The Infamous Lost Pan Am Flight 914 Finally Lands, 30 Years Later

This sounds like its a line straight out of a sci-fi movie, but we really might have just caught our first glimpse of accidental time traveling.

How is This Real?

This might sound crazy, but this really happened. No, it was not some elaborate joke, that we know of, but scientists and onlookers swear that it was the same plane, with the same passengers, who were reasonably confused and terrified that they had jumped so far into the future.

What We Know

Pan Am Flight 914 was scheduled to take off from New York, carrying 57 passengers and four crew members to the Miami airport. Perfectly normal stuff, except the control tower plotted a slightly unorthodox course for them. This is not even a cause for alarm, the pilots thought that it was for the best based on weather that was rolling in from the West…

Who Was the Crew

The crew, whose names were redacted, worked in a small plotting cockpit. They claim that they were unaware of any strange occurrences or even any malfunctions on the plane’s reading board. It’s almost as if time froze for them and continued for us unless this is the most elaborate scheme ever concocted.

The Unexplainable Part

As Pan Am 914 flew out of the gates in New York and headed over the Atlantic, the plane completely disappeared from radar. All radio communications were cut off, and they were never heard from again. Most assumed that there was an electrical failure in the plane that caused it to completely shut off and crash into the Atlantic, and after 30 years, that assumption was held…

Paying Their Respects

The crew and passengers were presumed to be dead, a mass service was conducted, that Pan Am paid for, and the families of the lost plane riders moved on with their lives. 30 years pass and the families of the passengers never thought they would see their loved ones again until a strange plane shows up on the radar of the Caracas airport in Venezuela.

Who Could That Be?

The plane that showed up wasn’t communicating with the control tower, and they landed on a testing landing strip, dangerously close to the airport itself. Juan de la Corte, the radio tower operator, assumed that this was some entitled American plane that did not feel the need to announce their arrival at such a small airport. Furious, la Corte rapidly switches radio channels until he can hear a signal from the mysterious plane…

Desperate and Confused

When la Corte got a connected signal to the plane, his tone changed from angry to panicked. Before la Corte could ask any questions, the pilot radioed in a shaky “Where are we?” and immediately cut out. La Corte immediately knew something was wrong and signaled for ground operators to go inspect the plane to make sure the passengers were alright.

Up and Away

Before the ground operators could reach the plane, the pilots backed the jet back onto the runway and started to take off. La Corte called in three emergency jets, he was terrified that this plane could be carrying some national threat and they missed their target…

What Could Be Happening?

Three jets were dispelled from the airport to tail the Pan Am flight, and one jet was able to catch up to the passenger plane. The jet operator radioed into the Pan Am plane and demanded that the plane turn back around and land at the airport. The pilot of the Pan Am flight responded with “Do not get near!! We need to go, please do not follow us.”

Once the jet began to slow down, the Pan Am plane completely disappeared from the radar, just like before. It was reported that merely two hours later, the Pan Am plane touched down at the Miami airport. The same situation happened with the radio, but the pilot was more receptive to communication and stated that this was his intended landing point…

Holding the Phones

The passengers were not allowed to un-board the plane until some questions were answered. After consulting the pilot, he was terribly confused because the airport said they would be expecting them. Authorities boarded the plane to discover a terrified crew of passengers dressed like they were extras in Gone With the Wind.

How Long Has It Been?

Time travel was never even a consideration to the individuals on the plane, and neither to the authorities that interrogated everyone. The police thought that this was an elaborate ruse for some publicity stunt put on by Pan Am, but when contacted, Pan Am confirmed that this was the missing flight 914 from 1955, and confirmed the passenger list and the names of the crew…

Cannot Confirm a Thing

The passengers of Pan Am 914 were released from the vehicle and sent on their way because they technically weren’t breaking any laws. Some of those individuals were never heard from again, including the pilots and the crew. There are a few ideas floating around as to how this went down, but none are particularly provable.

