These Creepy Things That Kids Have Said Will Have You Questioning Everything

Apparently, kids are pretty intuitive! They always say weird things that adults can’t explain. If you’re a skeptic about ghosts or past lives, this gallery might just change your mind…

Is That A Threat?

Someone’s been watching a little too many spooky movies…  

Master Chef Junior

This would make for a pretty interesting audition tape.

The Best Mom

Most people are skeptics about reincarnation until they have kids and they say stuff like this!  

Straight Out Of A Nightmare

They say that kids are usually closer to the spirit realm since they are just starting their new lives, but if this doesn’t prove it… We don’t know what will.

Are They… Possessed?

We’re about to start second guessing every stuffed animal we see…  

Okay, No

Well, it’s safe to say that they aren’t heading back there again. There are other, less-sacrifical woods int he world.  

Why Is This Something a Child Would Say

Mom and dad better sleep with one eye open!  

Makes Sense

This is probably the most believable theory about life before birth!

Thanks For Keeping Me Around

It’s probably better than having your kid wanting you simply dead and gone, right?  

Don’t Let Your Kids Watch the News

These types of imaginations are… not fun to deal with.  

Please No

Twins are fun until they can talk… Then, they start to scheme against you.

Granny’s Just Hangin’ Out

At least it’s not a demon! That’s a somewhat comforting thought.  

Not Particularly!

That was either a drag about his grandmother’s age or he knows something that no one else does…  

Past Life Flashback

Must have been a british dude back in the day…  

Kids Learn At Different Paces

She just had to learn Spanish before she learned English, it’s a no brainer.  

Ghost Hangout

All the dead grandmas must have chosen the attic as the best spooky hangout spot. Someone’s catching on!  

How Did He Know?

  Maybe someone was whispering in his ear about it… Someone, like a ghost.  

Every Wondered About This?

This isn’t something I’ve ever wondered about but, sure, I’ll take this information.

That’s Terrifying  

This really makes you think about past lives… How could he have known this?


Nightmare Or… Reliving Something?

  This is a heartbreaking story told by a little kid! Some kids must be more in tune with their past lives, or they just have wild dreams and imaginations.

That’s Horrifying

Not sure what I’d do if a kid said something that significant to me… How do you react to that?

They Just Know

Maybe she should be a doctor when she grows up! She’s already pretty intuitive.

Always Watching

That’s the best case scenario, honestly.

That’s Incredible

Not even the best poet could say that!

Another Mini Doctor!

These kids should really go into the medical world. If not that, maybe being a psychic? Who knows!

Kids See Ghosts, Confirmed

This is more comforting than creepy… Kids really do have a connection to the spirit world!

Imaginary Friend…?

Kids usually have imaginary friends but this is… A bit too creepy!

Little Tiny Psychic

Hopefully she got to name them, too!

Let’s Not

Safe to say they probably won’t be returning!

Kids Are Very Intuitive

Glad that sweet little kids like this one are out there!

Never Babysitting You Again

It’s time to tell the mom what he did and then never, ever return.

Just Hangin’

She’s just coming by to say hi!


Best to give that weird little spirit some time alone, right?

Keep An Eye Out For This One

Let’s hope this kid doesn’t get any bright ideas…


  Apparently, this person decided to mention that this was, indeed, around the missing flight. What do these kids know?

Let’s Not

Instead of waiting for “them” lets just book it and run away!

Fever Dream

I would just put that little sucker to sleep and pretend that I didn’t hear that.

Oh, Sure

What do kids know that we don’t?

Okay, Buddy

Let’s NOT babysit this kid again.

That’s… Creepy

When your son is your dad, things could get a little bizarre.

It’s A Sweet Thought?

Why do kids get weirdly murderous when they love someone?


This really makes you think about what kind of spirits are around you…

Should I Be Worried?

Is that a joke or are you about to be egged?

Watch Out for That One

This kid might end up being a bit of a problem child if he keeps that up..  

Grandma’s Getting Along with the Grandkids

It’s always kind of comforting when the dead grandparents come to visit!

When The Kids Know About Your Past Lives, Too…

How did this kid know that? What else does he know?

Does He Have To Be That Creepy, Though?

Can’t her uncle visit like… Not creepily in the closet?  

It’s A Sign

It’s a pretty good excuse to return the baby to the hospital, ya know?  

Please Don’t

Maybe keep the kids separated for a bit.  

 What Else Could Go Wrong?

They weren’t aware that there’s a man who crawls on the floor… Maybe the white wolves can help?

Absolutely Not

Why do kids keep getting weirdly violent!!!  

At Least He’s Not Under Your Bed!

Technically, the parent did their job, so….  

Kids Always Know, Apparently

This should be researched… Why do kids know when women are pregnant before they do!  

Missing Harvey

Sweet, creepy, scary, weird, all of the above… yeah, we’ll go with all of the above.

Grandma’s Don’t Quit

Even a Grandma who barely got to be a mother! Although it’s kind of creepy, it’s still sweet.

Oh, Yeah, Naturally.

Right, your other Mom. How could I forget?

I Wouldn’t Sleep That Night

Kids have pretty weird premonitions… Either someone is going to die or the kid is just being silly.


This isn’t a very common thought… What in the world did he see?

Intuitive Sister

This is a very sad story, but hopefully, the little brother will be sticking around his big sister in his afterlife.

Legit Ghost Haunting

That all seems a little too creepy… Maybe it’s time to move?

Is That You?

Obviously, children experiencing their past lives is not uncommon… But, this little girl is apparently her own great grandmother? What’s that about?

That’s Not Normal

In context, it’s not as terrible. Yet, it’s still not pleasant to hear at 6 am…

Gotta Go!

Why are kids always seeing these creepy demon things?

We Live in a Simulation!

When a 4-year-old is into the Elon Musk simulation conspiracies…

Let’s Hope Not

This is such a random thing for a 5-year-old to ask…

How Could She Know…

Her mom didn’t even know about all of that history! I would start to take a new route from work, too…

Oddly Comforting

It’s a nice thought, having your babies still around you…

A Horrifying Premonition

How did he see that coming?

Kinda Sweet

That kiddo probably helped a little bit with that creepy sentiment.

I Guess So?

That’s one way to combat that…

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