You Wanna Be a Hells Angel? You Gotta Follow These Wild Rules

Do you want to become a member of a notorious motorcycle gang? Good, then this article should be treated like your bible. 

They Don't Talk About Missing Members

The Hells Angels are extremely secretive, especially when a member of their charter or group goes missing. They do not discuss anything about that missing person to the outside world, and it's assumed that members themselves don't even speak about them. 

What Happens When You Break the Rules

Technically speaking, nobody is sure what happens when you break the official Hells Angels rules. This is only because nobody has spoken to a journalist about getting reprimanded for breaking a sacred rule, meaning that they might be dead. Some members are forced to get their tattoos removed for breaking soft rules, but larger ones are still a mystery. 

Once a Hells Angel, Always a Hells Angel

The second a member gets their vest, they're locked in for life. You cannot retire, and you cannot leave. When a member of the gang passes away, the HAMC will pay for their funeral and they will all come together to mourn their death. 

Feeding Families

In modern times, the Hells Angels put together community feeding events with regularity. Recently, the Angels have been putting together feeding drives for essential workers and healthcare workers. They also spend quite a bit of time feeding local homeless individuals and poor families who cannot fend for themselves at the moment. 

Hair is Important Too

Members of the Hells Angels are allowed to have whatever haircut they want. Some of the members of the gang take that sentiment a little farther than others though. Some angels differentiate themselves based on their crazy style. Mullets, perms, mohawks, and wild colors aid each individual in expressing themselves within their group. 

You Cannot Talk to the Press

The Hells Angels do not reveal any information about themselves or their fellow members under any circumstances. This includes talking to any journalist, news reporter, or social media activist that may have some prying questions about their organization. Those who are caught speaking to the public can be severely punished. 

The Filthy Few

There are a handful of different patches that members could get for doing different things. The Filthy Few patch is given to members of the gang who kill for their club. There is another patch called the "Dequiallo" patch that was given to people who used excessive force on law enforcement while being arrested. 

The Rules of Meetings

The Hells Angels follow a rule system called Robert's Rules of Order. The members stick to the plan, they do not interrupt one another when speaking, and they can only ask questions before the meetings begin. If someone doesn't respect the rules, they can be fined a monetary charge. 

Hanging Around

The way the Angels vet their prospective candidates is the step from being a "prospect" to becoming a "hang-around." Hang-arounds are people that go to some events, learn some information, go to some meetings, and get to known senior group members in an intimate way. Basically, this is the second interview process for candidates. 

Subtance Abuse is Not Tolerated

Although Hells Angels may have a "tough guy" reputation, not every stereotype associated with the organization is true. In an effort to retain order and prevent the members from getting themselves into some bad situations, the Hells Angels strictly prohibit substance abuse of any kind. 

The Angels and the Dead

The Hells Angels were consistent road crew for the Grateful Dead in the 1960s through the 1980s. Several murders and attacks were drawn back to the Angels over the course of the several year hiatus that the Dead took in the '70s. They also helped distribute drugs at the shows. 

The Jewelry Comes With Age

Outside of patches, the Hells Angels use rings and different types of jewelry to signify seniority once they have filled out their jackets. When a member of the Hells Angels shows up wearing rings on every finger, you best believe that they're an important and powerful person in the gang. 

Keep Your Mouth Shut

The only reason that the public knows about the Hells Angels is that someone leaked this information. Julian Share, an investigative writer who has been trailing the gang since 2000, states that the Angels have a strict policy when it keeps to keeping their operations covert. "It's part of their secrecy and, to some degree, a part of their security," he said.

The Angels are Territorial

Much like street gangs, the Hells Angels are very territorial individuals. If a member of a rival gang enters the Hells Angels turf, they need to have permission and a reason to be there. If they don't, they have to leave. Quickly.  

The Initiation Sequence

Rumor has it that the Hells Angels subject their prospects to brief physical trauma to prove their willingness to stick around. They get beat up, plain and simple. This is a common initiation technique used by numerous different street gangs around the world. 

Show Up to Meetings—Or Else!

The Angels exercise extreme strictness when it comes to their meeting schedule. You're allowed to pass on a meeting if you prove that you're sick or you have a familial issue, but if you get caught lying, there might be hell to pay. 

The Vest is Sacred

When a member of the Hells Angels gets arrested, they hand their vest off to another member for safekeeping. If a member loses their vest through means that they could have prevented, they will be removed from the Hells Angels. We're serious, and that person might disappear forever. 

