The Weirdest Things Doctors Have Found in X-Rays

People go into the ER for the strangest things sometimes. This is a bizarre collection of things that doctors have found inside their patients…

Cutting to the Chase

A 52-year-old woman swallowed over 75 pieces of plastic spoons and forks… Sorry, we can’t tell you why she did that because nobody knows.

Milkshake Accidents

Maybe propose in a different way… A man in New Mexico placed an engagement ring in his girlfriend’s milkshake. Apparently, he wasn’t prepared for her to eat the whole thing and not find the ring… Whoops!

A Real Headache

Patrick Lawler had a killer headache that wouldn’t go away. Eventually, it was thought to be a toothache. When his x-rays came out everyone was shocked. Lawler was no idea how this long nail got into his head!

Bus Stop Altercation

Three men were waiting at a bus stop when a robbery took place right in front of them. They tried to step in and stop it, but one man ended up with a knife to his head. He ended up making a full recovery.

Death By…

Unfortunately, this poor soul met their demise with a nail gun.

Post-Op Pain

This one is particularly terrifying. Pat Skinner had surgery at an Australian hospital. 18 months later, he went back because of severe stomach pains. Turns out, the doctors left the surgical scissors inside of him.

Through the Skull

A child was accidentally struck in the head with an arrow. The arrow pierced his eye socket and went into the back of his skull. He ended up surviving the traumatic experience.

Edward Scissor-Teeth

This person accidentally swallowed a pair of small scissors. They said that they were using the scissors to clean their teeth when they began to laugh. Then, down went the scissors!

Keeping Warm

This is an x-ray of a 12-foot-long Burmese Python. Somehow, this big guy ended up swallowing an electric blanket.

Brow Blade

This soldier had been stabbed with a knife four inches into his forehead. He managed to survive without any major ailments.

Poking the Pup

This poor pup swallowed a serrated knife that became lodged between his esophagus and stomach. It was inside of him for four days until doctors removed it.

Intestinal Glow

A small-scale lightbulb was found in the large intestine of a man from Pakistan. He was just as surprised as the doctors!

Cell Sense

They do crazy things in prison. This guy was trying to smuggle a cell phone into jail. You can probably tell where he hid it…

Construction Trauma

A construction worker fell from a ladder while drilling. When he fell, the drill went straight through his eye socket and out the back of his head. He survived.


A young woman swallowed over 20 cobblestones after an argument with her boyfriend, she wanted to get him worried about her. She figured that they would be flushed out if she drank enough water… That was not the case. They needed to be surgically removed.

This Is the Key

This 17-month-old baby ended up with his mother’s keys piercing through his eye socket. He made a full recovery.

Tub Accident

This guy slipped in the tub and landed head first into the spout. Ouch.

The Magical Stone

This is a kidney stone. It was seven inches long and looked like an ostrich egg!

Charging up the Prison

North Carolina prisoners were found trying to smuggle batteries and bed springs in through their stomachs. They figured they would just poop them out… Not quite.

Hemorrhoid Fail

This patient saw a group of hemorrhoids on his bottom and wanted to try and take care of it himself. He used a bullet to try and “push” them back in. For the record, you can’t push hemorrhoids. He had to get this surgically removed.

Cockroach Chasing

A cockroach went down a woman’s throat (somehow) so she decided to try and get it with a fork. Well, she swallowed that too.

Stuck on You

Those are magnets! Not fun. This eight-year-old decided to swallow a bunch of these magnets and ended up in the ER.

A Nail? How?

This South Korean man ended up in the ER because he had a headache. Apparently, he had no idea that there was a nail lodged into his forehead.

Battlefield Blooper

Thats a grenade lodged into this guys forehead… Yeah, we don’t know either.

Grenades for Breakfast

More grenades! This one was found in the stomach of a terrorist. He was supposed to swallow it and have it explode, but he forgot to detonate it… Good thing he wasn’t the smartest, probably saved a lot of peoples’ lives.

Bugging Me

This young subject thought that inserting a can of bug spray into himself would spice up his sex life. Not quite.

Experimental No-No

This is a sex toy that went up a bit too far. He then tried to use a pair of salad tongs to try and get it. No use. He had to go to the ER.

Back Together

Another case of putting a bullet up your bum… Not sure why anyone thinks that this would be a good idea.

Passing the Pieces

This person swallowed a whole bunch of nails and eventually passed them through on their own!

With a Silver Spoon

A 22-year-old student accidentally swallowed a spoon when her room mate scared her.

Scissor Fight

Someone got dirty in a bar fight. These scissors went right into his cheekbone. He made a full recovery.

Fired Up

This pair of fire tongs ended up in this guys head because someone threw them there.

To Infinity

Yep, that’s buzz lightyear. This little kid thought he was a snack, apparently.

Cane You Not

Someone wanted to have some fun with their candy cane…

iPod Holster

Your iPod does not belong up your bum, sorry.

Throwback Vibes

Some people just can’t let go of the past… Yeah, that’s a cassette tape.

Low Signal

Cell phones don’t really work when they’re inside of you!

Paris, Forever

Ouch, somehow this little Eiffel Tower trinket ended up in this guys hand…

Denture’s Down the Hatch

It’s just so hard to keep track of your dentures… Especially when you swallow them.

Truth or Dare

You might have to look closely for that one… Let’s play, “Find the toothbrush!”

Oh, Fork

Watch where you step! This fork doesn’t look too comfortable…

Headless Horrors

Someone decided to put a Barbie up their bum… At least they took her head off first? Is that even a good thing?

The Key to Her Heart

That’s one way to misplace your keys, right? Hopefully, the landlord doesn’t mind..

Trimming Up

That’s a nose hair trimmer… Somehow lodged into this persons abdomen. Once again, the story to this one is unknown. It’s gotta be an interesting one, to say the least.

Safety First

Someone swallowed a safety pin. Luckily, it didn’t make it that far into their body…


This is probably one of the LAST things you want to swallow. Exacto knives are sharp, you guys! This prison inmate wasn’t messing around.

Taking a Whisk

A whisk could be used as a sex toy, right?

Under the Sea

This 16-month-old decided Spongebob would be better off in her tummy.

Share a Coke

This is a disgrace to the Coca Cola brand.

Concealed Carry

We’re not totally sure if this counts as a legal conceal carry…

Interior Cleanse

This electric toothbrush looks like it hurts.

Tools of the Trade

There’s just a whole bunch of goods in this one!


Yeah, this was bound to happen. Kids these days…

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