The Bermuda Triangle

Many historical disappearances of boats and planes have occurred over the Bermuda Triangle. With the course that the operators in New York set in 1955, Pan Am 914 theoretically should have flown right over the edge of the dreaded triangle. Although there is no scientific proof to back up this theory, there is plenty of history to indicate that something weird could have happened…

Christopher Columbus

In 1492, during his trek to discover India, which ultimately was America, Colombus was forced to sail through the Bermuda Triangle. He reported seeing lots of lights and hearing strange sounds with no distinct origin. This was the first report of something strange happening in the Bermuda Triangle.

The Mary Celeste

This is quite possibly the most famous ghost ship of all time. in 1872, the Mary Celeste embarked on a voyage through the Bermuda Triangle, only to completely disappear, crew and all. This ship is reported seen in the Bermuda Triangle to this day, but no boat has ever been able to track it down. Once boats were usurped by planes, even more strange disappearances began to occur…

Flight 19

On December 5th, 1945, the US Navy was training bomber aircraft for long-distance flights. They had a simple route to travel in a straight line over the Atlantic and return, totaling 120 miles of travel. After traveling 70 miles off the coast, all communication was lost, and the plane never returned.

The Rescue Mission

Two PBM Martin Mariner aircraft were sent to track down Flight 19, and similar radio disturbances occurred. Only one plane returned, 18 hours later than its scheduled arrival time. The pilots said that it only felt like they were flying for two hours or so, and they never found Flight 19, they also claimed that they were within the visual range of the second aircraft until they touched down back at the base…

The USS Scorpion

In 1968, this nuclear-powered submarine just touched the corner of the Bermuda Triangle and disappeared for good. There is speculation that Russian submarines shot the submarine down, but there would have been a universal radio distress signal released if this occurred, which never came through.

Mitsubishi Mu

This tiny bi-plane flew over the Bermuda Triangle in 2017, when radio operators lost signal from them, and they disappeared, without any weather warnings at all. The Bermuda Triangle has claimed a ton of victims, but another Pan Am flight is arguably the most famous.

Pan Am Flight 7

Pan Am Flight 7 took off on November 8th, 1957. This plane was not near the Bermuda Triangle but was on the complete opposite coordinate side of the Earth. Flight 7 disappeared and later was found crashed into the ocean with no major damage or electrical issues in the plane.

The Bermuda Wormhole

There is a common theory that the Bermuda Triangle has a wormhole that pulls aircraft and boats into it, and the other side of the wormhole is on the other side of the Earth. This might sound farfetched, but probably not as ridiculous as other theories…

Methane Gas

There have been massive clouds of methane gas reported hovering over certain locations in the Bermuda Triangle. Nobody knows the origin of these gaseous clouds, and nobody has ever been able to scientifically explain why they would be there.


Waterspouts are massive tornadoes that manifest over open water, where the tornado sucks a ton of ocean water into the cloud layer and then is released as rain. This could be a potential explanation of the unusual sounds and lights reported in the triangle, but nobody has been able to confirm that this is a common occurrence.

Holes in The Earth’s Electromagnetic Aura

The Earth’s electromagnetic field is a strange concept, but some breaches in the field have been known to mess with radio communication and compasses. This theory is practically impossible to prove.

Human Error

There is a good chance that most of these disappearances were caused by anxiety following the rumors of the triangle, causing pilots to panic and crash.


This could just be a wild coincidence, and statistically speaking, more planes successfully fly through the Bermuda Triangle than ones that disappear.


Definitely the most believable on the list, a lot of theorists believe that the Bermuda Triangle is frequently visited by little green men. Take this one with a grain of salt, or three.

Who Really Knows?

These are all just theories, no tangible evidence has been collected about any of these ideas. We think that adds to the mystery of the triangle, and we might never find out what makes this place so spooky.

The Mystery Continues…

Who knows, maybe more aircraft from the past are going to start showing up in Venezuela. Either way, there are just some things in life that raise more questions than answers.

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