Not Just Anyone Can Start a Charter

Joining the Hells Angels is difficult, so naturally starting a chapter of the Hells Angels is even more difficult. In order to start your own branch of the Hells Angels, you need to be asked by a senior member. You cannot ask to start your own charter, as stated on the Hells Angels website. 

The Original Hells Angels

The Hells Angels were named after a WWII squadron that was fronted by one of the founding members of the group. The man was named Arvid Olson, ad he was the lead pilot in a group called the Flying Tigers who were stationed in China. They became infamous for their deadly assaults and ruthless behavior, so they were renamed the "Hells Angels."

There Are Mandatory Club Events

The HAMC doesn't just have meetings, they host club events as well. These events happen pretty frequently. They could be events for charity, food drives, motorcades, concerts, parties, or just regular meetups at a clubhouse or bar. Just like most events hosted by the Hells Angels, members will be punished if they do not attend. 

Always Pull Over for Police

If one member is pulled over by the cops, it is customary for the rest of the gang to pull over in solidarity. This shows that the club acts as a unit, in addition to being an intimidation tactic if the police start to get a little handsy. 

Newbies Do the Dirty Work

In order to get noticed by the gang, you need to stick your neck out a little bit. They call these individuals "prospects." These are people who are not affiliated with the gang but decided that they wanted to be part of it somehow, so they help commit crimes. 

The Angels Get Involved

Although the Hells Angels are a violent, white supremacist organization, they tend to give back to their communities. They get involved in local charities and food banks, they also assist victims of local crimes with free security if the perpetrator was still on the loose. They even raise money to help local homeless folks get back on their feet. 

Respect the Patches

Once inducted into Hells Angels, members receive patches to signify their dedication to the club, which are then adhered to a leather jacket or vest. These patches are the prized possessions of the Hells Angels, kind of like badges of honor that one would receive in the military. It's also rumored that Hells Angels won't allow medical professionals to cut through their clothing if it means cutting through a patch.

Don't Ask How You Can Join

Interested in becoming an Angel? Well, you're not going to get very far. The Hells Angels don't recruit newbies with an application process. Chances are, if you have to figure out how to become a Hells Angel, you can't become one. 

No Apostrophes

We don't know why there is no apostrophe in Hells Angels, and according to their website, they don't want us to know why the apostrophe is missing. "Missing apostrophe in Hells Angels?" the site reads. "Yes, we know that there is an apostrophe missing but it is you who miss [sic] it. We don't."

Consent Is Crucial

Although women aren't allowed to be part of the Hells Angels, the club takes how the members treat women extremely seriously. There is absolutely no tolerance for any abuse or sexual assault by members of the gang. 

Merch for Members Only

Wearing Hells Angels merchandise is no joke. If you get caught wearing anything that could signify that you're a Hells Angel, but you're not, you might wake up in a hospital the next morning. Or, they'll just take whatever you've got off of you. 

Ride or Die

Hells Angels is a motorcycle club, after all. Members of the club typically ride 20,000 miles as a collective throughout the year. If you can't take the time out of your schedule to ride consistently, you might want to call it quits. 

Angels Only

Once you become a Hells Angel, you can never join another motorcycle club again. "Never combine your support to Hells Angels with other clubs, street gangs, or others if you are unaware of the relationship between those others and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club," the website reads.

Grooming Baby Bikers

That's really a joke. But, the members of the Hells Angels regularly put together transportation drives to help low-income kids get to school. They give these kids bikes through the Toys for Tots foundation. 

They Don't Ride in a Random Order

If you've ever seen a pack of Angels members riding down the street on their bikes, you'll likely notice how evenly-spaced and organized they are. The gang rides in seniority order, meaning that the oldest members of the club ride in the front, while the newbies hold the rear. 

Snitches Get Stitches

No matter what, don't rat out a fellow member of the club, regardless of what kind of unsavory business with which they're involved. It's not uncommon for Hells Angels to get arrested and questioned by authorities. If one club member rats out another club member, the rat might not make it home. 

Harleys Only

Hells Angels are a motorcycle club, so it's not exactly shocking that members need to own a bike—but not just any bike will do. It's a tradition for members to ride a Harley Davidson. However, some other makes are acceptable, such as Buell, which is owned by Harley Davidson. If you show up with a bike that wasn't made in America, you're going to get sent home. 

You Can't Be Connected to Law Enforcement

If you think about it, members of a criminal biker gang probably don't want anyone who could take them down on the inside of their club. If you have ever been a cop, worked in a prison, or done any law-enforcement work for the state, you're officially ineligible to become an Angel. 

