when he had 16 tongue piercings. Now, he has 20 and isn't going to stop anytime soon! So far, he still holds the world record.

The Heaviest Tattooed Senior Citizens

Charles Helmke and his wife, Charlotte Guttenberg, have been getting tattoos for most of their lives. Charles' body is 97% covered and Charlotte's body is 91% covered. They have the most tattoos for a senior citizen of their respective genders and they hold the record for the heaviest tattooed senior couple. Lots of records with these two! 

The Tallest Mohawk

Eric Hahn's life goal was to get the world record for the tallest mohawk. In 2008, he did just that. Two students at Capitol School of Hairstyling helped Eric achieve this record in the healthiest way possible. It measured in at 27 inches. After the record was achieved, he cut his locks and donated them to charity.

The Longest Hair in the World

Xie Qiuping stopped cutting her hair when she was 13-years-old. She's done her best to take care of it so it'll grow as long as possible. When she won the world record in 2004. Her hair was over 18 feet long at that time. 

The Longest Beard

Sarwan Singh flew to Italy from Canada to have his beard measured on the show Lo Show Dei Record in 2010. They measured it at a whopping 7 feet and 9 inches long. In 2011, his beard was officially remeasured to show that it had grown even longer. “Without my beard," Singh said, "I’m not me. I’m pretending to be someone I’m not.”

The Smallest Waist 

Cathie Jung began wearing a corset 23 hours a day every day since 1983. She only removed it to shower. In 1999, her waist measured at 15 inches. To put it in perspective, the average waist size of a woman is 38 inches. At 83, she still holds the record.

The Tallest Man and the Smallest Woman

A match made in heaven, right? Sultan Kösen currently holds the Guinness World Record for the tallest living man at 8 feet and 2 inches tall. His counterpart, Jyoti Amge, is known as the smallest living woman in the world at a solid 2 feet tall. Kösen is almost four times the height of Amge!

The Tallest Man Ever

Robert Wadlow holds the record for the tallest man ever. He was eight feet and 9 inches tall! Somehow, Wadlow would be towering over Kösen, the world's tallest living man. Wadlow was born in 1918 and died in 1940.

The Largest Foot Rotation Ever

Maxwell Day from the UK holds the record for the largest foot rotation. He's an extremely flexible guy, so this was an easy feat for him. His right foot can rotate 157 degrees while his left food can rotate 143 degrees. 

The Most Marmite Eaten in One Minute

Marmite is a yeast extract made by German scientists. It's usually spread on bread or pancakes, but this guy decided to eat it totally by itself. André Ortolf sat down and ate 368 grams of Marmite in one minute back in 2018. Now, he holds the record for most Marmite eaten in a minute. Ortolf wants to try to break other food world records, too!

The Fastest Time to Cram inito a Box

Skye Broberg gathered herself into a tiny box in just under 5 seconds to get this record. The dimensions of the box were 20 inches by 17 inches by 17 inches. That's a tiny box! Once she was totally in the box, the lid was shut and that's when the timer stopped. Pretty fast!

The Longest Nose

Mehmet Özyürek has a pretty long nose! The Turkish-born man has a nose that's almost 3 and a half inches long from bridge to tip. It was measured on the set of Lo Show Dei Record in Rome, Italy in 2010. 

Most Big Macs Eaten

Naturally, the person who holds the record for the most Big Macs eaten is from Wisconsin. At the time of the ruling in 2016, Donald Gorske had eaten 28,788 Big Macs. He said that he usually ate two a day at the time... Of course, he had all of the receipts. 

The Oldest Prostitute

Put in work, grandma! Sheila Vogel-Coupe is an 87-year-old British woman who went into the business when she was 83. She needed a change after her second husband died. She said that she gets about 10 clients per working day.

Putting the Most Rattlesnacks In Someone's Mouth

Jackie Bibby was able to fit 11 rattlesnakes into his mouth at once. Not the entire things, obviously, but he fit a majority of their tails which was enough for Guinness to give him the record. 

The Most Feathers Caught in 30 Seconds

The band Paramore isn't just known for their chart-topping songs... One of the members also holds a world record! Jeremy Davis successfully caught 18 feathers while they were shooting their music video for "Ain't It Fun" in 2013. I'm sure setting a record wasn't their intention, but that's what ended up happening! 

The Biggest Bridal Party

Newlyweds Nisansala and Nalin hold the world record for having a wedding with the largest bridal party. They had 126 bridesmaids, 25 groomsmen, 23 flower girls, and 20 ring bearers. That ceremony must have been hours long!

The Largest Amount of Naked Riders on a Rollercoaster

Over a hundred riders gathered at Adventure Island in England to break a world record. They all undressed and hopped on the Green Scream roller coaster. The participants successfully broke the world record back in 2010.

Most Spoons Balanced on a Human Body

Etibar Elchyev is best known as the magnetic man. He got the world record for balancing the most spoons on his body. He was able to hold 50 spoons on his back and chest!

The Most Pairs of Air Jordans

Jordan Michael Gellar holds the world record for owning the most pairs of Air Jordans. In 2012, he owned one of every model that was ever made. At one point, he even paid $11,000 for one pair to keep growing his collection. He still holds the record and no one has broken it yet. Since then, he narrowed his collection down to about 500 pairs. 

The Longest Time Buried in the Snow

This record sounds like one of the least fun to break. Oleksiy Gutsulyak buried himself in a frigid Ukrainian snow town in January of 2013. He stayed buried for 60 minutes and 8 seconds. 

The Longest Tongue

Nick Stoeberl holds the record for the world's longest tongue. It measures almost 4 inches long from tip to closed lip. Stoeberl says that the only downside is the time it takes to brush his tongue each morning!

Heaviest Weight Lifted via Beard

Antanas Kontrimas was able to hold 140 pounds of woman just from his beard! The Turkish man competed for the world record and rightfully earned it. Looks painful!

The Most Apples Crush with a Bicep

Linsey Lindberg holds the world record for the most apples crushed with one bicep in under a minute. She was able to smash 10 whole apples! Her stage name is Strong Woman Mama Lou, who is best known for bending metal bars, ripping a deck of cards in half, and even breaking chains.

The World's Largest Yo-Yo

Ohio native Beth Johnson built the world's largest yo-yo. It's 11 feet wide and weighs over 4,600 pounds! It took Johnson over a year and a half to craft this, but it was well worth it. 

Longest Jump by a Cat

Alley the Cat is a world record breaker! She managed to make the longest jump of a cat with covering a distance of 72 inches. Alley is owned by Samantha Martin of Austin, Texas. 

The Longest Golf Club

Karsten Maas from Denmark was able to snag the world record for having the longest usable golf club. It's over 14 feet long and can drive a ball up to 541 feet away.

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The More You Know

  • The first pieces of gold at Fort Knox arrived by mail.
  • J.K. Rowling became the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. However, she also lost her billionaire status because she donated so much money to charity!
  • In 1966 and 1967, soldiers testing Agent Orange in Canada were told the chemical was completely safe and sprayed it on each other to cool off.
  • Earth is not as round as you thought.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.