The Sinister True Story of Madame Delphine Lalaurie

For American Horror Story fans, the story of Madame Delphine Lalaurie was highlighted just enough to prove that she was a sinister woman. The story goes much deeper…

Delphine Macarty was raised in an influential Creole family. She was handed everything in her life and didn’t have to work a day. She first married a Spanish diplomat, then a prominent banker, and lastly the city’s only dentist.

In 1831, Delphine purchased her own property at 1140 Rue Royale. She built the mansion of her dreams and had her husband and daughters move in.

There, she threw extravagant gala’s and balls for high society folks and diplomats. None of them knew what was really going on in that house…

It didn’t take long for rumors of Delphine’s quick temper to spread. Many believe that she mistreated her slaves. When in public, her slaves looked haggard and sickly. It was so bad that neighbors had called the local police to do a welfare check on her slaves just to make sure that she was following the laws. But, nothing seemed amiss.

One day, something was going on with Delphine and a 12-year-old slave, Leah. Neighbors saw Delphine chasing the young girl around the courtyard and back up to the balcony. Then, Leah fell to her death. Delphine tried to cover it up, but too many people had seen what went down…

That’s when an investigation was done on the family, and they were found guilty of illegal cruelty. Her slaves were put up to auction, but Delphine got family members to buy them and then give them back to her…

The abuse went on.

A fire broke out in the home. Firefighters found an elderly slave chained to a radiator. They broke her free. That’s when she admitted to starting the fire herself as a suicide attempt. Then, investigators got some valuable intel on the Lalaurie home…

The elderly slave said that there were gruesome things happening in the attic. They were shocked at what they found…

Over a dozen slaves were either chained to the walls or locked in cages. Some were suspended by their necks with various scars. Others had bloody welts and were living in iron collars. There were body parts all over the floor, along with organs and heads piled in buckets. Some poor victims were stretched by their limbs.

Delphine fled. No one knows what happened to her or what came of her. She was never tried for her crimes.

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