They're Everywhere

Although the HAMC was formed in America, the club has expanded globally, aside from the Netherlands, where they are banned. Over 29 countries are listed in their charter. Most of those countries also hold the Hells Angels in contempt under the threat that they could also be groups of domestic terrorists. 

Racism Prevails

Historically, Hells Angels is a whites-only outlaw motorcycle club. Over the decades, especially in chapters outside the U.S., this stance has loosened—but ultimately, Hells Angels is an organization that does not embrace progressive politics, favoring Nazi symbolism and aligning themselves with groups like the Aryan Brotherhood. This particular fact was what prevented the Hells Angels from becoming nationally celebrated as a historic American club. 

Don't Link Their Website Without Permission

Whether you're a member or not, you need explicit permission if you want to link their webpage in anything you might post online. "You may not establish and/or operate links to this website without the prior written consent of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club," it reads. "Such consent may be withdrawn at any time at the Hells Angels MCs own discretion."

Hells Angels vs. The Rock Machine

The Rock Machine, like HAMC, is an international motorcycle club, albeit a much smaller one than Hells Angels. The Rock Machine were known rivals of the Hells Angels from 1986 to 2002. The Quebec Biker War waged on between both groups for years after The Rock Machine's leader got locked up. Dozens of people died in ambushes and turf wars, and it all came to a close at the turn of the century. 

Celebrity Bonds

Hells Angels have a ton of connections to the celebrity world. They have been associated in the past with acts like the Grateful Dead, Allen Ginsberg, and Ken Kesey. HAMC is even known to have ties to bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Angel for Life

You can never stop being a Hells Angel. On their website, there is a statement that reads: "There is no such thing as a retired or undercover Angels member and never has been. There are a few of our brothers who cannot associate with us do to our govt. and their parole stipulations." Keep that in your head when you're considering looking for a sponsor. 

Close Brotherhood

It's hard to keep your spirits up when you and your friends are under the constant scrutiny of the law. Hells Angels members are able to recoup extra cash that they would otherwise lose if they had full-time jobs by running functional businesses like an outlet store in Toronto. They also frequently donate to Toys for Tots to help them write their taxes off. 

Stick to the Dress Code

If you want to be an Angel, you have to dress for the part. You must wear black jeans, a black shirt, and a black vest when you ride. There are no acceptions.

It's Up to a Vote

Being accepted into the club is a rigorous process involving several rounds of membership. Some people wait in line for several years before they get admitted to the club, this is due to a collective unanimous vote that is required to let any new members in. 

Hells Angels Brand

Hells Angels is more than just a regular motorcycle club anymore. HAMC diversified its brand by producing merchandise like coffee mugs, t-shirts, and yoga pants. Sonny Barger, head of the HAMC, has his own line of branded goods. However, none of these goods are considered "official HAMC" merch. 

HAMC Inspired Many Movies

In the '60s and '70s, motorcycle clubs had become the subject of much public distaste and scrutiny. However, filmmakers capitalized on this by churning out features name-dropping HAMC in the title, such as Peter Fonda's The Wild Angels (1966) or Jack Nicholson's Hells Angels On Wheels.

Hand Signals

There is an unspoken code of respect between motorcyclists. There is a specific way that members of biker clubs wave to each other, by extending their hand low instead of high. They also use specific hand signals to warn one another about speed traps, police, or other travel-impeding problems that may lay ahead. Most motorcycle gangs have their own group signals, which they use to communicate with rival gang members to tell them that they mean no harm. 

Lots of Veterans

The founding members of Hells Angels were veterans of WWII. The name of the club was inspired by the Flying Tigers' "Hells Angels" squadron. This helped lots of veterans find like-minded individuals after getting out of wars, although the Hells Angels are generally considered to be bad people. 

Death Head Logo

The most recognizable symbol of the Hells Angels is their official "death head" logo, designed by the former president of the San Francisco chapter, Frank Sadilek. The death head logo is that skull with wings that usually sits on the back of Hells Angels vests. 

Biker Gangs Make Up 2.5% of All Gang Members in the U.S.

It may seem like biker gangs are leaders in the U.S. crime circuit, but in reality, only 2.5% of the gang population in total consists of biker gangs. Biker clubs are able to fly under the radar because the FBI focuses most of its resources on trying to put down street gangs in lower-income areas. 

They Partied With The Beatles

Both The Beatles and Hells Angels were always down to have a good time. After spending a night partying with the HAMC, George Harrison invited some members to come to hang out with the whole band in the UK. Legend has it that this was the origin of the European branches of the HAMC. 

Lennoxville Massacre

In 1985, five members of the North Laval, Quebec chapter were murdered by fellows members of Montreal and Nova Scotia chapters. The victims were perceived to be high-risk members due to their party-heavy lifestyles. They were invited to meet at the Lennoxville clubhouse where 41 members violently killed them and dumped their bodies in the nearby river.

You Need the Right Personality

If you want to become an Angel, you need the right personality to fit in with the rest of the club. Chances are if you're the kind of person that's looking to join a motorcycle club, you've already got your head in the right place. That being said, there are plenty of facts you should know before you want to join...

Safety in Numbers

Motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than those in passenger cars. By riding as a large unit, biker clubs can heighten their visibility, therefore lessening the chance of an accident. Hells Angels primarily travel in a pack both to avoid law enforcement from picking off one of them and to prevent cars from doing anything stupid around them. 

Free Security

Would you mess with the Hells Angels? The HAMC once provided security for a free Rolling Stones concert. The club patrolled the Altamont festival in December of 1969 in exchange for free beer. Some smaller bands went on the record stating that they requested security from the HAMC, but they were all denied because the bikers didn't want to hang there. 

They Sued Disney—And Won

In 2007, HAMC filed a lawsuit against Walt Disney for their attempt to reference the club in Wild Hogs. Disney agreed to settle this problem out of court (a wise decision) and they agreed to remove the reference to the Angels from their film. A similar issue happened with the design house Alexander McQueen, Zappos, and Saks Fifth Avenue.

No Ladies

Unfortunately, it's true that women are excluded from the club. However, any lady with direct ties to the Hells Angels also has the protection that's offered to internal members. So, if you're an Angel, your wife has the same security detail that you do. 


The Pagans began as a nonviolent club. However, in the 1970s, leader John "Satan" Marron got the club inveigled with organized crime. Despite their small membership, they are considered one of the most dangerous motorcycle clubs by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. The Pagans are still around, and they have increased their membership exponentially since their conception. 

Justified Violence

In the eyes of the Hells Angels, violence is always justified. There is a document by the American Motorcycle Association that is supposed to dictate the behavior of motorcycle gang members, but the Hells Angels kind of play by their own rules.

One Percenters

Hells Angels are by far the most recognizable motorcycle club, but that's because there aren't very many, to begin with. Most of those involved in illegal outlaw biker club activities are referred to as "1 percenters" because, for the most part, the other 99% of the riding club community are simply groups of people who love to ride motorcycles. This separates the Hells Angels from other riders based on intention because the Hells Angels strictly mean business. 

Waco Biker Shooting

The Waco Biker Shooting took place on May 17, 2015, at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas. Several bikers' clubs had convened to discuss motorcyclist rights. Someone claimed that a member of a rival gang ran over his toe, and he started a fight with another gang member. By the time the police intervened, 9 were dead, and 18 were severely injured.

Sometimes, They Take the Legal Route

Although HAMC is technically considered an outlaw group, that doesn't mean they always avoid the path of the law. In order to avoid run-ins with the cops that could jeopardize their club's integrity, they tend to find ways to work around the parameters that get set for them. 

Chain of Command

Like any club, there is a strict chain of command in place for HAMC. The Angels have presidents, vice presidents, and treasurers who deal with the more business-oriented elements of the club. Everyone in the club has their own unique role unless you're an individual at the bottom of the food chain. When you begin with the Angels, your job is to figure out what job you can do. 

Creative Nicknames

The sky is the limit when it comes to your biker nickname. Usually, your nickname is the way you are referred to by other members of the club. These nicknames are afforded to members based on arbitrary characteristics. For instance, one member of the HAMC goes by "Gray Beard" because he has a big gray beard.

The Most Famous Ex-Leader

Maurice "Mom" Boucher is one of the most notorious ex-leaders of the HAMC. He was the acting president of the Montreal chapter during the 8-year-long Quebec Biker War. Boucher was a white supremacist and a known neo-nazi. He was in charge when the Lennoxville Massacre transpired.

There Are Female Biker Gangs

Although women may not officially be allowed in Hells Angels, that doesn't mean they haven't found their own way to represent sisterhood. Women bikers have established ladies-only motorcycle clubs across the U.S. The first female motorcycle club, established in 1941, was called the Motor Maids. There are even queer and transgender motorcycle clubs that ride together. It's a sign of solidarity and strength in numbers. 


Hells Angels are not necessarily the most violent of all the biker gangs. The Warlocks have such a nasty reputation that many of their fellow clubs won't even recognize them. The gang has a history of brutal violence and drug trafficking, similar to the Hells Angels. However, the Warlocks do not give back to society whatsoever, they are only in it for personal gain. 

Black Pistons Motorcycle Club

The Black Pistons are a support club for the Outlaws. A support club exists solely to deal with the dirty work that even a one-percent gang won't take on. Black Pistons deal drugs or get rid of enemies on behalf of their father gang. Members of the Black Pistons ride black motorcycles and wear all black with no patches or affiliations on them to retain their anonymity. 

Law-Abiding Citizens (Mostly)

It's no secret that biker gangs across the world have a less-than-savory reputation. However, the vast majority are law-abiding citizens. Only a small minority of clubs are "outlaw" biker clubs. Most clubs such as the Iron Medics EMS Motorcycle Club, lead very normal lives during the workweek. There are even state governors, congress-people, teachers, and senators who ride in motorcycle clubs. 

Back in Time

Motorcycle clubs have existed for over a century. The first motorcycle club was established in 1903, called the New York Motorcycle Club. NYMC merged with other groups to become the Federation of American Motorcyclists. This doesn't;t necessarily mean that members of these clubs are dangerous, it just means that they joined a coalition of like-minded individuals. 

Bandidos Motorcycle Club

The Bandidos are one of the largest gangs in America. Although it has only been around for just over sixty years, the gang has a presence in 16 states and 14 countries. The federal government has labeled them as one of the Big Four Motorcycle Clubs—which consists of the Pagans, Hells Angels, Outlaws, and Bandidos. This is a primarily Hispanic and Latinx biker gang that has worked in conjunction with the other big motorcycle gangs to keep the peace. 

Sons of Anarchy Is Loosely Based on HAMC

Sons of Anarchy was an extremely popular television show until it eventually concluded after seven seasons. Many events that occurred on the show also happened in real life, and the series creator, Kurt Sutter, even cast some original Hells Angels members. Sutter even hired David Labrava, a real-life member, to work as his Technical Advisor.

How Many Members?

Since they were established in 1948, Hells Angels have racked up quite the member count. It is estimated that there are 2,500 Hells Angels members across the globe, in 230 different chapters or branches, spanning 26 countries. Based on how difficult it is to actually get into the Hells Angels, they must have turned away at least ten times the number they accepted. 

Separate Language

Like many communities, the HAMC has developed a vernacular of their own, often including vulgar euphemisms. One of the more viewer-friendly examples you might hear is a member calling someone a R.U.B., or a "Rich Urban Biker." This is a way of making fun of them, but it can also serve as an indicator for a recipient of violent action. 

Tattoos Are Important

Members of motorcycle clubs like HAMC are extremely proud of their organizations. One way to show off their loyalty to the club is by getting tattoos. Tattoos are a common way for bikers to display where their loyalties lie, especially among outlaw biker gangs, where members may be forced to remove tattoos upon leaving the club. Also, if you happen to have a biking tattoo and aren't a member of a motorcycle club, you might want to start running. Depending on the club, those gang members might take your tattoo away from you. 

Patches vs. Colors

Different patches mean different things, which vary per club. Colors, on the other hand, are usually a group of three patches: a "top rocker" with the name of the club, the club logo in the center, and a "bottom rocker" that depicts the region of the club. Depending on the country or state of your club's origin, placement can be different from others.

The Highwaymen

The Highwaymen would be no match for Hells Angels or the Outlaws, capping at around 200 members. However, their history is a bloody one. The Highwaymen have brought plenty of crime to Motor City, including murder and cocaine trafficking. They are still active today, but like the Hells Angels, they have calmed down significantly. 

Sports Bikes Aren't Enough

If you want to join a biker gang, a sports bike just won't cut it. As evidenced by every photo of the HAMC, a motorcycle is a vehicle required to become part of the club. Sorry to any dirt bike riders with big dreams, no mopeds are allowed near the Hells Angels when they ride. 

"Full Patch" Status

It can take quite a while to receive "full patch membership," or a complete set of colors. A rider can spend anywhere from months to years as a "prospector" racking up miles on their bike and earning the trust of their brotherhood. Once someone receives all of their patches, they are considered to be a tenured member of the HAMC. 

McCook Outlaws

Decades ago, the first illegal biker gang was formed. They were known as the McCook Outlaws, founded in 1935. Now, the club is simply known as the Outlaws. They have been around for 85 years, meaning their 100th anniversary is coming up sooner than one might think. They do less illegal activity nowadays, but that doesn't mean that those old folks can't protect themselves if necessary. 

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